Adra - Gwyneth Glyn (geiriau / lyrics)
Adra (
Gwyneth Glyn
Album: Wyneb Dros Dro
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Welsh Music Blog / Blog Cerddoriaeth
"There is a town in
North Ontario",
Neil Young yn ei gan.
Sweet home
Skynyrd 'rownd y tan.
"Rwy'n mynd 'nol i Flaenau
Ffestiniog ie
meddai'r hen Debot Piws.
Take me home, country road",
Denver - ond be 'di'r iws?
Does unman yn debyg i Adra',
medda' nhw wrtha fi.
Does unman yn debyg i Adra, na.
Ond mae Adra'n debyg iawn i chdi.
Dwni ddim lle dwi'n mynd,
Dwni ddim lle dwi 'di bod.
Sgyn i'm syniad lle dwi rwan hyn
A Duw a wyr lle dwi fod.
Dwi di cysgu dan ser yn y
Ac aros ar fy nhraed drwy'r nos yn
Dwi 'di dawnsio ar fynydd hefo ffrindiau newydd,
A deffro ar awyren wag.
'Does unman yn debyg i Adra',
medda' nhw wrtha fi.
Does unman yn debyg i Adra, na.
Ond mae Adra'n debyg iawn i chdi.
Fy nghynefin yw fy nefoedd,
A bro fy mebyd yw fy myd.
'Nabod fa'ma cystal a fi fy hun,
Felly pam 'dwi ar goll o hyd?
Sgyn 'im map, a sgyn 'im arwydd.
A sgyn 'im 'rough guide' ar y daith.
Dwi'n cau fy llygaid ac agor fy enaid
A dilyn lon dy lais.
Dwi'n cau fy llygaid ac agor fy enaid
A dilyn lon dy lais.
'Does unman yn debyg i Adra',
medda' nhw wrtha fi.
Does unman yn debyg i Adra, na.
Ond mae Adra'n debyg iawn i chdi.
Mae Adra'n debyg iawn i chdi.
"There is a town in North Ontario",
said Neil Young in his song.
"Sweet home Alabama",
said Skynyrd beside the fire.
"I'm going back to
Blaenau Ffestiniog..."
said the old 'Tebot Piws' (*)
"Take me home, country road",
Denver said - but what's the use?
'There is no place like Home',
is what they told me.
There is no place like home, no.
But Home is very much like you.
I don't know where I'm going,
I don't know where
I've been.
I've no idea where I'm right now,
And God knows where I'm supposed to be.
I've slept under the stars in the Sahara,
And stayed up all night in Prague.
I've danced on a mountain top with new friends,
And woken up on am empty 'plane.
'There is no place like Home',
is what they told me.
There is no place like home, no.
But Home is very much like you.
My home is my haven,
And my homeland is my world.
I know here as well as myself,
So why am I still lost?
I haven't a map, I haven't a
And I haven't a 'rough guide' for the journey.
I close my eyes and open my soul
And follow the road of your voice.
I close my eyes and open my soul
And follow the road of your voice.
'There is no place like Home',
is what they told me.
There is no place like home, no.
But Home is very much like you.
Home is very much like you.
[*] Tebot Piws - " Y Tebot Piws" (translates to
English literally as "the
Purple Teapot") was one of the early
Welsh Pop bands in the early