10:00 GMT +3 hours22 March 2016
A worker of RN-Purneftegaz, a daughter company of Rosneft, is seen here at the boosting compressor station of the Kharampur gas field, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area

Europe Will Face 'Catastrophe' if Russia Cuts Off Gas Supplies

© Sputnik/ Evgeny Biyatov
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If Russia cuts off gas supplies to Central and Eastern Europe the European Union would face a disastrous influx of migrants, especially from Ukraine.

If the situation over Western anti-Russian sanctions deteriorates Russia may cut off gas supplies to Europe, Financial Times observer Tony Barber wrote.

Scared and confused by the ongoing migrant crisis, European countries fear new disasters, particularly the end of Russian gas supplies to Central and Eastern European countries.

The country to suffer the most would be Ukraine which would be vulnerable both to Russian and Donbass energy supplies.

Ukraine would face economic collapse, and many Ukrainians would flee to Western countries, including Poland, Germany and further on across the entire European Union, just like Syrian refugees, the article read.

For Brussels, migration is one of the most urgent problems. Thus the EU is concerned over the possible influx of Ukrainian migrants and considering options to avoid this scenario.

The most important condition to avoid this disastrous scenario would Europe’s willingness to admit Russia’s role in the European geopolitical and economic order, the author concluded.

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migrant crisis, gas supplies, European Union, Ukraine, Russia
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  • ivanwa88
    Maybe with the 147 tons of gold that belonged to Libya.
  • rmukarutabana
    Admit Russia's role? Idiotic EU understands, but the US won't let them admit this. When will Europe admit the obvious: that the US is their worst enemy, and will not rest until Europe is ruined?
  • rmukarutabanain reply toteddy j(Show commentHide comment)
    teddy j,
    Exactly, Teddy, you hit it bang!
    This is what the EU dreams of, even when awake (but is the EU ever awake, anyway?)
  • dvdgrg09
    EU loves Ukrainians, they will make fine upstanding Europeans sharing European values. And as a bonus, EU will get Ukraine's territory without any Ukrainians in it! What could be better than that.
  • backfromthegraav
    Ecellent Idea ... Cut the gaz ... call it a sanction ... EU knows about those

  • backfromthegraavin reply totobi.gelando(Show commentHide comment)
    tobi.gelando, Wel how old are you .... asked your mom to use teh computer ??
  • backfromthegraavin reply todvdgrg09(Show commentHide comment)
    dvdgrg09, No .... China will have Ukraine territory for silk road and Eu will get 40 million Ukrainans .... including Mllions of fascists/ nazi's who coem fully armed !

  • Kyle Keetonin reply totobi.gelando(Show commentHide comment)
    tobi.gelando, Called sarcasm...
  • linebackerk
    russian gas is irreplaceable. sure they tried to figure out ways to replace it, but couldn't. I was wondering what would happen if russia would respond in kind to the self inflicting sanction and cut off the gas to the whole europe.
  • dvdgrg09in reply tobackfromthegraav(Show commentHide comment)
    backfromthegraav, so the Chinese will finish what Genghis Khan started way back when :)
  • slimyfox
    I am surprised that journalist actually come to such unwise and unintelligent idea of cutting gas and oil supplies to EU. That would be equivalent to committing suicide. I do not know if journalist is aware but Russian GDP is energy dependent for over 70% of total GDP. In such mono industrial market playing with a industry that is giving you lifeline is plainly stupid and I believe that journalist was writing this article in a haste to publish something.

    Please allow me to elaborate why such idea is fundamentally wrong and which sanctions should be imposed in order to seriously hurt EU. When we are speaking about sanctions than we have to be aware that sanctions can be imposed only in case of gross violation of human rights or creating condition for that. Sanctions can be economic or political or both, however UN is the only internationally recognised institution that through either GA or SC imposes sanctions on perpetrator of international law. International law does not recognise and does not justifies and does not endorses any sanctions imposed by one or more member states against the other if they are bypassing established procedure in International law. All such sanctions are considered illegal and country subjected to such unfair treatment should seek SC or GA support.

    We are witnessing how EU permanently on its own interpretation illegally expanding and extending sanctions against Russia. EU sanctions have no legal grounds and are as such illegal but EU is behaving as institution above International law which is very hard violation of same law. This situation gives Russia rights to retaliate in any strength it feels appropriate. Contrary to EU sanctions Russian sanctions against EU would be legal and justifiable by current international law. Upon receiving EU sanctions Russia reserved rights to retaliate in a time and manner that will consider the most appropriate. Having a prime goal to economically hurt state which is according to their political and economical understanding responsible for illegal sanctions and suffering of Russian population, Russia can introduce any kind of sanction.

    However it would be unwise impose sanctions which would inadvertently hurt Russian economy as well. That means, Russia cannot ban own export unless for that are security reasons such as sale of advanced military equipment, rocket engines which can and will be used to place USA spying satelites in orbit with intent to hurt Russia. Fortunately there are not many exports to EU and USA which would be considered worth banning. However as journalist exercised option of banning energy export to west, that is very irrational suggestion.

    That is all along US dream to ban Russia to export gas and oil to EU and they are permanently trying to achieve that. They even succeed to convince Baltic states and Poland to switch to American LNG only to face a problem because this gas is 100% at least more expensive than Russian. If Russia would ban export of its energy than EU would simply buy USA LNG as there would be no other options any more. Such move would push EU even closer to USA than it is today.

    Journalist has to understand that Russian EXPORTS (except of strategic products and materials) CANNOT suffer sanctions. IMPORTS from EU and USA should be banned as it would be easy to substitute imports with new suppliers, preferably domestic one. That would create new jobs and increase in national GDP. Sanctioning imports would be beneficiary for Russia only and that is whole idea. Russia needs to ban imports and sale of all EU, USA and Japan cars and commercial vehicles. Russia imports annually about 2.5 million cars and several hundred thousand of commercial vehicles. This and only this ban would destroy EU economy without hurting Russia. Imagine how would improve Russian automotive industry if there would be no more EU, USA and Japan cars on a market. Russia would need to impose these sanctions for at least the same number of days as EU sanctions are hurting Russia. EU would beg for sanctions not to take place as they would face loss of at least 40 billion EUR and loss of 2 million jobs.
  • michael
    ah, a new (migration) threat - the ukrainians...
  • backfromthegraavin reply todvdgrg09(Show commentHide comment)
    dvdgrg09, Possibly .... that is what teh Silk road is about ... Trade !
  • siberianhusky
    Love to see the Russian to pull this one and hope they will do it fast. The EU can run to their American buddies and ask for restitution for all the trouble that those ZionNazies stared in the Ukraine.
  • teddy jin reply tormukarutabana(Show commentHide comment)

    thanks rmukarutabana !
  • teddy jin reply tobackfromthegraav(Show commentHide comment)

  • tony pin reply totobi.gelando(Show commentHide comment)
    tobi.gelando, I'm pretty sure the comment was sarcasm.
  • innocappuccinnoin reply toslimyfox(Show commentHide comment)
    slimyfox, oh, stop the nonsense! can there be an end to this stupid malversation? It is like saying that Yeltsyn's Russia rellied 70% on gas and oil exports. youu know, the exports for which russians were payed some 4%? (four percent). Putin is reaquiring russian sovereignity, this is all these pipe wars are about! Putin's Russia got back to up to 20% before the Syria and Ukraine NATO offensive went on. then in the last years Russia got to some 40% of oil and gas cash, that is why we have the fall of oil prices, which is staged, in fact an order to not pay. you know that China is still paying high price for oil?? there is no such thing as cheap oil, it is all to impede the restauration of russian sovereignity. in fact some 20 to 30% of russian economy relies on gas and oil exports. but wait and see when the oil price will double, and also 80% cash in on oil and gas! RUSSIA's ECONOMY WILL DOUBLE! like OVER NIGHT:)
  • Mother Gorilla
    Thank God there is the Russian gas!
  • Mother Gorillain reply tobackfromthegraav(Show commentHide comment)
    backfromthegraav, except that it would serve as a pretext to push oil, nuclear and fracking!
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