01:42 GMT +3 hours23 March 2016
Britain's Metropolitan police headquarters, also known as Scotland Yard, is pictured in central London, on September 4, 2014

British Police End VIP Child Abuse Investigation With No Arrests

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British police reported on Monday that a high-profile investigation into an alleged pedophile group has been closed with no arrests.

The investigation, dubbed Operation Midland, began at the end of 2014, as part of the so-called Elm Guest House child abuse scandal, and was intended to examine the claims of three possible murders. The Elm Guest House scandal alleged that a number of prominent figures, including Leon Brittan, interior minister under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and then European commissioner, and Lord Edwin Bramall, a former head of the armed forces, engaged in the sexual abuse of minors.

According to Metropolitan police, "Operation Midland has now closed," as it revealed that a male suspect in his 60s, said to be a former member of parliament who vehemently denied the charges, would face no further action.

Police reported that the investigation cost £1.7 million ($2.4 million). Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Rodhouse, however, believes the money was not wasted, as the investigation was the right thing to do.

"It is absolutely right that we assessed carefully the allegations made to us in October 2014 and did not dismiss them prematurely," he said.

Operation Midland was a part of a larger investigation including a preliminary assessment called Operation Fairbank, and a full-scale child abuse investigation called Operation Fernbridge.    

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Child Abuse, Scotland Yard, Metropolitan Police, leon brittan, Margaret Thatcher, United Kingdom
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  • michael
    does this suggest then that as there is no evidence that they are dropping the case? Interesting concept, this 'justice' we have. (sarcasm)
  • Lord Rothschild
    New Scotland Yard is full of paedophiles so it's no surprise that no arrests have been made.
  • FlorianGeyer
    Is it surprising that 'Like minded people ' employ each other ? That being the case, when a paedophile or fraudster for example is in a position of power he/she can use blackmail to coerce other like minded criminals to do his/her bidding . The greatest advantage of modern times is the states ability to spy on anyone's every day life easily.

    We then get what we have, governments all over the world infested with deviant and criminal people who control the Police, Judiciary, Military, Finance, Big Business, Media, NGO's and much much more..
  • Mitach2002
    Lol. Only the slaves are ever held accountable.
  • aubreydgarrett
    David Icke will have a field day with this. He has a habit of turning over rocks to expose the slimy creatures that hide in the dark!
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