Tonsil Surgery
Tonsil Surgery
If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com www.nucleusinc.com This 3D medical animation shows a tonsillectomy surgery (removal of the tonsils during tonsillitis) and adenoidectomy (removal of the adenoids). ANCE00187
When my twelve-year old sister, Claudia, showed me her tonsil stone farm in the back of her throat, i knew it was time to harvest them and capture it all on video! MUAAHAHAHAHA. Okay, but really, this video is sick. Don't watch it if you have a weak stomach. GNARLIEST PART 3:33!!! -Paulina
Stew's Tonsil Scrapping!
Stew's Tonsil Scrapping!
howtogetridoftonsilstonesinfo.com I had a bad sore throat, tonsils eventually swelled up so bad i had to go to the ER. Couldn't breath, eat, drink, whistle, sing, blow bubbles, roll my r's, make fart noises, burb, or even spit! They drainedsome absesses with a scalpel (TONS OF FUN)... THEN they gave me the iv with some painkillers and steriods, followed up by some antibiotics. woot woot. word to the wise, always have health insurace kids!!!! Best part is, after all the bloodwork and scraping tests, it wasnt mono or strept... just some lame infection.
Astonishing Tonsil Stones Removal and Treatment
Astonishing Tonsil Stones Removal and Treatment
Tonsil Stones: www.tonsilstoneblaster.com Tonsil stones treatment can be very expensive however you can now remove tonsil stones or tonsilloliths yourself, removing tonsil stones is actually not that difficult. If you want to find out how to remove tonsil stones at home you need to follow a few simple steps that are laid out in a simple guide. If you are asking What are Tonsil Stones? the simple answer is they are a combination of food debris and calcified puss that has built up around the tonsiler crevices, if you want to know what causes tonsil stones they are due to a combination of genetics and tonsiler infection. Some people never get them and other are unfortunately prone to suffering from the condition. If you want to get rid of tonsil stones there are a number of methods available, these methods can also be used to prevent the return of these gnarly little rocks. Two choices are available, you can consult your MD or tackle the problem with a home removal remedy, both courses of action will result in a solution however the home remedies enable you to apply the removal treatment on future occasions. This is due to the fact that you will have the knowledge to both prevent and treat and future occurrences. There are many reasons to act swiftly when it comes to the condition of tonsil stones, the main reason being that the cheesy substance in your mouth will cause the most foul of odors and lead to a severe case of halitosis. You see if you get rid of tonsil stones you <b>...</b>
Gnarly Tonsil Stone Removal: THE SEQUEL
Gnarly Tonsil Stone Removal: THE SEQUEL
The much anticipated sequel to our highly delicious video has FINALLY arrived. My now 13-year-old sister (Claudia, this is her account, I'm Paulina, 22, I like to type descriptions) recently birthed twin tonsil stones and thankfully I was there to once again capture the magic. ENJOY! ; )
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Tonsil Cryptolysis for Tonsil Stones
Tonsil Cryptolysis for Tonsil Stones
www.FauquierENT.net - HD video showing how tonsil cryptolysis is performed in order to treat tonsil stones. This procedure is effective 70% of the time. Tonsillectomy is the only known "cure" for this problem. Read more about this procedure here http Follow Us on Twitter www.twitter.com Like Us on Facebook www.facebook.com
Examination Of Tonsils
Examination Of Tonsils
How to perform examination of tonsils with bilateral tonsillitis on examining with tongue depressor.
Tonsil Stones Treatments
Tonsil Stones Treatments
Tonsil Stones Treatments BeatTonsilStones.info Tonsil Stones Treatments Naturally at Home. Find How you Can Eliminate Tonsil Stones For Good!
Removing Tonsil Stones - TonsilStonesRemoval.org
Removing Tonsil Stones - TonsilStonesRemoval.org
Removing Tonsil Stones BeatTonsilStones.info Removing Tonsil Stones at Home Natural Treatments. Find How you Can Eliminate Tonsil Stones For Good!
Shotgun Histology Pharyngeal Tonsil
Shotgun Histology Pharyngeal Tonsil
Shotgun Histology Pharyngeal Tonsil
Tonsil Stones - Tonsilloliths : How to get rid of them
Tonsil Stones - Tonsilloliths : How to get rid of them
www.tonsil-help.com Tonsil Stones are causing bad breath in millions of people around the world. Learn how to stop tonsil stones from forming, eliminating your bad breath. Don't let tonsil stones (tonsilloliths) ruin your life anymore. Visit my site to learn what they are and how to effectively stop them using PROVEN methods that are cheap and work! Tonsilloliths are an embarrassing condition that no one should have to live with. These thick calcified formations of mucus white blood cells are produced into these horrifying creatures that live inside the tonsillar crypts, just waiting to create the worst smelling breath possible. Using the explained methods, you can effectively eliminate tonsil stones in a 1 through 2 weeks period simply by gargling with a diluted mixture of gse and water *after brushing (contrary to what I say in the video!). Don't let tonsil stones rule your life, please favorite and like, if you've found my video informative and helpful. And don't forget to comment with your own tonsil stone story! =]
Swollen Tonsils With White Spots
Swollen Tonsils With White Spots
www.whitespotsontonsils.net Swollen tonsils with white spots; natural treatments that really work.
tonsil stones removal tonsillolith removed
tonsil stones removal tonsillolith removed
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Shotgun Histology Lingual Tonsil
Shotgun Histology Lingual Tonsil
Shotgun Histology Lingual Tonsil
Tonsil Stones
Tonsil Stones
www.tonsilstones.com What are Tonsil Stones? How do you get tonsil stones and what can you do to get rid of them? Tonsilloliths, tonsil rocks, whatever you want to call them... they are gross and can be embarassing. But they are very easy to avoid! Dr Katz, America's Bad Breath Expert, tells you more
Lupe's Laser Tonsillectomy (Laser Tonsil Ablation) on March 2, 2012 11:10
Lupe's Laser Tonsillectomy (Laser Tonsil Ablation) on March 2, 2012 11:10
Laser tonsillectomy (Laser Tonsil Ablation) is a cutting-edge procedure to reduce the size of the tonsils without surgery. Rather than endure the severe pain associated with traditional surgery, many patients can now choose to treat their tonsils comfortably and conveniently in the office, using a state of the art laser treatment. Laser tonsillectomy is indicated for the treatment of chronically infected tonsils, "tonsil stones" (tonsiloliths) and enlarged tonsils, a common cause of snoring and sleep apnea. How Does Laser Tonsillectomy Work? Instead of traditional operations to remove the tonsils, this new procedure vaporizes the outer surface of the tonsil, reducing their size and eliminating infection—all without ever visiting the hospital. The procedure is performed in our office in about 20 minutes using only local anesthesia, and it allows patients to return to normal activity the next day! Advantages of Laser Tonsillectomy Faster recovery Performed in the office instead of the operating room No general anesthesia Patients can drive themselves home Return to work the next day Eligible for reimbursement under many PPO plans Laser Tonsillectomy Treats: Chronic tonsillitis Recurrent tonsillitis Tonsiloliths (tonsil stones) Snoring and sleep apnea related to enlarged tonsils This video was uploaded from an Android phone.