07:37 GMT +3 hours22 March 2016
FlyDubai Boeing-737-800

Passenger Plane Crashes at Rostov-on-Don Airport in Russia

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FlyDubai Boeing Crashes in Russia (51)

A passenger FlyDubai Boeing-737-800 en route from Dubai to Russia’s Rostov-on-Don crashed at the city's airport after missing the runway amid poor visibility. There were 7 crew members and 55 passengers on board the crashed Boeing 737-800 plane, the Russian Emergencies Ministry said in a statement.

"According to preliminary information, there were 62 people on board (55 passengers and 7 crew members), the information is being verified," the statement on the ministry website says.

Most people on board the crashed passenger jet Boeing-737-800 were residents of the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, there also were foreigners among them, the Russian Emergencies Ministry’s Southern Regional Center’s chief Igor Oder said Saturday.

"There were mainly residents of Rostov-on-Don on board. According to preliminary data, there also were three foreigners there," Oder said during a video conference in the Emergencies Ministry.

An emergencies source told RIA Novosti that the plane’s crew included a Greek national, two Spanish nationals, as well as one national of Russia, one of Colombia, one of Kazakhstan and one of the Seychelles.

According to the source, the passengers included three Ukrainian nationals, an Indian national and an Uzbekistan national.

The Russian Emergencies Ministry published the list of all passengers and crew members. There were six foreigners among the seven crew members.

Poor visibility caused by heavy rain could have been the cause of the crash. A blast occurred shortly after the jet crashed, according to authorities.

"No other scenario for the crash of the plane, apart from the weather, is being considered," Governor of the Rostov Region Vasily Golubev said.

The Boeing 737-800 plane went down about 250-300 meters (820-984 feet) short of the runway, the governor said.

The runways at the Rostov-on-Don Airport (ROV), where the Boeing passenger jet crashed, are in good condition.

"The airport underwent reconstruction last year, between March and June, the runways also underwent reconstruction. The runway is in good condition," Golubev said on Rossiya-24 TV on Saturday.

Russian Investigation Committee has launched a preliminary investigation.

FlyDubai Airlines has confirmed the crash of its flight in Rostov-on-Don. An inquiry into the accident has been launched, a company statement reads.

"We are aware of an incident involving our flight FZ981 from Dubai to Rostov On Don. We are investigating further details and will publish an update once more information is available," FlyDubai said on Facebook.

Some 80 rescuers and 19 pieces of rescue equipment are working on the crash site.

FlyDubai Boeing Crashes in Russia (51)
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Boeing Gathering Details of Plane Crash in Russia
jet, plane crash, casualties, crash, Boeing 737-800, FlyDubai, Russian Investigation Committee, Russian Emergencies Ministry, Russia, Rostov-on-Don
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  • michael
    one hopes that there are no fatalities.
  • michael
    if the source is correct, then condolences to the families and friends.
  • Fulvio Nylund
    Caused by a common natural phenomenon and still tragic.
  • Elsa JV
    Another tragic accident, my condolences to the families.
  • Bob Hoferer
    My condolences to all the families involved. Such a horrible tragedy.
  • jande.jande
    wow.. the plane went straight down. almost 90 degrees. this is not 'landing' issue.. this is big time suspicious. look at the location.
  • lianasammartino
    very sorry for such loss of lives!
  • Ivan Buckeyein reply tojande.jande(Show commentHide comment)
    jande.jande, Agree.
  • teddy j
    What a tragic event!

    My deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims. and to russia .
  • teddy j
    Skippy !!!, not me -- i gave you thumbs up because we both share mourning with the victims and their loved ones and russia.
  • teddy jin reply tojande.jande(Show commentHide comment)

    i too am already very suspicious of the USUAL SUSPECTS...and they know who they are...........

    and if you are correct -- and russia eventually WILL find out -- there is going to be hell to pay in ways "they" - whoever they are -- will not know what hit them when the time comes for russia to exact justice, no matter how long it takes.
  • Skippy !!!in reply toteddy j(Show commentHide comment)
    Thank you teddy j. It is N.P. but there are some really derogatory arses around, so I say FARK THEM!!! I too very much like Russia and people, and quit possible that is there motive for there biased showing. They are truly shit for disrespectful attitude to these deaths, especially where there are lose of children. Again condolence to these families for there loss!!!
  • Mikhas
    Flydubai is owned by UAE and although this particularly nasty branch of wahhabism have no love lost for Russia because of her support for the peoples of Syria among other things, it remain unclear why they intentionally would expose themselves in this way. Qatar,UAE and Saudi Barbaria already have their filthy hands in the Russian crash over Sinai. They could somewhat easily have done it again and cover their tracks behind the US.

    The squatters in occupied Palestine, however, allies with UAE, hate Russia more than they hate gentiles in general and they couldn´t care less about the UAE reputation
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