SINDROME DE DOWN? "Vox Populi" Demo

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , | Posted on 1:36 AM


Would i say they growed up in listening to the Dead Kennedys...probably and for sure its the main influence you can feel when you are listening to the band's songs!.Pretty good stuff!.Sorry dont have the infos about the date of the release of that tape and where the band comes if you would be cool!.

Demo : 5 tracks *.* Length : 10m.
1.Vida Longa Aos Nobres *.* 2.Democracia Capitalista *.* 3.Hei Claidh!?! *.* 4.Humanos Imbecis *.* 5.Eu Sou O Repressor

The HEART POLITICS "Still Lonely" Demo 199X

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:05 AM


Leatherface is one of my fave bands and it's the first band coming in mind when i am listening to the Heart Politics's stuff!.For sure they're playing in the same vein and even the singer's voice is similar....Fuckin' awesome!.

********** LINE-UP **********
Thomas on Drums *.* Joerg on Bass *.* Andreas on Vocals/Guitar

Demo : 5 tracks *.* Length : 16m.
1.Positive Hate *.* 2.My Escape *.* 3.Look Away *.* 4.When Tthe Time Comes *.* 5.An Old Man

GENOSSEN "Wehrt Euch!" Demo 1986

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:39 PM


Fast played Punk Rock with a slight HC feel from which emerges a real energy and dynamism you will feel all along your listening!.Vocals are sung with conviction having a real impact on the music delivered!.Hot Stuff!!!!.
Band from Reutlingen formed in 84 they released several demo tapes and featured on lot of compilations.Have a 7 Inch out on Empty Rcds.
For more infos about the band you can visit their homepage here.

********** LINE-UP **********
Virus on Vocals *.* Matsch on Drums
Schilli on Bass *.* Roderich on Guitar

Demo : 8 tracks *.* Length : 15 m
1.Zensur *.* 2.Ostfrontgewitter *.* 3.B-Tong *.* 4.Amis Raus! *.* 5.BRD Reise *.* 6.Wehrt Euch! *.* 7.Ausgerottet *.* 8.Bullenstaat

SMEAR CAMPAIGN "Self Titled" Live Tape 2000

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:12 AM


Not totally sure if we have a kind of demo here because the tracks have been recorded live at CJAM(Windsor ON) the 15th of April 2000.
Pre Oxbaker the band is coming from Canada and they offer us a brutal speedy Thrashy HC/Punk having some mid tempo parts and with raging and angry dual sung vocals.Not really for sensitive ears .... hahaha .... but so so good!.

********** LINE-UP **********
Sam - Bombardant throat savagery *.* Matt - 6 String funeral march
Dave - Hellish crossfire on wooden coffins
Woody - Major rager on the 4 string motherfucker
Jordy - Screaming bloody murder

Tape : 11 tracks *.* Length : 12m
1.Alarm Smarm *.* 2.Plaster Casts *.* 3.Mountain Of Wealth *.* 4.The Difference Between Piss And Rainwater *.* 5.Dont Make Me Heartpunch Your Sorry Ass *.* 6.Stand By Powerless *.* 7.Siege Engine *.* 8.Abuse Humanity *.* 9.Enigma Machine *.* 10.Problem Solved As Many Start *.* 11.Rinse Cycle


Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:39 AM


C.M.F were from Boblingen and played a dynamic and lively Punk Rock having a slight HC feel with a melodic touch and coupled with some nice guitar parts.Somewhere between Bad Religion and Pennywise!.Pretty good and driving stuff!.Have released another demo i will talk about later on and excepted that i dont know so much more about the band.

********** LINE-UP **********
Oli on Bass *.* Ingo on Drums
Ralf on Guitar/Vocals *.* Andy on Guitar

Demo : 10 tracks *.* Length : 27m
1.Mr Thomson B *.* 2.H. Was A Buttfucker *.* 3.Fur Is Dead
4.War Sex *.* 5.Hit Me *.* 6.Evening Of My Life *.* 7.Burn
8.People Hate *.* 9.Awake *.* 10.Insane.

DADDY BURNS "Self Titled" Demo 1996

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 10:55 AM


Fast played HC with the old school touch.Tonic stuff!.Reminds me a bit another French band "Flitox".
They were on a compilation EP out on Panx "FMDCS La Compile" with other French bands DDT,Pilgrims & Condense.

*********** LINE-UP **********
Steve B. on Drums -*- Seb B. on Bass
Tim B. on Guitar -*- Frank B. on Vocals

Demo : 7 tracks *.* Length : 12m
1.Intro *.* 2.Attack *.* 3.Censorshit *.* 4.The Incredible Hairy Man *.* 5.Daddy Burns
6.Homeless Blues *.* 7.Namyriahelb Idercnieht

The CHAMPIONS "And I Cant Turn Away" Demo 1993

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 8:55 AM


Amazing!.New School SExHC heavy and intense and coupled with vocals sung with a real strenght,passion and conviction!.The guitar's work is killing me ... simply brilliant!.At times reminds me a bit World's Collide excepted for the song titled "Prophecy" sounding more into the Shelter's vein!.An awesome band.
The Champions were from Burlington and released a 7 Inch titled "Once And Future King" on Moo Cow Rcds and onother one on Unique Rcds.

********** LINE-UP **********
Stefan H. on Drums ; Austin B. on Guitar
Jeff L. on Guitar ; Jeff K. on Bass
Simon B. on Vocals

Demo : 7 tracks *.* Length : 18m.
1.Hangers *.* 2.One And Future King *.* 3.Green *.*4.In Time *.* 5.Satisfied *.* 6.The Prophecy *.*7. Pain No Gain (Live)