The Duck family is a fictional family of cartoon ducks related to Disney character Donald Duck. The family is also related to the Coot, Goose, and Gander families, as well as the Scottish Clan McDuck. Besides Donald, the most well-known members of the Duck family are Huey, Dewey, and Louie, Donald's three nephews.
Members of the Duck family appear most extensively in Donald Duck comic stories (although some have made animated appearances). In 1993, American comics author Don Rosa published a Duck family tree which established each characters' relationships for purposes of his stories. Rosa even created a fictional timeline for when certain characters were born. (All birth/death dates given below are Rosa's.) Some other comics authors, both before and after Rosa's family tree, have shown variations in the family.
In the early 1950s Carl Barks was in his second decade of creating comic book stories starring Donald Duck and his various relatives. He had personally created several of the latter, Scrooge McDuck and Gladstone Gander being the most notable among them, but the exact relation between them was still somewhat uncertain. Barks decided to create a personal version of their Family tree. To better define their relations, he added several previously unknown relatives. Barks never intended to publish this family tree, as he had created it for his personal use.