
Worldwide Intifada #1

The first intifada

We are reproducing here a long extant pamphlet that is referred to in the Aufheben article, Behind the 21st century intifada. It was published in 1992.

A new age begins in Spain - Pierre Besnard

Preceding the French Syndicalist delegation composed of member of the C.G.T.S.R., and the C.G.T., I wen t to Puigcerda on Dcecmber 10, together with some comrades from the Local Federation of Barcelona and the Regional Confederation of Catalonia. The welcome organized by our friends in Puigcerda was most cordial.

Modern times

Modern Times cover

One-off ultraleft publication from London from 1987, looking at Thatcher's Britain and the global class struggle.

News from everywhere

News from Everywhere cover

Online archive of a UK ultraleft publication published in London from 1987, News from Everywhere.

Open Vistas: a bi-monthly of life and letters

Archive of Open Vistas, a 1925 magazine that published poetry and reviews, as well as essays reflecting the editors' anarchist politics.

Introduction to The Road to Freedom - Paul Buhle

A brief history by Paul Buhle of The Road to Freedom, an anarchist newspaper published out of New Jersey and New York from 1924-1932.

The Road to Freedom

Archive of The Road to Freedom, an anarchist newspaper published out of New Jersey and New York from 1924-1932.

The Fighting-call bulletin

Partial online archive of Fighting-call, a Spanish workers' journal of the Freedom Group and Anti-Parliamentary Communist Federation with information from the Spanish anarchist organisations CNT-FAI during the Civil War.

A history of Vanguard

A history by Andrew Cornell of Vanguard, an anarchist journal produced during the 1930s in New York. Taken from Cornell's excellent “For a world without oppressors: U.S. Anarchism from the Palmer Raids to the Sixties"

The Industrial Union Bulletin: an introduction and appraisal - Melvyn Dubofsky

A short history of the Industrial Union Bulletin, an early IWW newspaper.