01:29 GMT +3 hours23 March 2016
Germany asylum seekers

Brussels Trying to Shift Blame for Refugee Crisis on Kremlin

© AP Photo/ Armin Weigel/dpa
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The EU and NATO are blaming Russia for all ills in Europe to shift responsibility to Moscow for their own problems, a political analyst wrote.

Recently, The Guardian published an interview with Janis Sarts, Director of NATO’s Strategic Communications Center of Excellence in Latvia. He said that Russia was trying to "topple Angela Merkel by waging an information war designed to stir up anger in Germany over refugees."

According to Sarts, there is "evidence" that Russia is waging such a "war" but he did not provide it. The newspaper only wrote that he "has access to intelligence briefings."

Sarts’ accusation is that Russia is gaining political advantages from the rising popularity of rivals of Merkel’s immigration policy, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. He also claimed that Russia is directly funding the party.

"But if evidence of such money flows exists, why not simply confront the leadership of AfD with it?" Matthew Dal Santo, a Research Fellow at the Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, wrote in his article for The Nation.

When media reported that in 2014 France’s Front National had received a €9.4 loan from a Russian bank, Marine Le Pen’s rivals immediately used this fact in the political struggle.

"But Sarts’ 'revelation' wasn’t meant to inform the public; it was meant to scare it. It’s best seen as the latest act in a joint NATO-EU 'information war' against Russia," the article read.

The European media’s attack against Russia reached its heights when US General Philip Breedlove, NATO supreme commander in Europe, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that "Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately weaponizing migration in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve."

The fact that there was no evidence to his words did not prevent Breedlove from voicing his accusations, the author noted.

"I can’t find any other reason for them […] other than to cause refugees to be on the move and make them someone else’s problem," Breedlove said.
Talk of "weaponizing" and "regime change" is part of the EU’s strategy to shift responsibility for the migrant crisis, which European leaders are unable to deal with, to Moscow, according to the article.

Sarts and Breedlove are merely repeating the words President of the European Council Donald Tusk said about six months ago.

At the same time, Tusk, like many other European politicians, is silent on the deeper reasons behind the crisis, including the West’s failed policy of nation building in the Middle East.

"When Russia’s Syria air campaign began on September 30, migrant arrivals had long since overwhelmed frontline states like Greece. Indeed, Russia’s military support for government forces in Syria may turn out in the long run to have played a crucial role in stemming refugee flows to Europe," Dal Santo wrote.

Even before the Syrian crisis, Europe blamed the Kremlin for its own failures, including the debt crises in Greece and Cyprus. 

"Austerity policies imposed by Greece’s EU partners had created depression-like conditions unseen since the 1930s. Yet blame for Athens’ opening to Moscow somehow shifted instead to Moscow’s largely imagined blandishments," the analyst pointed out.

"Hostility towards both national governments and the supranational EU bureaucracy is rising in many European countries. But it does so independently of Russia, which has (once again) been made the scapegoat for Europe’s failings," he concluded.

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information war, migrant crisis, media, European Union, Russia
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  • Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
    According to nato and the eu : when in the wrong blame Russia.... but facts are telling us otherwise!
  • Mitach2002
    The blame lays at the feet of the terrorist American government. They spent 10 years destroying 7 nations in the Middle East. They murdered and stole and the world knows it. Russia was the saviour. America the scum and the EU the accepting partner.
  • kooka
    The problem of this people is widespread in western world: they aren't willing to stand to theirr own mistakes. They aren't capable to try another approach to solve a probkem. They repeat the same fault again and again. This behaviour would be ridiculous if it weren't so extremely dangerous.
  • CocoChannel
    Sorry, Goebbels Juncker, but European people are not stupid.
    They know who dismantled the Middle-East, and who asked HerrDogan to open his camps, and why. To bring the US European lackeys into line, drowning them in insolvable problems.
    Wait for an epic fail, US geniuses, kind of historical backlash !
    Europeans are not the happy campers, just now !
  • FlorianGeyer
    "I can’t find any other reason for them [Russia…] other than to cause refugees to be on the move and make them someone else’s problem," Breedlove said.

    Well, perhaps General 'In- Breedove' forgot about the US manufactured DAESH/ISIL terror where innocent people are beheaded , burned in cages, blown up, starved, raped, sold as slaves, used to dig tunnels et al. Oh, and don't forget the children who are indoctrinated as suicide bombers and boy soldiers.

    Perhaps that is why people from the Middle East are fleeing, literally for their lives, from the American inspired terror. Funnily enough, not many wish to flee to another American friendly country where they also chop of heads in Saudi Arabian public arena's and bomb innocent civilians in Yemen.

    I wonder if General Breedlove has any more imbecilic ideas ?
  • emusua
    when they look in the mirror. They say "that it is not my error"
  • Jet fuel can't melt steel beamsin reply toCocoChannel(Show commentHide comment)
    CocoChannel, www.voltairenet.org/article190844.html you may find that article interesting :)
  • tobi.gelando
    This Breedlove guy should look for a nice hobby than he would shoot him self in his hand !!!
    My God is this man dumb !!!
  • CocoChannelin reply toJet fuel can't melt steel beams(Show commentHide comment)
    Jet fuel can't melt steel beams,
    Thank you very much for the article.
    Réseau Voltaire is one of the most informative sites, in France, and I read regularly its articles, but I haven't seen this one yet.
    It's really a piece of blackmail anthology ! What a shame for the EU. A shame which is thrown in each European state face.
    The dialogue is really unbelievable, worthy of an American mafia movie !
    I have often seen recently Can Dundar on RT Channel. Obviously he is outraged by the EU choice, but it's only because he thought the EU values were yet alive. But they are not. They have been sold off, for a long time, as the European Commission had to deal with the resistance of some states, and was facing inextricable issues. It always adjusted in an authoritarian manner. Remember Greece.
    But this horrible and degrading episode, paradoxically, gives me hope that the end of the monster will happen, in a less distant future, that we thought.
    Thanks again.
  • global-citizen
  • michael
    I like this; briefings as evidence. Impressive....BS
  • michaelin reply totobi.gelando(Show commentHide comment)
    tobi, you've reminded me of the security guard I saw at work many years ago, tried to tell everyone how good he was and how much he knew about weapons and was going to join the army - then he was looking at the manager's weapon, a Glock I believe and the next thing we know, he's shot himself in the hand....
  • michaelin reply toglobal-citizen(Show commentHide comment)
    global-citizen, do you mean the journal 'civil wars'?
  • michaelin reply toCocoChannel(Show commentHide comment)
    Coco, just out of curiosity; what year (?) do you see the values of europe being lost? Thanks.
  • CocoChannelin reply tomichael(Show commentHide comment)
    It's a long story, and my English is too bad for me to relate.
    The democratic values, wanished at the very moment of the foundation of the EU.
    First, because it's the USA which are at the root of the project, and Walter Hallstein a nazi jurist, who wrote a similar text for Hitler, and later, after he was arrested, in SS uniform, in France, and recycled into US President adviser, (what a career !), he gave him the chart, he had written in Germany, chart which ended in Monnet and Robert Schuman hands, the so-called founders of the EU. Total hoax !
    The goal was the full control on european countries, in one hand. And Walter Hallstein became the first President of the European Commission ! Till de Gaulle, who knew the career of the guy, got him fired.
    Second, because the underlying theme of the Union is the giving up of all the privileges, a full sovereignty grant the Chief of a State. Issue money, fix the external value of the currency, declare war...(NATO does it for us)
    All that was done without any consultation of the people.
    Sometimes, the so-called European leaders (who rule nothing) under people pressure, or to pretend to be "democratic" leaders, bestow a referendum upon their citizens, but if the results don't match the EU dictatorship, they throw them in the bin.
    Two well-known examples : The Treaty of Lisbon, the French "no" 55%, a week later, the Dutch "no" 62%.
    The Parliaments of the two countries ratified the treaty.
    Where is people's liberty, the democracy, the main values we are attached to ?
    As for the MSM, it comes down to a disgusting propaganda, shameless liars.
  • Jet fuel can't melt steel beamsin reply toCocoChannel(Show commentHide comment)
    CocoChannel, No problem glad you liked it! :) And as you said that dead is nothing more than a blackmail.
  • tanksbb
    Well the Muslim hordes should have volunteered to help defend their country. Now the Turks are buying their homes for pennies and they will have nothing to return to. They'll be wanderers now without a home.
  • michaelin reply toCocoChannel(Show commentHide comment)
    CocoChannel, much appreciation for your extensive response. I didn't see any major English language problems! :) Your reply allows me to focus on a time and certain events to follow up. Thanks! :)
  • Alabama Mothman
    It's easy to understand why Putin thinks the european leaders are completely insane.
  • CocoChannelin reply tomichael(Show commentHide comment)
    My pleasure. And thanks for your leniency.
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