Showing posts with label 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010. Show all posts

Quiet Arcs "Electric Throne" - 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:33 PM


Quiet Arcs are delivering a solid , rad , creative and extremely appealing Hardcore with a plethora of exciting tempo changes , varying the intensities with a true talent and intricate moments.Reminds me a bit Christ On Parade at times.A fantastic and brilliant Hardcore!.Have other quite cool releases available. And for more details about the band you have to go here and here.

Tracks : 4 songs *.* Length : 7m.

Tracks : 1.True North *.* 2.Routines *.* 3.Chuck Manson *.* 4.House Lick

Black Kites "I Wont Accept What We've Become" Tape - 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 10:17 AM


Frantic and fast played Hardcore mixed with heavy moshing mid-paced parts combined with angry , aggressive sung vocals. Devastating stuf!.The band released several records.For more details you have to go here.

Tracks : 7 songs *.* Length : 10m.

Tape : 1.Costume *.* 2.A ll The Wrong Places *.* 3.25 *.* 4.How Are You? *.* 5.Childhood Friends Grow Up *.* 6.Body Parts *.* 7.Room To Grow

Gift Or Donation : PIGS PARLAMENT

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 8:05 AM


Pigs Parlament "It's Time For Sausages" - 2010

Well if you loved their previous recording I talked about previously there is no reason that you do not love their other album!.Really cool and appealing moving songs!.A pretty fine release!.For more details about the band its here , here and here.

Tracks : 14 songs *.* Length : 37m.

Songs : 1.Sexy Age *.* 2.Stop To Racism *.* 3.Extra Vagina *.* 4.Come Up The Hills *.* 5.Brigade *.* 6.Instrumental *.* 7.Ropotc *.* 8.Everyday Madness *.* 9.Love Story *.* 10.Orbita *.* 11.Grizli *.* 12.Ska *.* 13.Lets Punk Again *.* 14.Felling In The Morning

Lisa A Peur "Des Mots Pour Dire Des Trucs" Demo - 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:46 AM


High-energy and lively melodic Punkrock mixed with quite well orchestred tempo changes.Songs are performed with dynamism and a true enthusiasm with appealing melodies. The demo ends with 4 sweet and catchy folkpunk / accoustic songs.For more details about the band you have to go here and here.

Demo : 8 songs *.* Length : 17m.

Tracks : 1.A L'Ouest *.* 2.Le Tunnel *.* 3.Depuis Vendredi *.* 4.A Pas De Loup *.* 5.Cocktail *.* 6.Je Me Rappelle *.* 7.Puisque *.* 8.Ma Douce Amie

Enlightenment "Self Titled" Demo - 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 11:00 AM


Brilliant!.I have been quite impressed by the Enlightenment's stuff!. They are performing a really hot driving combination between modern Hardcore and Old School SExHC bursting with a good amount of sincerity , passion and intensity.A solid and talented song structure with a lot of exciting , touching and appealing musical arrangements mixed with a beautiful melodic touch.Urgent and passionate sung vocals.Whouaaa ... a demo i absolutely recommend you to grab and hear as soon as you have finished to read that .. For more details about the band you have to go here.

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 14m.

Tracks : 1.Eclipse Of Reason *.* 2.Place Of Hope *.* 3.Message To Daddy *.* 4.Our Opus

Actress "Glacier" Tape - 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 10:00 AM


Grindy , technic , fast and aggressive Hardcore with some exciting tempo changes coupled with yelled , angry sung vocals.Insane , enraged and blasting stuff!.For more details you have to go here.

Tape : 11 songs *.*  Length : 32m.

Tracks : 1.King Of The Gutters *.* 2.Queen Of The Billboards *.* 3.White Lines *.* 4.Endeavors *.* 5.Tourist *.* 6.The Sea *.* 7.Engineer *.* 8.The Swarm *.* 9.Ghost Of The Exit *.* 10.Pass *.* 11.555-0134


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 12:00 PM


Caffeine Blues "Rotinas" Ep - 2010

Top cool energetic melodic Punkrock mixed with Hardcore elements.Rhythm of the songs is quite lively and fast bursting with a real enthusiasm and filled with short breakdowns at times , shouted backup vocals , nice melodies and exciting driving , tuneful guitar chords / solos.Makes me wanna jump and jump!.Highly recommended!.For more details about the band you have to go here.

Ep : 4 songs *.* Length : 7m.

Tracks : 1.Desde Cedo Ihe Marca *.* 2.Seguimos Fortes *.* 3.A Paixao Neutra *.* 4.Um Brinde A Enganacao Com Sorissos De Satisfacao

American Lies "Self Titled" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 5:00 AM


A touch of Punkrock , a touch of Pop-Punk , a touch of Emo and you mix with catchy , lively and appealing rhythms , sweet tuneful and driving guitar lines , passionate and melodious sung vocals and that's American Lies!.A quite damn good demo!.For more details about the band it is here.

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 14m.

Tracks : 1.Converging Hearts *.* 2.Dependence *.* 3.Betrayed *.* 4.Life And Death On The Sea

Days Of Sunday "Self Titled" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 11:55 AM


A particularly remarkable and impressive demo!.A hot and talented combination between melodic Hardcore , Old School Hardcore and Emotional HC with the Washington DC feel.Imagine a mixture between Uniform Choice , Rites Of Spring , Embrace , 7 Seconds  and Dag Nasty!.Songs are bursting with a lot of energy , intensity , spirit filled with a plethora of exciting tempo changes , kick ass guitar work with extremely nice tuneful chords / lines.Vocals are sung with passion , fervor and conviction.Great musicianship .. Great songs!.Whouaaa...totally awesome!.Top notch band!.For more details you have to go here and here.

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 7m.
1.Recomeco *.* 2.Ato De Promessa *.* 3.Tempo *.* 4.Semelhancas

I Create "All We Are Is Now" Tape 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 7:00 AM


A fucking hot combination between Emocore and Post-Hardcore from which emerges a captivating and emotionally-charged atmosphere!.Their music is a talented mixture between tormented mid-tempo parts with melancholic , melodious soft parts and beautiful dreamy passages coupled with talking , screamed , shouted sung vocals.A brilliant tape full of emotion , despair and passion!.For more details you have to go here.

Tape : 9 songs *.* Length : 23m.
1.Void Walker *.* 2.Resilience I *.* 3.Adrift *.* 4.Brother To You *.* 5.Bring Me Back *.* 6.Resilience II *.* 7.Song For You *.* 8.Good To Know *.* 9.Harbor

Parasitic Twins "Self Titled" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:46 AM


Hyperactive old school Hardcore bursting with a lot of energy and speed coupled with stop and go parts and good driving breakdowns. Fervant and tenacious sung vocals.Reminds me a bit Negative Approach.Really cool stuff!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 7 songs *.* Length : 13m.
1.Modern Problems *.* 2.Status Fuckers *.* 3.Revenge Of The Norms / Mad Dog *.* 4.Animal *.* 5.Long Gone *.* 6.Darker Days *.* 7.According To Strangers / Clearly Deadly


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 10:46 AM


Take Manhattan "An Audio Coloring Book" 2010

Catchy melodic Punkrock mixed with an Indie feel and even a slight folk touch at times.Sweet moving songs with nice harmonies and beautiful melodies coupled with delicate , melodious and passionate sung vocals.Pleasing and appealing to  hear!.For more details you have to go here.

Tracks : 7 songs *.* Length : 23m.
1.Tiny Fist Of Rage And Reason *.* 2.The Trials And Tribulations Of Beefy E *.* 3.Tab Kalimotxo *.* 4.Shit's Got Legs *.* 5.Joy Division *.* 6.Bloomington Stays *.* 7.Rapmaster

Milestones "Self Titled" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:37 AM


Melodic modern Punkrock with Hardcore elements thrown in. Rhythm of the songs is quite energetic and lively combined with jumpy parts and intense mid-paced moments.For more details you have to go here .

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 13m.
1.Intro *.* 2.Casual Gobbies *.* 3.Terrorise The Neighbourhood *.* 4.Streetlights On Our Block , Dont Shine Like They Used To *.* 5.Leave This Town

The Saints Of Sorrows "Self Titled" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:04 AM


3 brilliant and extremely appealing songs of Punkrock with a slight and subtle Celtic touch thrown in.Dynamic , lively and moving as hell with catchy melodies and kick ass tuneful guitar lines and solos coupled with good and punchy sung vocals.I have been totally blowed away ... A must have!.For more details you have to go here and here.

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 8m.
1.Changes *.* 2.By Your Side *.* 3.Hidden Lies

Trash Kit "Live At Club Milk" Tape 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 10:00 AM


Musically it reminds me a bit The Slits.Rhythm of the songs is quite frenetic , dancing mixed with tribal , chaotic and ven funky feels and coupled with wild female sung vocals. All the songs have recorded live and sound quality is overall good.If you want to hear something fresh you should give it a try!.Good stuff!.So its another release out on Milk Rcds and available for free and for those interested you have just to go here.

Tape : 12 songs *.* Lenght : 23m.
1.Beach Babe *.* 2.Skin *.* 3.How D'You Do *.* 4.50 Ft. Women *.* 5.Pig Cat *.* 6.Paper *.* 7.Hair *.* 8.Cadets *.* 9.Natasha *.* 10.Fame *.* 11.Sun Spots *.* 12.No Limits

VA - Divorce Vs Ultimate Thrush - Split Tape 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , , | Posted on 12:00 PM


Divorce : Female fronted experimental / Avant-Garde and weird Punk mixed with thrashy , chaotic , noisy and frenetic elements!.
Ultimate Thrush : A kind of mixture between Industrial and Avant- Garde Punk from which emerges a weird and oppressive atmosphere!.For those interested in discovering the both bands Milk Rcds offer it for free and you have just to go here.

Tape : 10 songs *.* Length : 20m.
Divorce's Songs : 1.Dissatisfaktionpaqued *.* 2.Bloody Horn *.* 3.Steps
Ultimate Thrush's songs : 1.Christ's Chin *.* 2.Double Headed Sex Beasts *.* 3.General Meat *.* 4.Massive Bereavment *.* 5.The Chieftain *.* 6.Immaculate Contraception *.* 7.Ladyfingers

The Sensibles "Self Titled" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8:00 AM


3 more songs in the same register than their stuff i talked about previously ... sweet and catchy as hell melodic power Pop-Punk / Punkrock with the 90's sound touch coupled with charming female sung vocals.Highly recommended!.For more details you have to go here and here.

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 9m.
1.Smiro *.* 2.Sacramento *.* 3.I Dont Wanna Wake Up Now

Enforcers "Demo MMX" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 9:06 AM


Blasting old school Hardcore / NYHC with the 90's sound feel thrown in.A cross between Madball , A.F , Sicki Of It All and Cro - Mags.Songs are bursting with intensity and power alternating between fast played parts and punchy mid-paced ones with an heavy touch and introducing cool breakdowns with a slight moshy feel here and there. Punchy and aggressive sung vocals coupled with shouted back-up vocals at times.Solid stuff!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 11m.
1.Down But Not Out *.* 2.Dead To Me *.* 3.9 to 5 *.* 4.F.T.W


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:21 AM


Declaration "Self Titled" 2010

Hot!.Fucking cool melodic old school Hardcore with the modern sound touch.Imagine a cross between Good Riddance , Ignite , Uniform Choice , Champion and Comeback Kid!.Rhythm of the songs is quite fast bursting with vitality , intensity and fervor coupled with a solid and exciting guitar work bringing a sweet and subtle tuneful touch to the song structure.Punchy , strong and aggressive sung vocals.Highly recommended!.

So the band offer you for free their recording and for those interested you have just to go here.

Tracks : 9 songs *.* Length : 16m.
1.Maintain *.* 2.Values On Sale *.* 3.Remedy *.* 4.Drastic Ways *.* 5.Every Day *.* 6.Wounds To Heal *.* 7.Fists Of Blood *.* 8.Something To Change *.* 9.Departure

Cold Warps "Endless Bummer" Tape - 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 11:30 AM


Fucking cool moving , groovy and catchy as hell Rockin'Punk / Power PopPunk with a Garage feel and the 90's sound flavor.A cross between The Queers , The Ramones , The Screeching Weasel and Beatnik Termites!. Top cool songs bursting with a good amount of energy , fun and a lot of sweet melodies.Pretty dynamic and lively guitar lines.Extremely catchy to hear!.A pure delight!.For more details about them you have to go here and here.

Tape : 5 songs *.* Length : 12m.
1.I Am With You *.* 2.Let's Just Fun *.* 3.Cough Drops *.* 4.Who Cares I Guess *.* 5.Endless Bummer