Pakistan: anti-narco ops militarize tribal areas

Pakistan's Anti-Narcotic Force (ANF) on Nov. 20 announced the latest in a string of mega-scale hashish busts in recent months. A 4.2-ton haul was reported from a "desolate site" near the mountain village of Tehsil Gulistan, in Qilla Abdullah district of Balochistan province. Authorities said the mega-stash had been deposited along with a smaller quantity of heroin in a hidden spot behind bushes for traffickers to collect for export. (Pakistan Today)

The ongoing mega-busts come amid a major paramilitary crackdown in Pakistan's hashish heartland, the Tirah Valley in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas near the Afghan border. The valley typically produces at least 100 tons of hash annually, but it has now been flooded with soldiers and militiamen—who since September have been raiding farms, establishing road check-points and seizing product from roadside stands and marketplace stalls that have traditionally sold the stuff. "In the land of towering pot plants, Pakistani farmers brace for a buzz-kill," read the witty Washington Post headline as the soldiers poured in.

The hashish crackdown punctuates a military campaign against the Taliban in the Tribal Areas that has left over a million internally displaced since it was launched over a year ago. (Al Jazeera, June 15) But it doesn't seem to have slowed the flow of hashish out of the Tirah Valley.

Cross-post to High Times and Global Ganja Report

Malala Yousafzai pwns Pendejo

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai presided at an  event in Birmingham, England, on Dec. 14 commemorating last year's Peshawar school massacre. On the sidelines, eh spoke to AFP, and had some fine words for Donald Trump. "Well, that's really tragic that you hear these comments which are full of hatred, full of this ideology of being discriminative towards others," she said in response to a question about the ultra-xenophobic GOP frontrunner. 

How does it feel to be dressed down by a heroic teen-age girl, Pendejo?

No really, we want to know.