West Ghost "Demo 2010" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8:35 AM


Music performed by West Ghost is an interesting and well done mixture of various musical tendencies and offering some quite intuitive and exciting somber Hardcore songs , Rocking Punkrock songs and powerful Hardcore/Punk ones.You can even feel a Post Punk sound flavour here and there.Good driving guitar work with appealing lines / solos.Fresh and pleasing stuff!.For more details about the band it is here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Mikkane on Drums *.* Juki on Bass *.* Jani on Vocals
AQ on Guitar & Vocals *.* Antti K. on Guitar

Demo : 10 songs *.* Length : 29m.
1.Horror *.* 2.Jonas Priest *.* 3.(You Are) The System *.* 4.If You Love Your Children *.* 5.Conshit *.* 6.Snatchin The Black *.* 7.Pixie Holocaust *.* 8.Hardcore 44 *.* 9.Ms Fear *.* 10.Evening The Scales

Gift From : EVOLVE

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 11:27 AM


Evolve "Self Titled" Ep - 2010

Six pretty good and interesting Old School SExHC songs and not surprised to know that Crucial Response decided to release their first full length.If you are into Old School SExHC stuff you know what you have to do!.

So the band offer you their Ep for free and it is here and for more details about the band it is here and here

Ep : 6 songs *.* Length : 11m.
1.Staying Clear *.* 2.Bigger Picture *.* 3.Maura Pride *.* 4.Our Bands *.* 5.Into Nothing *.* 6.Follow Through

Evolve "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:19 AM


Evolve are delivering a fast moving and exciting Old School SExHC burstibg with intensity and conviction filled with cool driving breakdowns.A cross between Chain Of Strength , Floorpunch , Ten Yard Fight.Pretty good stuff!.For more details about the band you have to go here , here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Andreas on Vocals *.* Henrik on Guitar
Petter on Bass *.* Marius on Drums

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 3m.
1.Betrayal *.* 2.Dont Need *.* 3.Turning A Blind Eye

Idols & Anchors "Demo 2012" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:01 AM


Powerful mid-paced semi-metallic Hardcore accelerating the tempo at times combined with intense sung vocals.For more details about the band you have to go here

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 7m.
1.The Canon Lawyer *.* 2.The Way Of The Lion *.* 3.There Is No El Dorado


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 10:49 AM


Living Room "Dream Journal" 2011

Quite lively and melodious Emoish Punkrock coupled with poignant and heartfelt sung vocals.Reminds me Hot Water Music at times.Catchy moving songs filled with passion , melancholy and emotion and offering sweet intricate , tuneful guitar lines.Pretty good stuff!.

So the band offer you their stuff for free and for those interested it is here and if you want to get more details about the band it is here

Tracks : 5 songs *.* Length : 16m.
1.Falling Asleep Walking *.* 2.Blue Stars *.* 3.Red Saints *.* 4.Spiral Galaxy Arms *.* 5.Life Lines


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8:41 AM


Triple Crossed "Trapped Like Rats" Ep - 2011

Old School Hardcore with the 80's sound vibe.A cross between Negative Approach , Minor Threat.Fast and hyperactive played songs with a good amount of energy coupled with driving mid paced passages , stop and go parts and cool breakdowns.A quite damn good band!.

So the band offer you for free their stuff and for those interested you have to go here and to get more details about the band it is here

Ep : 4 songs *.* Length : 5m.
1.Peasants Forever *.* 2.Trapped Like Rats *.* 3.Big Brother's Keeper *.* 4.Grenades On Parade

Circulo Eterno "Demo 2010" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:06 AM


Circulo Eterno are playing a quite good New School SExHC influenced by the 90's sound and in the vein of bands such as Undertow , Unbroken.Well-structured and driving mid-paced songs with an heavy touch and filled with dark and painful feelings.A pretty good and solid demo!.They released a 7Inch available for free on their Facebook's page.For more details you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Sebastian on Vocals *.* A'Double on Bass
Bruno on Guitar *.* Erlyn on Guitar
Alejandro on Drums

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 12m.
1.Abrapado *.* 2.Rencor *.* 3.Circulo Eterno *.* 4.Enemigo *.* 5.Distancias

Southtowne Lanes "Demo 2012" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 6:47 AM


Emoish Punkrock in the sphere of influence of bands such as Hot Water Music , Title Fight.Quite appealing energetic mid-paced songs filled with a sweet melodic touch , fine moving parts and beautiful emotive passages and coupled with poignant and passionate sung vocals.A solid demo!. Great band!.For more details you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
James *.* Matt *.* Tyler *.* Matt

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 17m.
1.Saltwater *.* 2.Curbside *.* 3.Animus *.* 4.Iron Rod *.* 5.I Feel Alive

The Departed "Demo 2007" Demo 2007

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:39 AM


I already talked about The Departed in a previous post and it is a quite damn good demo that all the lovers of the 90's Old School SExHC will appreciate to hear!.A must have!.So to get more details you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Dave on Guitar & Back Voc *.* Joe on Vocals
Razor on Bass & Back Voc *.* Jack on Drums
Phil on Guitar & Back Voc

Demo : 7 songs *.* Length : 14m.
1.Skeletons *.* 2.Those Who It Concern *.* 3.Moments Gone *.* 4.Find Religion Forget Free Thought *.* 5.Every Breath *.* 6.Welcome Home *.* 7.Security


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:23 AM


The Departed "This Is What We Know" - 2009

Kick ass and blasting Old School SExHC mixed with a slight New School touch and with the 90's sound vibe.Powerful , tonic and intense played songs with a wonderful emotive feel at times and coupled with an exciting and solid driving guitar work adding a subtle tuneful touch to the song structure.Strong and poignant sung vocals with punchy back-up vocals here and there.Extremely well played and appealing stuff!.Highly recommended!.

So the band offer you their stuff for free and for those interested it is here and for more details about the band you have to go here

Tracks : 10 songs *.* Length : 22m.
1.Introduction *.* 2.I Thought You Said Global Welfare Not Warfare *.* 3.So Long And Thanks For All The Chemicals *.* 4.Talk Talk Talk *.* 5.Welcome Home *.* 6.So Much For Role Models *.* 7.Find Religion Forget Free Thought *.* 8.Every Breath *.* 9.Skeletons *.* 10.No Turning Back

Osawatomie "Demo 2012" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 4:03 AM


Blasting EmoCore with the 90's sound vibe.Fast , ferocious and violent parts mixed with intense mid-paced passages filled with somber and despair elements.Furious , tortured and throaty sung vocals.Will rip your face off!.For more details you have to go here

Demo : 6 songs *.* Length : 9m.
1.Bono Vox *.* 2.Joga V Dennim Zivoté *.* 3.Humanita *.* 4.Burzum *.* 5.S.U.V *.* 6.Feuersturm

Damaged Goods "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 1:20 AM


Fucking abrasive and devastating combination between heavy Hardcore and PowerViolence.Powerful , intense driving mid-paced parts with good moshing sensibilities coupled with fast , frantic passages with even a chaotic touch at times.Raw , angry and ferocious sung vocals. Heavy Stuff!.For more details you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Dustin *.* Jim *.* Adam *.* Patrick *.* Cameron

Demo : 9 songs *.* Length : 19m.
1.Intro *.* 2.Wasp's Next *.* 3.Bad Apples *.* 4.Crucifiction *.* 5.Retracing *.* *.* 7.Conscience Unclean *.* 8.Departed *.* 9.Outro

Paranoid "Demo 2012"

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:40 AM


Fast and frenetic powerful Hardcore with intense punchy mid-paced passages coupled with loud and strong sung vocals.Yeah .. it rules!.For more details you have to go here and here

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 5m.
1.Lowlife *.* 2.Control *.* 3.Fail To Exist *.* 4.Give In

Vile Bodies "Demo 2010" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:23 AM


Quite attractive and interesting Hardcore mixed with Post-Hardcore and Old School elements.Fast , hyperactive played parts with even a kind of frantic touch at times mixed with hectic mid-paced passages combined with a lot of exciting and technical twists and turns.Nerveous and aggressive sung vocals.Pretty good stuff!. For more details you have to go here

Demo : 7 songs *.* Length : 15m.
1.Novelization *.* 2.The Healer *.* 3.Face W/O Hands *.* 4.Host Becomes Parasite *.* 5.Indentured *.* 6.Mono Tongue *.* 7.Point Diner

Get Wise "Demo 2010" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:03 AM


Quite cool old school SExHC!.Imagine a cross between Youth Of Today , Judge and Brotherhood.Songs are bursting with power and intensity filled with solid , groovy breakdowns , pleasing Youth Crew back-up vocals and vocals sung with strength and conviction. A quite damn good demo!.For more details you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Kristof on Vocals *.* Colins on Guitar
Joris on Bass *.* Stef on Drums

Demo : 7 songs *.* Length : 11m.
1.Take Control *.* 2.Time To Waste *.* 3.Tired *.* 4.Hometow *.* 5.Facing Decline *.* 6.Break The Chains *.* 7.Collapse

Make No Gains "Power" 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , | Posted on 1:41 AM


All has been told about that band with my both previous articles and i wont change my mind - fucking amazing band!.Grab it or go to hell!.For more details you have to go here and here

Tracks : 4 songs *.* Length : 10m.
1.Disguise *.* 2.Noose *.* 3.Born Alone Die Alone *.* 4.Wretched State

Thx to Make No Gains #:)-

Make No Gains "Severed Ties" Tape - 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:32 AM


And here is another recording for one of my fave bands .. Yeah i am radically addicted ... And i dont know what i could add ... excepted the fact that Make No Gains are a fucking awesome band!.They perfectly know how to write songs that will hit you straight in the heart!.Grab their stuff or die!.For more details you have to go here and here

Tape : 5 songs *.* Length : 12m.
1.Write-Off Report *.* 2.A Steady Diet *.* 3.Empathetic Posture *.* 4.A Beauty In Tthe Struggle , My Ass / Alienation *.* 5.Severed Ties

Thx to Make No Gains #:)-

Make No Gains "End Of History" 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:15 AM


Awesome and brilliantly executed stuff!.Whouaa...I have been totally captivated and enthralled by their six songs!.Catchy as hell Punkrock combined with Emoish sensibilities at times and filled with a plethora of hot pleasing and moving parts , a good amount of energy , a sweet melodic touch and a subtle emotive vibe.A cross between Anti-Flag , Good Riddance , Hot Water Music and Propagandhi!.Fucking hot driving guitar work offering delicious tuneful guitar lines / chords.Heartfelt and passionate sung vocals. A must have!.For more details you have to go here and here

Tracks : 6 songs *.* Length : 13m.
1.End Of History *.* 2.Recession Specials *.* 3.The Pigs *.* 4.First World Problems *.* 5.No Soul To Save *.* 6.Eye Of The Tiger

Thx to Make No Gains #:)-

Gift From : A HERO BUILD

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 9:09 AM


A Hero Build "Our Nature" Ep - 2011

Quite appealing melodic Punkrock / Hardcore.At times reminds me a bit A.F.I , Millencolin and Thrice.Well-structured songs combining with delight fast , hyperactive parts with exciting tempo changes coupled with sweet tuneful guitar riffs.Clean sung vocals with aggressive ones at times.Dynamic , lively , jumpy and even emotive stuff!.Pretty cool!.

Tracks : 5 songs *.* Length : 15m.
1.Everlasting *.* 2.Heart & Mind *.* 3.Complete *.* 4.Break The Cycle *.* 5.Bitter End

So the band offer you for free their stuff and for those interested you have just to go here

City Dweller "Self Titled" Tape - 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 1:36 AM


Fucking brilliant and awesome!.City Dweller are performing an exciting and captivating Emotional Hardcore / Post-Hardcore with the Washington D.C sound touch brilliantely mixed with a well dosed 80's Punkrock feel.Imagine a cross between Rites Of Spring , Fugazi , Jawbox and The Adolescents!.Their music is quite attractive varying the intensities and tempos with dexterity and filled with a lot of fine , subtle , groovy and beautiful arrangements. Passion , sensibitily and emotion!.Dont miss that band!.For more details you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Rory on Vocals *.* Ski on Guitar
Zig on Bass *.* Jake on Drums & Vocals

Tape :6 songs *.* Length : 16m.
1.Makeup *.* 2.Other People *.* 3.Live & Grow *.* 4.August *.* 5.I Hate My Friends *.* 6.New Rooms

Meth Mountain "Discography" Tape - 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 1:29 AM


I havebeen quite impressed and enthralled by Meith Mountain. Their music is an interesting and well-structured combination between EmoHC , Post-Hardcore with a slight touch of the 80's sound and with Punk roots and even a Grunge feel at times. Captivating and emotionally charged songs wth a somber feeling here and there and coupled with a plethora of exciting guitar lines.Solid , attractive , inspired and brilliant stuff!.For more details you have to here

********** LINE-UP **********
Stew on Guitar *.* Josh on Vocals
Brandon on Drums *.* Wes on Bass

Tape : 18 songs *.* Length :52m.
1.Drink These Words *.* 2.Blending In *.* 3.Stay Together *.* 4.Holow *.* 5.Regulators *.* 6.Vessels *.* 7.Monotony *.* 8.Apology *.* 9.I Gave Up *.* 10.Paradox *.* 11.Pieces *.* 12.Gentrifi Cat *.* 13.Wind *.* 14.The Sink *.* 15.My War *.* 16.Tourettes *.* 17.2009 Demo *.* 18.Devils Lettuce

NEWS : The label "Self Aware Rcds " on which that tape has been released offers it to you as a free download

Our Last Crusade "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:57 AM


Deep , powerful and heavy metallic mid-paced Hardcore coupled with harsh ,ferocious and throaty sung vocals!. Brutal and heavy stuff!.For more details you have to go here

********** LINE-UP **********
Scott on Vocals *.* Brady on Guitar
Matt on Bass *.* Garret on Ddrums

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 12m
1.Kingdom *.* 2.Shepherd *.* 3.Avenger

Retardead "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 11:39 PM


Blasting Hardcore / Punk with the 80's sound feel.It is raw , abrasive , played fast with vigor and energy filled with exciting short mid-paced moments and coupled with urgent sung vocals. Fucking cool!.A brilliant first demo!.For more details you have to go here

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 4m.
1.From The Ground *.* 2.Zombies Time *.* 3.Zombies Are Not Vegan *.* 4.Dead Shit *.* 5.Nightfall

At Least We Try "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 5:53 AM


Powerful and hard-hitting fucking heavy Hardcore with a metallic touch ranging from intense mid-paced parts with moshing sensibilities to fast ones and coupled with ferocious , abrasive sung vocals.Their sound is compact and solid creating an oppressive , somber and anguishing atmosphere.Heavy stuff!.For more details you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Olivier on Drums *.* Mich on Guitar
Fabian on Vocals *.* Gael on Bass

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 14m.
1.I *.* 2.II *.* 3.III *.* 4.IV *.* 5.V

Mass Milicja "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 9:09 AM


Punchy mid-paced Punk with a strong AnarchoPunk vibe performed with fervor and vigor with a subtle melodic feel.Vocals are sung with conviction , passion and sincerity.I have been totally enthralled by the second track "Robotniczy" - a hot and captivating song!.A pretty damn good demo.For more details you have to go here

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 10m.
1.Pociski Zamiast Stow *.* 2.Robotniczy *.* 3.Mizoginia *.* 4.No Pasaran!