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  1. The right’s pathetic blame game: Now it’s the left-wing media’s fault Trump is winning

  2. Conspiracy theories are for losers: Science explains why conservatives see sneaky cabals in every defeat

  3. Cranks, zealots, extremists: How the paranoid style of Trump, Cruz and Palin took over the GOP and infected America

  4. Borked! America’s creepiest-ever Supreme Court nominee still haunts our broken system via

  5. Trump’s disingenuous Ted Cruz smear: Birtherism is back, still dangerous and wrong

  6. Robert Reich: The GOP is shirking its constitutional responsibility

  7. Saying “Hillary only won the Confederacy” isn’t just idiotic — it’s also bad for the Democratic Party

  8. Bill Maher blames Donald Trump's presidential run on America's toxic "self-esteem movement"

  9. Barney Frank throws down with GOP strategist: “[Your] party has put itself above a functioning federal government”

  10. Trump destroys myth that the GOP's rise was due to the embrace of “small gov't conservatism” rather than racism

  11. America’s disturbing voter-turnout crisis: How inequality extends to polling place via

  12. “The system is rigged against regular people”: Big money has completely warped American democracy

  13. SCOTUS drama explained: "Obama is trying to camouflage his offer as an open hand when it’s more of an iron fist"

  14. "Jihadism thrives in chaos": Why Trump's ideas for fighting ISIS will just make them stronger

  15. Everybody hates Americans: My life abroad as the maligned Other

  16. These guys are killing conservatism: How Trump & Cruz are accelerating the intellectual debasement of the right

  17. “Being an author sounds great at cocktail parties... the reality is that I work much harder, for less money..."

  18. Asian guys get to be sexy: Finally, TV gives me the romantic leads I’ve been waiting for

  19. Stop medicalizing female desire: Here’s what the breakthroughs in sex science still don’t tell us about women

  20. A scary study: ~50% of Americans will slide below the poverty line for some period of time in their lives

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