Cold Warps "Self Titled" Tape - 2009

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , , | Posted on 12:30 PM


Six other top cool songs from Cold Warps .. a band i encourage you to discover!.Pleasing and appealing as hell moving PowerPop / Rockin'Punk songs with a Garage touch at times and filled with a plethora of catchy arrangements and melodies.Imagine a mixture between The Buzzcocks , The Ramones and The Adverts!.An incredible hot and great band!.Dont miss them!.A truly delight!. For more details you have to go here and here.

Tape : 6 songs *.* Length : 11m.
1.Hang Up On You *.* 2.Hole In My Head *.* 3.I Got Opinions Dude *.* 4.Stupid Tattoos *.* 5.Science Fiction *.* 6.Untitled

Cold Warps "Endless Bummer" Tape - 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 11:30 AM


Fucking cool moving , groovy and catchy as hell Rockin'Punk / Power PopPunk with a Garage feel and the 90's sound flavor.A cross between The Queers , The Ramones , The Screeching Weasel and Beatnik Termites!. Top cool songs bursting with a good amount of energy , fun and a lot of sweet melodies.Pretty dynamic and lively guitar lines.Extremely catchy to hear!.A pure delight!.For more details about them you have to go here and here.

Tape : 5 songs *.* Length : 12m.
1.I Am With You *.* 2.Let's Just Fun *.* 3.Cough Drops *.* 4.Who Cares I Guess *.* 5.Endless Bummer

No Control "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 9:14 AM


Seems to be a rehearsal recording and the sound quality is overall quite goo.Musically the band are performing a cool Hardcore with Punk roots thrown in and probably influenced by the 80's scene. Songs are bursting with an appealing energy coupled with nerveous and punchy sung vocals.A quite cool and driving stuff!.For more details about the band you have to go here.

Demo : 6 songs *.* Length : 14m.
1.Fuck Society *.* 2.Fred Armisen Is A Punk *.* 3.No Control *.* 4.Suburban Wasteland *.* 5.Pagan Song *.* 6.This Is How You Circle Pit (Asshole)

Sriracha "Self Titled" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 10:00 AM


Fucking cool stuff!.High-energy and nerveous Hardcore with the old school touch coupled with tenacious and raging sung vocals with a slight melodic feel at times.It is fast with some frenetic and hectic moments mixed with exciting and subtle tempo changes. Whouaa ... so much energy so dont expect to be sitting for long in hearing their songs!.Hot!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 5m.
1.Sriracha *.* 2.Is This Straight Edge *.* 3.The Band The Sauce *.* 4.Cock Brand Sauce *.* 5.Sample


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8:00 AM


Hang Your Head "Trying To Hold On" 2012

Their demo convinces me quite easily to hear more stuff from them. And one word ; awesome!.With a such surge of passion , power , intensity , despair , anger and beauty your soul can not remain insensitive!.A brilliant record!.

So the band offer it for free and for those interested you have to go here.

Tracks : 8 songs *.* Length : 16m.
1.February 29th *.* 2.Breaking Glass *.* Led Astray *.* 4.Optium Love *.* 5.Wasting Time *.* 6.Lost Soul *.* 7.Never Change *.* 8.Antidote

Hang Your Head "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 7:00 AM


Quite impressive and passionate Post-Hardcore / Emo Hardcore coupled with poignant and heartfelt sung vocals filled with a slight dose of anger at times.Intense and powerful mid-paced songs with a sweet subtle melodic overtone bursting with an incredible attractive combination of melancholy , sadness and despair that will break your heart!.Highly recommended!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 11m.
1.Wasting Time *.* 2.Through The Hourglass *.* 3.Not All Tales Have A Happy End

Skuff "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8:50 AM


Loud , raw and abrasive PowerViolence mixed with Hardcore and Punk elements.Extremely fast and furious parts with a chaotic feel at times combined with stop and go parts and powerful mid-paced moments.Aggressive and ferocious sung vocals coupled with throaty vocals parts.A real blast right in your face!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 9 songs *.* Length : 7m.
1.Green Wash *.* 2.Methmouth *.* 3.Toyogrind *.* 4.H.W.C *.* 5.Fly Your Flag *.* 6.Hard Shell *.* 7.Fried Mind *.* 8.Samosas *.* 9.Wasp Eyes

Waste Away "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:11 AM


Hard-hitting and ripping Hardcore with aggressive and ferocious sung vocals.It alternates between moshy mid-paced parts with heavy guitar lines and fast , furious passages.Yeah .. it rages!.Good stuff!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 5m.
1.Intro - Waste Away *.* 2.Endless Nothing *.* 3.Whiplash

Siren Songs "Self Titled" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 10:39 AM


Catchy as hell melodic power Pop-Punk with the 90's sound vibe.Songs are extremely catchy to hear bursting with a lot of dynamism , energy and enthusiasm coupled with charming , captivating and melodious female sung vocals.A sweet blast of happiness and beautiful melodies that you will hum all day long!. For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 6 songs *.* Length : 11m.
1.Nuclear Son *.* 2.Victim Of Discontent *.* 3.Sunny Days *.* 4.Cans On A Shelf *.* 5.Miles To Go *.* 6.Secrets (Accoustic)

Runnin Thin "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:32 AM


Old School to New School Hardcore with a slight metal feel thrown in.Songs alternate between high-energy played parts with even a furious feel at times and punchy heavy mid-paced moments incorporating a moshy sensibility at times.Powerful and heavy driving guitar work.Vocals are sung with strenght , anger and conviction.A pretty good demo!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 10m.
1.Wont Be Silenced *.* 2.Faith Into Nothig *.* 3.Stupid Kid *.* 4.Blighted *.* 5.Two Theories

Altercado Espiritual "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:27 PM


Raw and abrasive Hardcore / Punk with the 80's sound sensibilities. Tempo of the songs is overall fast and even hectic at times coupled with exciting mid-paced passages and coupled with tenacious , nerveous sung vocals.The lovers of the genre will appreciate Altercado Espiritual's music.Good stuff!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 6 songs *.* Length : 6m.
1.Intro - The Kids Will Grow Up *.* 2.Secret Rites *.* 3.Agujero *.* 4.Chicos Muertos *.* 5.The 4 Devils *.* 6.Altercado Espiritual

Witch Fingers "Wrestlemania" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 9:34 AM


Beautiful Emo witn an Indie touch.The music alternates quite well between quiet , tender and even dreamy parts from which emerges a huge sensibility and sweet moving moments bursting with passion coupled with a delicious intricate guitar work.Sweet , delicate and melodious sung vocals combined with slight screaming and spoken vocals parts.Extremely charming and pleasing stuff!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo ; 3 songs *.* Length : 10m.
1.Fieldy Of Dreams *.* 2.Double Black Eye *.* 3.Shit Demon

Gift From : MY OWN DECK

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 11:00 AM


Buckskin Bugle "Crazy Lazy" 2003

Cool melodic PopPunk with the 90's sound flavour.Songs are played with enthusiasm , dynamism filled with sweet lively and jumpy parts coupled with fine tuneful guitar lines and solos.Very catchy and pleasing stuff!.Makes me feel happy!.

So it is a gift from My Own Deck and for those interested they have just to go here.

Tracks : 9 songs *.* Length : 15m.
1.B Is For Buckskin Bugle *.* 2.Cover Version *.* 3.Crazy Lazy *.* 4.Stand Free *.* 5.Useless Action *.* 6.Just Be Fine *.* 7.How Punk *.* 8.Hidden Track 1 *.* 9.Hidden Track 2

VA - Bad Tunes And Some Ordinary Things - Compilation 2001

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 9:30 AM


For all the 90's PopPunk / Punkrock lovers here is a compilation you dont have the right to miss!.A truly good and interesting release on which feature a lot of cool bands coming from Indonesia.A quite exciting , pleasing and catchy compilation!.So for those interested you have just to go here.

Bands : 19 *.* Songs : 19 *.* Label : My Own Desk

Una Vez Mas "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 5:00 AM


Old School SExHC influenced by the 90's sound.High-energy played songs bursting with fervor , percussion and strength coupled with attractive breakdowns and a slight moshy touch.Cool!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 9m.
1.Intro *.* 2.Por Que Tan Serio *.* 3.Cinco Es Mas Que Diez *.* 4.Edge Breaker *.* 5.Con Cada Respiro

Real Cops "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:29 AM


Pretty cool Hardcore / Punk with the 80's sound vibe at times.Music is quite nerveous and energetic mixed with cool stop and go parts. Reminds me a bit Dissent at times.Quite exciting and driving stuff!. For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 5m.
1.The Future Is Written *.* 2.It's Only A Matter Of Time *.* 3.Etched In Stone *.* 4.Death Squads

Sentenced "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:00 AM


Old School SExHC with good driving and insicive guitar lines. Vocals are sung with tenacity and fervor having a good impact on the strenght of the songs.Tempo is overall quite exciting and attractive.Good stuff!.For more details you have to go here and here.

Demo : 6 songs *.* Length : 7m.
1.Holy Death *.* 2.Time *.* 3.What Happened *.* 4.In Your Face *.* 5.Smash The Hippies *.* 6.Boiling Point

Vietnam "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8:35 AM


Loud , deep and noisy mid-paced Post-Punk / Dark Punk songs with throbbing and powerful rhythms creating a somber and oppressive atmosphere!.Kind of stuff you have to choose to hear for the day of the apocalypse!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 10m.
1.Mato Penha *.* 2.Shubi Dubi *.* 3.Muerte En Socidad *.* 4.La Polizei *.* 5.M'Brian

Fire Academy "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 7:20 AM


For those into 90's EmoCore Fire Academy is a band you should appreciate to hear!.The music combines with dexterity powerful  and passionate mid-paced parts with emotive , melancholic quiet ones and filled with a subtle melodic overtone here and there. Screaming , yelled sung vocals from which you can feel a lot of pain and despair! .Pretty good stuff!.For more details you have to go here  and here.

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 9m.
1.Lack Thereof *.* 2.Navigator *.* 3.Haunting Noir

Lucha Constante "Mi Lucha" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:00 AM


Blasting Hardcore mixed with Old School and Punk sensibilities!. Songs are filled with fervor and anger combining quite well furious , fast played parts with intense , punchy driving mid-paced passages. Vocals are sung with tenacity and rage.A quite damn good and exciting demo!.For more details you have to go here.

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 5m.
1.Contracorriente *.* 2.Que Nos Esta Pasando? *.* 3.Mi Bestia Interior - Campeon


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:16 AM


Strange Fear "Another Bullet Of Hate" - 2008

Ultra fast played old school Hardcore with Punk roots here and there!.Hard-hitting songs bursting with an impressive amount of energy combined with fervor , anger and aggressivity coupled with powerful driving mid-paced parts and breakdowns.Harsh , strong and tenacious sung vocals with punchy shouted back-up vocals.A real blast!.Will rip your face off!.

So the band offer you their stuff for free and for those interested you have to go here and to get more infos about the band it is here.

Tracks : 7 songs *.* Length : 14m.
1.Nagazaki *.* 2.End *.* 3.Burn Weak Victim *.* 4.Fight *.* 5.Dragon's Breathe *.* 6.Disturbed *.* 7.Lake Of Hate *.* 8.Murder *.* 9.Think / Ask *.* 10.War

Ayakashi "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 4:17 AM


Fucking awesome!.I immediately loved Ayakashi!.They are delivering a talented EmoCore influenced by the 90's sound.Sweet moving mid-paced songs filled with a huge emotive touch and a melancholic feel mixed with delicious , dreamy and quiet passages and coupled with a beautiful , intricate and tuneful guitar work. Poignant and screaming sung vocals from which you can feel a lot of passion mixed with despair!.My only complaint : only two songs ... gimme more!.Highly recommended!.For more details about the band you have to go here.

Demo : 2 songs *.* Length : 6m.
1.They Call Me Pallaske *.* 2.Lemur D'Amour