In Tongues "GHC Demo" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:24 AM


Heavy as hell in your face Hardcore introducing a slight metallic feel and moshing sensibilities.Deep , loud and somber mid-paced parts filled with a real strength and power mixed with fast , abrasive passages coupled with a solid guitar work.Raging , aggressive sung vocals with a ferocious feel.Solid and heavy stuff!. A pretty damn good demo!.For more details you have to go here

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 9m.
1.Faceless *.* 2.Existence Denied *.* 3.Victims Turned Scapegoat

Thx To David #:)-

Traveling "End Of The Summer" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 6:52 AM


Beautiful Emo with an Indie feel at times.I've been particularly enthralled by the sweet and adorable female sung vocals.Songs are quite pleasing to hear filled with sweet moving parts from which emerges an extremely appealing groovy feel.The guitar work is full of intricate , clean and tuneful line / chords.I loved that band!. For more details you have to go here

********** LINE-UP **********
Alan on Bass & Backup Vocals *.* Jake on Drums
Ginger on Guitar & Vocals

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 9m.
1.Idealist Temperament *.* 2.Pt. 1 End Of The Summer *.* 3.Pt. 2 Less Than True Love *.* 4.Future Ghost

Slaves To The Pavement "Demo Ep" Demo 2009

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 10:57 AM


I pressed the play button and i have been immediately enthralled and excited by Slaves To The Pavement's music!.Fucking explosive and hot moving punchy melodic Hardcore / Punkrock bursting with a such intensity and energy that you will be driven in a total wild dance!.It's fast , tonic as hell with kick ass and wonderful mid-paced parts coupled with nervous , hard-hitting sung vocals.All done with an extreme conviction and fervor!. Whouaaa ... dont miss that band!.Highly recommended!.For more details you have to go here and here

Demo Ep : 4 songs *.* Length : 12m.
1.At War With Peaceful Behavior *.* 2.Days On Repeat *.* 3.Rotting On Carousels With Clones *.* 4.Elbows And Arrows

Knife Crimes "Demo MMXII" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:46 AM


Somber and heavy mid-paced Hardcore with faster parts at times and good moving moshy elements.Their sound creates a kind of oppressive , loud and heavy atmosphere.Raging and angry as hell sung vocals.Solid and devastating!.For more details you have to go here

********** LINE-UP **********
Oliver *.* Joe *.* Thom *.* Dan

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 16m.
1.Heathen Reign *.* 2.Cold Cross *.* 3.Burnt Eden *.* 4.Field Of Flames

Hidden Lane "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 3:56 AM


Quite cool and pleasing melodic Hardcore / Punkrock with the 90's sound flavour.Reminds me a bit No Use For A Name , Pulley .... Hyper vitaminized rhythms from which emerge a good amount of energy and tonicity combined with fine , appealing tempo changes. Jumpy , melodic , enthusiastic and catchy stuff!.A quite attractive and exciting demo!.For more details you have to go here and here

Demo : 6 songs *.* Length : 15m.
1.The Fire Is Still Burning *.* 2.White Lines *.* 3.Special Day *.* 4.Go Get A Spine *.* 5.Friends Of The Past *.* 6.Hypocrite (You Know Who You Are)

Mosaic "Guts For Garters" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 4:20 AM


Fucking cool and exciting Hardcore mixed with a Screamo touch and an heavy feel introducing a delicious tuneful overtone at times. Songs are bursting with intensity , vigor and filled with a strong , powerful emotive vibe.Ferocious nd tenacious sung vocals from which you can feel a lot of despair and pain.Hot driving guitar work.Solid stuff!.Highly recommended!.For more details you have to go here

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 6m.
1.Guts For Garters *.* 2.Burning The Veil *.*

Oxbones "Demo 2012" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 1:06 AM


Brutal , chaotic , abrasive and noisy D-Beat / Grindcore ... apocalyptic rhythms with short oppressive mid-paced parts. Ferocious and angry as hell sung vocals.Whoua ... it ruined my poor little brain ... For more details you have to go here and here

Demo : 6 songs *.* Length : 9m.
1.Sentinel *.* 2.Want *.* 3.Automaton *.* 4.Dust *.* 5.Need *.* 6.Ash

Woodwork "Self Titled" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 7:03 AM


Quite awesome stuff!.Woodwork are offering 4 quite impressive and intense SExHC songs influenced by the 90's sound and combining with a real dexterity old school and new school elements.Heavy , somber and driving powerful mid-paced parts alternating with fast , abrasive passages. Vocals are sung with strength , rage and conviction. Exciting , incisive and punchy heavy guitar work with pleasing solos here and there.A cross between Groundwork , Unbroken , Undertow.Sure all the lovers of the 90's SExHC sound will be totally enthralled by Woodwork!.Solid and excellent!.For more details about the band you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Aurelien on Drums *.* Julien on Bass *.* Nabil on Guitar *.* Nicolas on Vocals *.* Pablo on Guitar

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 12m.
1.Slow Motion Ggenocide *.* 2.Exil Life *.* 3.From The T.4 *.* 4.Downfall Of Giants

Thx To Nab #:)-

Pure Scum "Demo 2012" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:38 AM


Ok ... I would tend to tell that Pure Scum are sounding like 80's US Hardcore / Punk bands and mixed with an influence of the Japanese scene!.High energy mid-paced songs bursting with a good amount of intensity , tenacity and velocity.Vocals are sung with fervor and pugnacity.Pretty good stuff!.For more details you have to go here and here

Demo : 9 songs *.* Length : 10m. Label : Sorry State Rcds
1.To Hell With School *.* 2.Brianwash *.* 3.I Hate The Mail *.* 4.I Dont Care *.* 5.Spit It Out *.* 6.Born To Hate *.* 7.Disaster *.* 8.Test My Patience *.* 9.Road Rash

Gift From : DELAYED

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 1:32 AM


Delayed "Cold December" Ep - 2008

And here's Delayed again!.I have been quite enthralled and enchanted by their 3 other songs featuring on their Ep.Brilliant and extremely pleasing and appealing melodic Punkrock!.A must have!.

Ep : 3 songs *.* Length : 11m.
1.What Do You Know *.* 2.Impossible Dream *.* 3.Cold December

So the band offer you their Ep for free and for those interested in grabbing it you have just to go here

Gift From : DELAYED

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:17 AM


Delayed "Addict" - 2011

Pretty damn cool lively melodic Punkrock / Hardcore in the vein of bands such as Bad Religion , No Use For A Name , A.F.I and Pennywise!.Quite jubilantly moving songs played with a lot of dynamism , energy coupled with a sweet emotive vibe at times and varying the intensities quite well with exciting tempo changes and filled with beautiful melodious parts , catchy harmonies.Frenetically pleasing to the ears ... I am totally into this!.

Tracks : 12 songs *.* Length : 40m.
1.Addict *.* 2.Crazy *.* 3.In Your Own Way *.* 4.Losing Control *.* 5.MTV *.* 6.Say Your Prayers *.* 7.Take Me For A Fool *.* 8.Dilemma *.* 9.Hey You *.* 10.She Is Taking *.* 11.Make It Out Alive *.* 12.Whats The Problem

So the band offer you their stuff for free and for those interested they have just to click here

End Times "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:11 AM


Deep , powerful and dark heavy Hardcore with a metallic feel thrown in coupled with harsh , strong and raging sung vocals. Their sound is quite solid and filled with strength and a ferocious feeling.Intense mid-paced parts with moshing sensibilities mixed with faster , abrasive passages.Cool heavy guitar riffs and solos.A total devastating demo full of anguish and aggression!.For more details about the band you have to go here

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 15m.
1.Cosmoc *.* 2.Dweller *.* 3.Pestilence *.* 4.Anguish


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 6:42 AM


Skangkots "Enjoy" 2012

Hot and sweet dancing , moving Ska / SkaPunk ... Yeah ... quite irresistible and pleasing rhythms ... you will be contaminated by their energy and enthusiasm ... fun , catchy , melodious and dynamic as hell.Makes me feel extremely good and happy!.

Tracks : 9 songs *.* Length : 15m.
1.Hello Mister *.* 2.Angry Little Man *.* 3.Dance Sucka *.* 4.Booze 1 The Rest 0 *.* 5.Rotten C.T *.* 6.Heavy Metal Ruined My Life *.* 7.Arrest The People *.* 8.Psychobilly Haircut *.* 9.Trail Of A Nasty

So the band offer you their stuff for free so if you are interested you have hust to go here and for more details about the band it is here

Daydream "Demo 2012" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:29 AM


Pretty good and captivating 90's New School SExHC!.A cross between Undertow , Champions (90's band) , Encounter and Worlds Collide!.Intense and powerful heavy mid-paced songs with a quite appealing rhythmic and attractive twists and turns.Pretty cool guitar work with killer riffs and generating a subtle tuneful overtone at times.Heartfelt sung vocals filled with strength and sincerity.Solid and passionate stuff!.Highly recommended!. For more details about the band you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Jack *.* Viliam *.* Andrey *.* Ondra *.* Pavel

Demo : 6 songs *.* Length : 16m.
1.Daydream *.* 2.The Voice *.* 3.Madness *.* 4.My Way *.* 5.Trust Nobody *.* 6.A Stranger To Myself

Smoother "The Young Crispy" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 2:05 AM


Quite sweet and catchy Emo quite well inspired by the 90's Emo sound!.Great and captivating moving songs filled with delicacy and charm introducing a fine subtle melodious touch and with an extremely pleasing guitar work. Passionate sung vocals with a slight screamed feel at times.Whouaa ... a must have for all the 90's Emo lovers!.For more details about the band you have to go here

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 6m.
1.Tremolo Baby *.* 2.Inception *.* 3.Lil'Blood

The Beautiful Ones "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 1:20 AM


The Beautiful Ones are playing a quite impressive and solid NYHC / Hardcore with the 90's sound flavour introducing a slight metallic touch at times and even a subtle tuneful feel.Songs are bursting with intensity , strength and power combining quite well heavy mid-paced parts with hot moshing passages creating an interesting groovy feel here and there and fast , aggressive moments.Strong sung vocals in perfect harmony with the music played!.A pretty damn good demo.For more details about the band you have to go here

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 10m.
1.Too Beautiful *.* 2.Truth Hurts *.* 3.Old News Same News *.* 4.Absolute Minds

American Royalty "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 6:57 AM


2 cool and catchy melodic Hardcore / Punkrock songs.Fast and energetic parts combined with jumpy mid-paced ones and adding a slight emotive touch at times.Attractive and tuneful guitar lines. Hope to hear more from them in a near future!.For more details about the band you have to go here

Demo : 2 songs *.* Length : 4m.
1.Movie Or Tthe Planet *.* 2.Mill Street

Outbound "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 10:46 AM


Powerful and intense mid-paced moshing and heavy 90's New School Hardcore mixed with NYHC sensibilities coupled with strong , somber and punchy sung vocals!.Whouaa ... heavy stuff!. Sounds really good!.For more details about the band you have to go here

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 8m.
1.Intro *.* 2.Deep Inside Me *.* 3.Cold *.* 4.Changed *.* 5.Outro

Tombecks "Lé Demo" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 3:42 AM


Well ... i tried ... and tried again ... hard to find the right words to define their music ... kind of weird , somber , oppressive and tenacious mid-paced Hardcore / Punk with an heavy touch thrown in.Loud , punchy and abrasive sung vocals.And finally i have to conclude in telling that i finally found their music quite good and attractive!.For more details about the band you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
John on Vocals *.* Mike on Guitar
Jeff on Bass *.* Jeremy on Drums

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 5m.
1.Jim Crow Shows *.* 2.Rather Be Riding *.* 3.Streetwear Kid *.* 4.Myth

Apart From This "Demo 2010" Demo 2010

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8:03 AM


Short demo ... and so so good ... and for sure you will ask for more ... like me!.Hot lively and jumpy melodic power PopPunk / Punkrock!.3 catchy as hell moving songs played with a good amount of vitality and enthusiasm coupled with fine melodious sung vocals.Top cool band!.For more details about the band you have to go here and here

********** LINE-UP **********
Tim *.* Stephen *.* Matt *.* Jake

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 8m.
1.Intro (We Think For Ourselves) *.* 2.Meaby St. *.* 3.Time Will Tell

Gift From : COUSINS

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 3:55 AM


Cousins "Axthoxy" Ep - 2011

Somber , passionate and cold music!.A fine and well structured combination between Ppost-Punk and Cold/NewWave creating a quite captivating and enchanting sound!.Hot moving parts crossed with slow , dreamy ones. Solemn and deep sung vocals with a dark feeling.Close the light , close your eyes and enjoy!.Great stuff!

Ep : 4 songs *.* Length : 19m.
1.A *.* 2.Databending *.* 3.The Web And The Rock *.* 4.Droit Du Seigneur

So the band offer you their Ep for free and for those interested in listening to it it is here and for more details about the band you have to go here and here


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , , | Posted on 8:53 AM


Ultra//Negative "Finally I'm At Peace" Ep - 2011

Be warned .... sensitive ears ... go away!.Blasting Hardcore with Punk roots mixed with PowerViolence and D-Beat sensibilities!. They combine quite well fast , frantic parts with intense deep driving mid-paced moments.Angry , abrasive pissed off sung vocals.For sure ... it rages!. Devastating and good stuff!.

Ep : 8 songs *.* Length : 8m.
1.Rebirth *.* 2.Noose *.* 3.I'm Safe *.* 4.Throats Cutters Union *.* 5.Transparent *.* 6.Purge *.* 7.From Nothing To Nothing *.* 8.My Head

So the band offer you their Ep for free and those interested to grab it you have to go here

Webcam Teens "Demo 2012" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 8:51 AM


Fast and furious Hardcore with Punk roots and D-Beat sensibilities mixed with cool exciting tempo changes.Their sound is quite raw and abrasive.Tenacious sung vocals.It rages ... Good stuff!.For more details about the band you have to go here

********** LINE-UP **********
Tony on Vocals *.* Saad on Bass *.* Paul on Drums
Sebastian on Guitar *.* Nader on Guitar

Demo : 5 songs *.* Length : 8m.
1.Behold A Pale Horse *.* 2.Meaningless *.* 3.Talked Out *.* 4.Oblivion *.* 5.Smiling Disease

Munchausen "Illegal Demo" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 8:48 AM


Raw and abrasive Punkrock with a slight Noisy feel.At times reminds me a bit The Misfits!.Quite cool , wild , hectic and moving mid-paced songs from which emerges a pretty good energy and coupled with attractive guitar / bass lines. Tenacious sung vocals filled with aggressiveness.Yeah ... Fucking cool stuff!.For more details about the band you have to go here

Demo : 3 songs *.* Length : 5m.
1.Suburban Squares *.* 2.Drained *.* 3.Couch Rot

Discourse "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 5:26 AM


Loud , powerful and heavy Hardcore with the 90's New School sound touch thrown in!.Intense and punchy mid-paced songs alternating with faster parts at times and filled with strength and vigor and coupled with strong , agressive sung vocals.Hard hitting stuff!.Good!.For more details about the band you have to go here and here and even here

********** LINE-UP **********
Patrick *.* Kyle *.* Josh

Demo : 4 songs *.* Length : 7m.
1.Condemn *.* 2.Carved In Stone *.* 3.Follow *.* 4.No Heroes

Gift From Oldschool Records : SPLINT!

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 7:56 AM


Splint! "The Deadly Rhythm" 10 songs - 2012

Blasting old school Hardcore bursting with a good amount of energy , intensity and coupled with a slight tenacious , ferocious touch and introducing a subtle melodic feel here and there.Nerveous and aggressive sung vocals.A true and pure moment of Hardcore!.Great stuff and band!.

Tracks : 10 songs *.* Length : 2012
1.Intro *.* 2.Where Should I Start *.* 3.Digging Up *.* 4.Live Slow Die Old *.* 5.The Final Countdown *.* 6.Rad Party *.* 7.Aztec Two Step *.* 8.This Song Should Not Be Available As A Ringtone *.* 9.GoldXCoast Crew *.* 10.Outro By Mc Moe Aka Gemini7 Feat Dj Splint!

So Oldschool Records offer you the Splint!'s stuff for free and for those interested you have to go here and for more details about the band it is here

Thx to Romain #:)-

Gift From Oldschool Records : NEVER AGAIN

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 7:42 AM


Never Again "No" 8 songs - 2012

Tonic and blasting old school Hardcore songs bursting with intensity and spontaneity introducing a slight melodic feel.Rhythm of the songs is generally fast but alternates at times with intense , driving and even groovy mid-paced parts bursting with a strong and powerful emotive touch here and there.Hard-hitting and kind of aggressive sung vocals with a slightly screamed feel at times. Fucking cool stuff!.

Tracks : 8 songs *.* Length : 20m.
1.Take It Away *.* 2.Beer Color *.* 3.DI Way *.* 4.Infection *.* 5.Fred & Jamy *.* 6.Buddy *.* 7.The Wheel *.* 8.An Empty Diary

So Oldschool Rcds offer you Never Again's stuff for free and for those interested you have to go here and for more details about the band it is here

Thx to Romain #:)-

Gift From : AS WE WERE

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:11 AM


As We Were "A Reason" 4 songs - 2011

I've been totally blowed away ... yeah As We Were are a fucking amazing band!.Brilliant 90's New School SExHC with a slight metal touch thrown in for good measure!.Intense and powerful rhythms with a hot moving touch and a groovy feel mixed with and coupled with great heavy guitar work creating a slight , fine tuneful overtone here and there.Somber and depressive elements too. Poignant and strong vocals in perfect harmony with the atmosphere of the songs.Excellent!.Highly recommended!.

Tracks : 4 songs *.* Length : 13m.
1.What's Owed *.* 2.Sick Of *.* 3.A Reason *.* 4.Welcome Back

So the band offer you for free their 4 songs and for those interested it is here and for those interested in knowing more about them it is here

Autonomy "Demo 2011" Demo 2011

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8:53 AM


I would tend to tell that their music is influenced by the 80's UK AnarchoPunk sound coupled with a Post-Punk touch.Reminds me a bit bands such as The Apostles , The Mob and Fallout!.Mid paced rhyhtmed songs with captivating parts and pretty cool moving bass lines on some songs.Their music generates an atmosphere filled with anguish and somber elements.Pretty good and interesting stuff!.For more details about the band you have to go here

Demo : 8 songs *.* Length : 20m.
1.Homostasis Stasis *.* 2.Fear- Hate *.* 3.No Need *.* 4.Kistvaen *.* 5.Schism *.* 6.For What Cause? *.* 7.Public Faith *.* 8.Gulag Romeo


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8:51 AM


Problem Child "Restless When Idle" - 2012

Extremely cool moving and driving Punkrock with PopPunk sensibilities and mixed with the 90's sound flavour!.Their music is quite dynamic , tonic with a good amount of energy and an irresistable groovy feel and incorporating a nice melodic touch.Good pleasing sung vocals.Highly appealing and catchy!.A cross between The Bollweevils , Green Day , Mr T. Experience , Screeching Weasel and Dag Nasty!.Totally addicted ... Great band and stuff!.

Tracks : 8 songs *.* Length : 19m.
1.The Protesters *.* 2.Wake Up *.* 3.Wanna B W/U (Ode To Screeching Weasel) *.* 4.W.B.C (A New Kind Of Hate) *.* 5.Letter To A Fascist *.* 6.A Catchy One *.* 7.Wartime *.* 8.Restless When Idle

So the band offer you for free their recording and for those interested it is here and for those interested in knowing more about them you have to go here

Endless Column "Demo 2012" Demo 2012

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 10:35 AM


Pretty cool and groovy Post-Punk / Punkrock with the 77-80's touch!.At times reminds me a bit the Buzzcocks , Newtown Neurotics...Their music is sweet , dynamic , lively and appealing filled with a beautiful and subtle melodious touch.Extremely pleasing , driving guitar parts. Yeah ...pretty good stuff!.For more details about the band you have to go here

********** LINE-UP **********
Douglas on Guitar & Vocals *.* Jim on Bass
Eric on Drums *.* David on Guitar & Vocals

Demo : 6 songs *.* Length : 16m.
1.Salty Teardrops *.* 2.Misrata *.* 3.Endless Column Summer *.* 4.Hiway 5 *.* 5.Tic For Tac *.* 6.Decay