VA - Negative Benehem (AFT - 1985)

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in | Posted on 11:53 AM


Well well lets go for the first post...and i am going to start with a compilation tape released on the French Tapes label "Agnostic Front Tapes" based in Le Havre.This compilation is only covering the German Punk/HC scene of the mid 80's.Bands featuring on it are : Wut,ST37,Donalds Horden,Bluttat,DIA, Neurotic Arseholes,Upright Citizens,Sackgasse,Nuclear and Agent 53.So as you can see some of the major German P/HC bands of the 80's are here....its a pretty good release and the sound quality is overall quite good.The song " Flying Into Heavens" performed by Bluttat is one of my fave ones...totally sticked in my mind!!!.
Password : thehcpunkdemotapesarchives

Under Construction

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in | Posted on 9:48 AM


Well Well i am just starting to work on a blog so give me time to organize all and to get a better insight about how to deal with that....All being so new for me....
As for the project of this blog .... in fact its title is telling all .... the purpose of this blog is to help you to discover band(s) through their demo recordings ... but i will explain more about all next time ...
Its just the beginning so i need to clarify all the ideas i have in my small brain ....
Anyway i hope you will enjoy that blog in the future ....

So after a good night here are more infos about the purpose of this blog's project and about my motivations and reasons to start it :

There will have compilation tapes cause i always thought that compilation was a pretty good & cheap way to discover bands from all over the world.

If you used to play in a band and if you are interested in getting your demo(s) on the blog please get in touch and if you want to add more info about the band you played with and already featuring on the blog it would be very welcome

If you're playing in a band and having just released a demo and interested in having it on my blog please get in touch too.

And i need your help ..... so if you can and are interested in taking part to this project it would be really cool and pretty much appreciated.So feel free to keep in touch.

I always enjoyed to listen to demos.Its so cool to discover news bands with their first recording attempt which is often a demo.So i thought that it would be cool to share my passion for the demos with you and in a same time to give the opportunity to people to discover bands,to get demos they were looking for without having to pay "indecent prices" and give a chance to some recordings to go out from obscurity!.
I really hope that it will give you the motivation to know more about the band,get their stuff,etc.....
So i will add all the infos i can get about their releases (cd,lp,ep) and if some are still availbale i will insert a link where you will able to buy it ...... just in case you might be interested in getting more stuff of a band after the listening of their demo(s) ....

When i will have more free time i will work on the layout.....

More next time .....
Have a nice HC/P day!!!!!!