- published: 18 Sep 2011
- views: 13321
Tact may refer to:
Whether issuing orders to fellow Marines or advising locals in a foreign country, how you say something can be just as important as what is being said. Marines find ways to deal with one another in the most appropriate manner, so that everyone is working together to effectively achieve a common goal. Discover more about the traits that empower Marines to lead with honor on the battlefield and in communities: http://po.st/CCCoLZ.
Subliminal was born in 1979 in Tel-Aviv, Israel. He started creating Hip-Hop sections at the age of 12. He opened the first Hip-Hop club in Israel, and was actively involved in starting many others around Tel-Aviv. Subliminal drew a team around him in order to pursue a single goal -- to fulfill the dream of "Real Israeli Hip-Hop in Hebrew". In forming that revolutionary team, "The TACT family -- architects of Israeli Hip-Hop", the first cornerstone of Israeli Hip-Hop was born, in the form of his first album; thus also began the team. When the album's creation was almost complete, Subliminal was drafted to 3 years of military service in the IDF and so the project was halted. With his army service complete, Subliminal converted TACT into an official label and signed a distribution contract...
T.A.C.T / MY HOOD -The Beginning Place- (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) [Music Video] (HD) A Film By T.A Homiez Factory Lyrics by T.A.C.T Music by SINIMA BEATS Recorded&Mixed by MASAKI SANO (VIAL SOUND STUDIO) Thanks : AraoCity,Family,Homies & You... ©2013 FASTLANE Recordings 各社好評配信中!!!! ■iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/my-hood-beginning-place-single/id689770919 ■Amazon http://www.amazon.co.jp/MY-HOOD-The-Beginning-Place/dp/B00EN2FUZ6/ref=sr_shvl_album_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1377615575&sr;=301-1 ■music.jp http://store.music.jp/Artist/337368/Music/aaa2af23 【T.A Homiez Factory】 ■OFFICIAL WEBSITE http://www.tahomiezfactory.jp/ ■Official Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TaHomiezFactory ■Director "Masa" facebook http://www.facebook.com/masashi.oosaw... 【T.A.C.T Interview 】 "T.A.C.T" Music Video Shootin...
Subliminal was born in 1979 in Tel-Aviv, Israel. He started creating Hip-Hop sections at the age of 12. He opened the first Hip-Hop club in Israel, and was actively involved in starting many others around Tel-Aviv. Subliminal drew a team around him in order to pursue a single goal -- to fulfill the dream of "Real Israeli Hip-Hop in Hebrew". In forming that revolutionary team, "The TACT family -- architects of Israeli Hip-Hop", the first cornerstone of Israeli Hip-Hop was born, in the form of his first album; thus also began the team. When the album's creation was almost complete, Subliminal was drafted to 3 years of military service in the IDF and so the project was halted. With his army service complete, Subliminal converted TACT into an official label and signed a distribution contra...
◆チャンネル登録はこちら →https://goo.gl/bctNO9 2015年6月22日リリース TACT./どうせ他人事 ▼iTunes配信中▼ https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/douse-ta-ren-shi-single/id1009196721?l=en 【TACT.】 東京謝謝 feat. トラウマ,Sayoko /TACT.(Prod. by TACT.) https://youtu.be/6ucOZaPB4Ig TACT./どうせ他人事 50秒CM https://youtu.be/fOd8GaokjkY ==アーティスト情報== 【TACT.(タクト)】 1991年生まれ、茨城県龍ヶ崎市出身。 デジタル音源とライブパフォーマンスが話題を呼び、2014年1月にHANG(The bluesonics)、トラウマ(NVLN)らとの共作によりリリースしたミニアルバム「8clocks,3ballads」がシーンの垣根を越え大ヒットした。 BEATsRIUMは人材派遣会社とエンターテインメント団体から 生まれた全く新しいレコードレーベルです。 楽曲や原盤の製作・販売を始め、様々なエンターテインメント事業を展開しています。 BEATsRIUM最新のアーティスト情報を各アカウントで公開中! 今すぐチェック☆ ==BEATsRIUMメディア情報== BEATsRIUM HP: →http://www.beatsrium.com/ アメブロ: →http://ameblo.jp/beatsrium-blog Twitter: →https://twitter.com/beatsrium BEATsRIUM music&entertainment; avenir reve Co.,Ltd. Never...
Тюнинг Honda Tact 24, звучит пугающе для новичка, как оказалось всё выглядит совершенно иначе, смотрите в видеоматериале, почему тюнинг мопеда может сделать любой! Карта местоположения мастерской: http://maps.yandex.ru/-/CVCtNGjC Блог: http://pitstopsaki.com Личная страница в VK: http://vk.com/pit__stop Группа вконтакте: http://vk.com/pitstopsaki Твиттер: https://twitter.com/pitstopsaki Фейсбук: https://www.facebook.com/pitstopsaky
This little bag could save your life! How?! Watch our video and find out! www.SurvivalFrog.com
Titre: DOWN BELOW Interprètes: TACT Crédits: Réalisation : Julien LECOQ / Fred LEGAY (AYRTON PRODUCTIONS) Scénario : Fred GIRARD Décors, costumes, maquillage: Eva KLINCOKOVA. Éclairage, lumières: Nicolas CHARPIN. Musique: TACT Distribution : Sue : Marion GIRARD Lui : Damien CHAUVET Fred GIRARD François DOREAU Merci à « Euroculture en pays gentiane », à la mairie de TRIZAC (Cantal) et à la communauté de communes du pays gentiane pour leur soutien. Merci à Bernard BOYER, Bernard QUINSAT, Sandra, Evelyne, Chloé, Amélie et Hérvé pour leur précieuse aide. Le titre "Down below" est extrait du EP "Down below" de TACT
. . . 東京謝謝 feat. トラウマ,Sayoko(Prod. by TACT.) 作曲:TACT. 作詞:トラウマ,Sayoko,TACT. Mixed by Delmonte Directed by すねかじりSTUDIO 【TACT.(タクト)】 茨城生まれ茨城育ち。東京在住。 NeverLandEntertainment.(#NVLN)所属。 トラックメイカー兼ラッパー。 ○過去リリース作品 miniAlbum【8Clocks,Ballads / HANG×トラウマ×TACT.】 →LIVE会場限定にて半年で300枚完売 FreeEP【#O_R_E_O / NoizBoyz(HaNZoU&TACT.;)】 →https://tact1.bandcamp.com/album/o-r-e-o-noizboyz SoundCloudにてデモ音源が累計60,000再生 →https://soundcloud.com/tactfromjunk 各twitterアカウントへのリンクはコチラ https://twitter.com/TACTfromJUNK https://twitter.com/torauma1991 https://twitter.com/saysayoko https://twitter.com/delmontestudio contact → tact_10_09@yahoo.co.jp
Everything I've ever done
And everything I have
Amounts to nothing
Keeps on crushing you within
Sometimes you want to be alone
It won't find the time to understand
And concentrate on everything you see
If you think about it hard you'll know