Mobile Enterprise - MIS Quarterly Executive - Prof. Stefan Stieglitz and Tobias Brockmann
Increasing Organizational Performance by Transforming into a Mobile Enterprise This resear...
published: 18 Jul 2013
author: WiKuKUniMS
Mobile Enterprise - MIS Quarterly Executive - Prof. Stefan Stieglitz and Tobias Brockmann
Mobile Enterprise - MIS Quarterly Executive - Prof. Stefan Stieglitz and Tobias Brockmann
Increasing Organizational Performance by Transforming into a Mobile Enterprise This research identifies how IT organizational performance can be improved in ...- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 112
- author: WiKuKUniMS
1. Translational Research and Advocacy
MIT HST.S14 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Poor Setting...
published: 06 Jan 2014
1. Translational Research and Advocacy
1. Translational Research and Advocacy
MIT HST.S14 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Poor Settings, Spring 2012 View the complete course: MIT HST.S14 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Poor Settings, Spring 2012 View the complete course: Health Information System (HIS) has to be seen in a context of adding value to all the relevant stakeholders. Watch Solidiance's Principal of Healthcare Asia. Allen Lee Allen Lee is leading Information Systems scholar. He a former editor-in-chief of MIS Quarterly and in 2005, he was named a Fellow of the Associatio. High tech -- low resources- big impact. The Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) is a global action research network established to strengthen health . MIT HST.S14 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Poor Settings, Spring 2012 View the complete course: Support Telehealth technologies for developing countries by voting daily in the Microsoft Youthspark Challenge for Change! June 17-24. . Fifth Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture on Contemporary Issues in Health Care and Social Sciences held by Anusandhan Trust and its Centres on in Mumbai. Dr. Reddy. Incorporating information technologies and information management, this work describes evolving areas of efficiency in the healthcare industry due to healthc. MIT HST.S14 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Poor Settings, Spring 2012 View the complete course: MIT HST.S14 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Poor Settings, Spring 2012 View the complete course: Jason Goldwater Health IT Project Manager, NORC at the University of Chicago Jason Goldwater, MA, MPA, is a Health IT Project Manager at NORC. He has extensi. Country: Kenya Region of Impact: Africa Project Description: AfriAfya is a model. OST's Jim VanderMey tells the impact Epic Architecture has on health system strategy. DEMO MIT HST.S14 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Poor Settings, Spring 2012 View the complete course info for info. Hallo in diesem Video werde ich wichtige Infos geben und noch ein Tutorial machen. New workflows for social media, crowdsourcing, and crowd-mapping are often are more process than product, and therefore often fall outside current methods of. Combining Computing, Design and Healthcare: Charting an Agenda for Personal Health Informatics Elizabeth Mynatt from Georgia Institute of Technology presents. Innovation Ecosystems for Mega Impact - a national conference on Social Innovation, Technology and Government at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Aug. More details: Get the price of machines: Shanghai shibang machinery As a leading . The PhD Program in Information Systems focuses on the impact and influence of information technologies on the structure of enterprises, nature of behaviors b. Impactt Designs Promotion video. I used Camtasia studio for editing. I really liked it some of the effects are ones that other programs dont have.- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 0
Chapman University Faculty Profiles - Prof. Bruce Dehning
Professor Bruce Dehning talks about his teaching in the Argryos School of Business and Eco...
published: 12 Aug 2013
Chapman University Faculty Profiles - Prof. Bruce Dehning
Chapman University Faculty Profiles - Prof. Bruce Dehning
Professor Bruce Dehning talks about his teaching in the Argryos School of Business and Economics at Chapman University, including the use of technology in business and business education, the high demand for Chapman's graduates in accounting, and Chapman's MBA program in the Czech Republic. Dr. Dehning also talks about the real world experience that's part of a Chapman education and Chapman's CPA exam pass rates. Chapman is one of the top 10 schools in California for CPA exam rates.- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 42
Managing ICTs in Education: The management issues
This 20 minute video has been prepared for the October 2013 "Flash MOOC" held at CPUT in C...
published: 24 Sep 2013
Managing ICTs in Education: The management issues
Managing ICTs in Education: The management issues
This 20 minute video has been prepared for the October 2013 "Flash MOOC" held at CPUT in Cape Town. The references that accompany this video include: Churches, A. (2009) "Bloom's digital taxonomy". Available from the web: [Accessed 16 April 2013]. Pellegrinelli, S. & Bowman, C. (1994) "Implementing strategy through projects". Long Range Planning, 27 (4), pp.125--132. Yoo, Y. (2010) "Computing in everyday life: A call for research on experiential computing". Mis Quarterly, 34 (2), pp.213--231. Beer, S. (1984) "The viable system model: its provenance, development, methodology and pathology". Journal of the operational research society, pp.7--25.- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 7
H1. El oficio del método: la construcción de problemas
//// El oficio del método: la construcción de problemas ////
Comencemos por el principio:...
published: 01 Oct 2013
H1. El oficio del método: la construcción de problemas
H1. El oficio del método: la construcción de problemas
//// El oficio del método: la construcción de problemas //// Comencemos por el principio: ¿qué es el método y la metodología? Una respuesta simple y convencional nos diría que son técnicas para la producción de datos empíricos, trataremos de pensar sin embargo el método como un oficio artesanal cuyo objetivo principal es la producción de problemas de investigación. Un problema de investigación es un ejercicio que contextualizada teóricamente un asunto empírico sobre el cual se lanza una pregunta de investigación. Construir un problema es por lo tanto elaborar un esbozo que nos muestra algo y, al mismo tiempo, señala algo que falta. Bibliografía Hammersley, M., & Atkinson, P. (1994). Etnografía. Métodos de investigación. Barcelona: Paidós. [capítulo 2] Sautu, Ruth; Boniolo, Paula; Dalle, Pablo; Elbert, Rodolfo. La construcción del marco teórico en la investigación social. En publicación: Manual de metodología. Construcción del marco teórico, formulación de los objetivos y elección de la metodología. CLACSO, Colección Campus Virtual, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2005. Lecturas complementarias Ruiz Olabuénaga, J. L. (1996). El diseño cualitativo [capítulo 2]. En Ruiz J. L. Olabuénaga, Metodología de la investigación cualitativa (pp. 51-82).Bilbao: Editorial Deusto. Gibson, W. J. y Brown, A. (2009). Working with Qualitative Data. Sage (capítulos 1, 2, 3 y 4). ############################################################### #### La investigación cualitativa: oficio, sensibilidad y mirada #### ############################################################### La investigación social es un dominio amplio donde conviven distintas disciplinas, metodologías diferentes (cualitativas y cuantitativas) y sensibilidades muy dispares, en ocasiones irreconciliables. No hay buenas o malas técnicas o metodologías mejores o peores. Lo que hay es buena investigación y mala investigación. La buena es aquella que nos ayuda a comprender el mundo, aquella que problematiza lo que damos por sentado y elabora nuevas preguntas sobre ello. La presente asignatura realiza una introducción a la metodología cualitativa, una sensibilidad entre las múltiples posibles de la investigación social. Tomaremos como punto de partida la noción de problemas de investigación y discutiremos cómo fabricar lo que designaremos como problemas de investigación desde la mirada propia de la investigación cualitativa. Pero ¿qué es exactamente un problema de investigación?, digamos en una primera aproximación que es un espacio que despliega las condiciones de posibilidad para la producción de conocimiento. Un problema de investigación es aquel que señala un lugar de tensión donde es posible poner a prueba nuestras teorías o, más interesante aún, elaborar otras nuevas; de manera que podemos pensar en la investigación como el oficio de diseñar problemas de investigación. Introduciremos tres aspectos que sitúan la pregunta y dotan de cuerpo al problema: la contextualización teórica del proyecto, la delimitación de un contexto empírico al que se refiere y el diseño metodológico. Bibliografía Ardévol A. y Vayreda, A (s/d). La investigación cualitativa. En E. Ardévol y A. Vayreda 'Metodologías Cualitativas de la Investigación Social. Barcelona: UOC. Taylor, S. J., & Bogdan, R. (2008 [1984]). Introducción. Ir hacia la gente [Capítulo 1]. En S. J. Taylor, & R. Bogdan, Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación (pp. 15-30). Barcelona: Paidós. Denzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S.: "Introduction: Entering the field of qualitative research". En: Denzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S. (eds.): "Handbook of Qualitative Research". Cap. 1, Sage Publications, California, 1994, Pag. 1-17. [texto parcial en castellano en los materiales] Lecturas complementarias Myers, M. D. "Qualitative Research in Information Systems," MIS Quarterly (21:2), June 1997, pp. 241-242. MISQ Discovery, archival version, June 1997, MISQ Discovery, updated version, last modified: November 12, 2011 Della Porta, D. y Keating, M. (2013) "Cuántos enfoques hay en ciencias sociales. Introducción epistemológica, 31.-52. En Della Porta, D. y Keating, M. (eds.) Enfoques y metodologías de las ciencias sociales. Una perspectiva pluralista. Barcelona: Akal. Vallés, M. (1999). Técnicas cualitativas de investigación social. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. (capítulos I y II). Schwandt, T. A. (2000). Three Epistemological Stances for Qualitative Inquiry: Interpretivism, Hermeneutics, and Social Constructionism. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Methods (Second Edition) (pp. 189-214): Sage.- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 0
Focus: The Retail Industry and RFID
Part 2 of 4 in the series "Efficiency vs. Privacy: Perils at the Checkout Counter". Profes...
published: 13 Apr 2009
author: BentleyUniversity
Focus: The Retail Industry and RFID
Focus: The Retail Industry and RFID
Part 2 of 4 in the series "Efficiency vs. Privacy: Perils at the Checkout Counter". Professor M. Lynne Markus studies emerging technologies and the developme...- published: 13 Apr 2009
- views: 584
- author: BentleyUniversity
Chapter 1 & 2 Training
Piccoli, Gabriele, Ahmad, Rami, and Ives, Blake, (Dec, 2001). MIS Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. ...
published: 19 Jan 2014
Chapter 1 & 2 Training
Chapter 1 & 2 Training
Piccoli, Gabriele, Ahmad, Rami, and Ives, Blake, (Dec, 2001). MIS Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 401-426. Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota. Retrieved from: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3250989- published: 19 Jan 2014
- views: 11
RFID: Risks and Benefits
Part 3 of 4 in the series "Efficiency vs. Privacy: Perils at the Checkout Counter". Profes...
published: 13 Apr 2009
author: BentleyUniversity
RFID: Risks and Benefits
RFID: Risks and Benefits
Part 3 of 4 in the series "Efficiency vs. Privacy: Perils at the Checkout Counter". Professor M. Lynne Markus studies emerging technologies and the developme...- published: 13 Apr 2009
- views: 1053
- author: BentleyUniversity
DORS/CLUC 2012 Brian Fitzgerald: Adopting Open Source Software: Lessons Learned
Sažetak predavanja: Early implementations of open source software (OSS) were largely in th...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: Dobrica Pavlinušić
DORS/CLUC 2012 Brian Fitzgerald: Adopting Open Source Software: Lessons Learned
DORS/CLUC 2012 Brian Fitzgerald: Adopting Open Source Software: Lessons Learned
Sažetak predavanja: Early implementations of open source software (OSS) were largely in the form of back-office 'invisible' infrastructure' applications. For...- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 134
- author: Dobrica Pavlinušić
Nicholas Berente - SONIC Speaker Series
Digital Intensity and Variation in Design Routines: A Comparative Sociotechnical Sequence ...
published: 17 Jun 2013
author: SonicNU
Nicholas Berente - SONIC Speaker Series
Nicholas Berente - SONIC Speaker Series
Digital Intensity and Variation in Design Routines: A Comparative Sociotechnical Sequence Analysis of Four Organizations Organizations continue to embed incr...- published: 17 Jun 2013
- views: 3
- author: SonicNU
Multi User Virtual Entrepreneurship EMUVE @ Uni Muenster
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: WiKuKUniMS
Multi User Virtual Entrepreneurship EMUVE @ Uni Muenster
Multi User Virtual Entrepreneurship EMUVE @ Uni Muenster
- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 50
- author: WiKuKUniMS
TEDxESADE - Jonathan Wareham - Creativity Lost? Computers and The Crisis in Creative Work
Creativity Lost? Computers and the Crisis in Creative Work There is no need to exalt the n...
published: 20 Jun 2011
author: TEDxTalks
TEDxESADE - Jonathan Wareham - Creativity Lost? Computers and The Crisis in Creative Work
TEDxESADE - Jonathan Wareham - Creativity Lost? Computers and The Crisis in Creative Work
Creativity Lost? Computers and the Crisis in Creative Work There is no need to exalt the new frontiers that information and communication technologies have o...- published: 20 Jun 2011
- views: 1072
- author: TEDxTalks
Ruiz - Screencast Presentation
These are references used in the research paper this screencast presentation derived from....
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: Anthony Ruiz
Ruiz - Screencast Presentation
Ruiz - Screencast Presentation
These are references used in the research paper this screencast presentation derived from. References Chen, J.-S., & Tsou, H.-T. (2012). Performance effects ...- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 34
- author: Anthony Ruiz
Transforming the Relationship Between Business and IT Executives
Dr. George Westerman is a research scientist at MIT's Center for Digital Business, current...
published: 25 Aug 2011
author: pepperdine
Transforming the Relationship Between Business and IT Executives
Transforming the Relationship Between Business and IT Executives
Dr. George Westerman is a research scientist at MIT's Center for Digital Business, currently leading a series of projects examining the impact of digital tec...- published: 25 Aug 2011
- views: 470
- author: pepperdine
Youtube results:
International Law and the 'Mis-anthropocene': Responding to the Geoengineering Challenge
The 5th Annual Douglas M. Johnston Ocean Governance Lecture presented by Prof. Karen Scott...
published: 26 Nov 2013
International Law and the 'Mis-anthropocene': Responding to the Geoengineering Challenge
International Law and the 'Mis-anthropocene': Responding to the Geoengineering Challenge
The 5th Annual Douglas M. Johnston Ocean Governance Lecture presented by Prof. Karen Scott, University of Canterbury, New Zealand on Oct. 30, 2013. Karen N. Scott is a Professor in Law at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. She researches and teaches in the areas of international environmental law, law of the sea and Antarctic law and policy. She has published widely in these fields in journals such as the Michigan Journal of International Law, the International and Comparative Law Quarterly, the Melbourne Journal of International Law and the Yearbook of International Environmental Law. She has recently co-edited (with Alan D. Hemmings and Donald R. Rothwell) a collection entitled Antarctic Security in the Twenty-first Century: Legal and Policy Perspectives (Routledge, 2012). Between 2009 and 2012 she was the General Editor of the New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. She is currently the Vice-President of Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law.- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 11
Tobias @ MIS 12/02/11
'Cão minhoco' em ação.
Pena que a bateria do cel acabou =/ Isso era um morrinho de grama, ...
published: 13 Feb 2011
Tobias @ MIS 12/02/11
Tobias @ MIS 12/02/11
'Cão minhoco' em ação. Pena que a bateria do cel acabou =/ Isso era um morrinho de grama, que depois ele subia correndo e descia rolando... Fora que ainda brincou de 'pega-pega' com uma criançada que tava jogando bola.. ;)- published: 13 Feb 2011
- views: 38
Barclays make pre-tax quarterly loss of £47m
Its questionable practices, including the scandal over fixing the interbank lending rate, ...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: IBTimesUK
Barclays make pre-tax quarterly loss of £47m
Barclays make pre-tax quarterly loss of £47m
Its questionable practices, including the scandal over fixing the interbank lending rate, the LIBOR rate and the mis-selling payment protection insurance hav...- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 50
- author: IBTimesUK
Mis Play Mobile
la osiosida mia caray..pues el video lo hice como en 2 horas....esta chistoso espero que l...
published: 02 Jul 2010
Mis Play Mobile
Mis Play Mobile
la osiosida mia caray..pues el video lo hice como en 2 horas....esta chistoso espero que les guste...la rola es de los patita de perro..- published: 02 Jul 2010
- views: 118