- published: 27 Aug 2016
- views: 9066
TVBS or Television Broadcasts Satellite is a satellite television channel and nationwide cable TV network in Taiwan, launched on September 28, 1993. It was established by TVBI Company Limited (TVBI), a subsidiary of TVB in Hong Kong, and ERA Group of Taiwan, and became a wholly owned subsidiary of TVB of Hong Kong in early 2005.
TVBS operates four channels:
TVBS Wealth News (Starting on August 1, 2011)
TVBS Wealth Report (Starting on August 1, 2011)
TVBS Wealth Life (Starting on February 6, 2012)
Formerly named TVBS Noon Report, on September 16, 2003 it was renamed TVBS Noon News. On May 5, 2008 it was renamed TVBS Noon Hot News, and on May 8, 2010 returned to TVBS Noon News.
TVBS全球中文音樂榜上榜 TVBS Global Chinese Music Live HD - 20160827
【TVBS】南部花東局部陣雨 白天溫升早晚舒適
【TVBS】停放機車處疑遭縱火 大樓共17人受傷
【TVBS】「歧視」愛滋 衛福部裁罰國防大學100萬
【TVBS】關鍵一勝! 國民黨魏嘉賢當選花蓮市長
【TVBS】單身經濟發酵! 一人份商品、小套房詢問度高
【TVBS】全台哪個縣市食物最難吃? 網友:桃竹苗
【TVBS】花蓮補選「綠地變藍天」 段宜康:鄙視選民
【TVBS】每30秒賣一個垃圾桶! 荷蘭創造銷售奇蹟