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Posts Tagged ‘Anti-Militarism’

Saronno: Rotodyne headquarters attacked (Italy)

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

In the night between 28 and 29 January the headquarters of Rotodyne offices in Saronno was hit by a Molotov cocktail. Rotodyne develops equipment for the maintenance and construction of helicopters and warplanes (EH 101, NH-90, EuroFighter Typhoon), including the Lockheed F35 Lightning, designed and used by the Marines, the aeronautic and the US navy, as well as by many other NATO countries, including Italy.

The distributors of its products, and the companies with which it collaborates, are Alenia-Airmacchi, Augusta Westland (Finmeccanica group), Aereotech, Patria Helicopters.

Its products have been adopted by the Danish, Irish, Greek, Oman and Italian armed forces; by the Dutch, Swedish and Italian police; by the army, coast guards and the Italian navy.

It’s impossible to remain passive in the face of those for whom war is a business.

It is right to attack them before their products can contribute to causing death and devastation.

To stand by without acting would have made us accomplices.


via actforfree, informa-azione.

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“Brain Waves for Peace” – Final Chapter of ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ by William T. Hathaway (USA)

Sunday, January 10th, 2016

Brain Waves for Peace

From the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

I was sitting in full lotus, body wrapped in a blanket, mind rapt in deep stillness, breathing lightly, wisps of air curling into the infinite space behind my closed eyes. My mantra had gone beyond sound to become a pulse of light in an emptiness that contained everything.

An electric shock flashed down my spine and through my body. My head snapped back, limbs jerked, a cry burst from my throat. Every muscle in my body contracted ― neck rigid, jaws clenched, forehead tight. Bolts of pain shot through me. I managed to lie down, then noticed I wasn’t breathing ― maybe I was already dead. I groaned and gulped a huge breath, which stirred a whirl of thoughts and images.

Vietnam again: Rotor wind from a hovering helicopter flails the water of a rice paddy while farmers run frantically for cover. Points of fire spark out from a bamboo grove to become dopplered whines past my ears. A plane dives on the grove to release a bomb which tumbles end over end and bursts into an orange globe of napalm. A man in my arms shakes in spasms as his chest gushes blood. (more…)

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‘Refusing the Military’ – Chapter 14 of the book ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ by William T. Hathaway (USA)

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

Refusing the Military
Healing the Virus of Violence

Chapter 14 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. A young Buddhist novice contributed this account, which we then revised together. To protect the people who have protected him, he wishes to be nameless.

Back in high school I’d been good at languages but couldn’t afford to go to college, so I joined the navy for the language training. They have a program where if you pass an aptitude test, they’ll send you to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California, for an intensive course that’s worth almost a year of college credit. Plus they have an active-duty education program that offers college courses. I figured after my discharge I could finish my education on the GI Bill, and with my language skills, I could get a job in international business.

The other military branches offer programs like this too, but the navy seemed the best way to stay out of the fighting. I was hoping for a major language like Chinese, Russian, or Spanish, but they assigned me to Pashto, which is spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan. After training, I’d be stationed on a ship in the Arabian Sea monitoring phone calls and radio broadcasts, listening for key words that might give a clue about where the Taliban were, so the planes from the aircraft carriers could bomb them. I didn’t think about this last part, though. I was focused on my future. (more…)

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‘Peace Chaplain’ – Chapter 13 of the book ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ by William T. Hathaway (USA)

Friday, December 25th, 2015

Peace Chaplain

Chapter 13 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. A seminarian contributed this chapter about learning to love her enemies. Because of her activism, she prefers to remain anonymous.

To celebrate Armed Forces Day the military base near my seminary held an open house, a public relations extravaganza to improve their image and boost recruiting. They invited the public in for a marching band parade, a precision flying show, and a sky diving demonstration. They even offered free lemonade and cookies.

A subversive seminarian, namely me, decided to disrupt the festivities and remind people that the military’s job is murder. I bought a jump suit and dyed it orange like the uniforms the prisoners in Guantánamo have to wear. I bought two U-shaped bike locks, three diapers, and a pair of old-people’s rubber underpants.

All suited up, I had a friend drive me onto the base before people started arriving for the celebration. She dropped me off at the traffic circle just inside the main gate, kissed me on the cheek for good luck, and drove back out the gate. In the center of the traffic circle stood a flagpole flying the Stars and Stripes. I ran to the pole, fastened my foot to it with one bike lock and my neck to it with the other — pretty uncomfortable — and started shouting, “Close Guantánamo! No More Abu Ghraibs! Free the Prisoners!” People gawked as they drove by, some laughing like I was part of the show, some waving, some giving me the finger. (more…)

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‘Saboteur : An interview with a domestic insurgent’ – Chapter 11 of the book ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

An interview with a domestic insurgent

Chapter 12 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

I first met the man we’ll call Trucker in 1970 at a rally against the Vietnam War. Our demo was going to start on the Berkeley campus and continue with a march down Telegraph Avenue. This was shortly after the National Guard and police had murdered six demonstrators at Kent State and Jackson State, so the mood was extremely tense. The Berkeley city government had denied us a permit to march and called in police reinforcements from Oakland. The Oakland cops had a reputation for brutality (based on their treatment of the black population), and we were expecting an ugly and possibly violent confrontation. Out of fear, many people decided not to march, but others of us argued that marching was now more important than ever. We needed to defy the government’s attempts to scare us into silence.

After speeches and music in front of Sproul Hall, we marched off the campus and were met by a wall of police sealing off Telegraph Avenue. Some of our hard-cores in front tried to break through the barrier but were clubbed down. Cops began firing what looked liked shotguns, and people started screaming and running in panic, but it turned out to be tear gas. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

‘Keep on Rockin’ – Chapter 11 of the book ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Keep On Rockin’

Chapter 11 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. An American exchange student in one of my courses here in Germany contributed the following essay about how she became an anarchist for peace. Because of her activism she wishes to remain anonymous.

Jason was my boy-friend for a while in high school. It wasn’t a match made in heaven. Looking back, I think the main thing we had in common was that I wanted a boy-friend and he wanted a girl-friend. Other than that there wasn’t much between us, as we discovered whenever we tried to talk about anything. I broke up with him when he asked me to go rabbit hunting with him. We stayed friends, though, probably because since it was obvious we could never be a real couple, neither of us had hard feelings.

We both left town after graduation; I went to college, Jason went to the marines. Two years later we were both back home; I was on summer vacation, Jason was on medical leave after having half his leg blown off in Iraq. He’d been riding in a truck that hit a mine. (more…)

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Military Vans Torched, Cadets Ordered Not To Wear Uniforms On Campus (USA)

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is a college-based program for training commissioned officers of the United States Armed Forces. From media scum:

Two ROTC passenger vans parked on the Kent State campus were found burning early Monday morning [23 Feb 2015] and investigators believe the fires were intentionally set. The 15-passenger 2014 Dodge vans were parked in the Terrace Hall lot when firefighters were called about 2:30 a.m., said Emily Vincent, a Kent State spokeswoman. No one was injured. The State Fire Marshal’s Office and the Blue Ribbon Arson Committee are offering a reward of up to $5,000 for the identification of those responsible for causing the fire.

One van was heavily damaged; the other sustained less damage, officials said. A cause of the fires has yet to be determined, but arson is suspected, Vincent said. The State Fire Marshal’s Office and Kent City firefighters are investigating. ROTC Lt. Col. Matthew Fox said there have been no other recent acts against the organization or cadets. As a precaution, Fox has ordered cadets to wear civilian clothing while on campus.

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Zurich: Angriffe gegen CH-Rustungsexport (Schweiz)

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015


Gestern Nacht haben wir als Beitrag zur Kampagne gegen das World Economic Forum die RUAG Defence (im Gebäude mit der Adresse Im Tiergarten 7 ZH) und die NEOSOFT AG (im Gebäude mit der Adresse Üetlibergstrasse 132 ZH) mit Feuerwerk angegriffen. Der Angriff richtet sich gegen zwei Exponenten der schweizer Rüstungsindustrie, wobei die RUAG ein Bundesunternehmen ist. Abgeschlossene Rüstungsdeals und Militärabkommen am WEF in Davos unterstreichen die Bedeutung, welche dieses Jahrestreffen für diesen Teil der hiesigen Wirtschaft hat.

Per 19. September 2014 wurde die Verordnung über das Kriegsmaterial, welche die Exportbedingungen von schweizer Waffen regelt, von Bundesrat gelockert, nachdem das Parlament im März 2014 sich für diesen Schritt eingesetzt hatte. Hintergrund dieser Lockerung ist die Klage grosser Rüstungskonzerne (wie die RUAG oder MOWAG), dass ihr Umsatz aufgrund strikter Exportbeschränkungen eingebrochen sei. Denn seit 2008 war der Export von Kriegsmaterial an Länder verboten, in denen Menschenrechte “systematisch und schwerwiegend” verletzt würden. Dieser Passus wurde im Herbst vergangenen Jahres gestrichen, nun ist der Waffenexport wieder erlaubt, wenn nur eine geringes Risiko bestehe, dass die Waffen zu “systematischen und schwerwiegenden” Menschenrechtsverletzungen eingesetzt werden.


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Callout to Demonstrate against 2014 DPRTE arms fair in Cardiff (Wales, UK)

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

From StopNatoCymru:

8.30 am at Cardiff Motorpoint Arena. Wednesday, the 8th of October

“When the rich wage war, it’s the poor who die.”
Jean-Paul Sartre

On the 8th of October Cardiff will host one of the UK’s biggest arms fairs at the Motorpoint Arena. Let’s show them what we think of their dirty business! We call on people from south Wales and beyond to come and picket outside the arena that day from the time they open for registration at 8.30 am.

DPRTE this year will be attended by some of the UK’s biggest arms companies, as their exhibitor list shows. They also host a conference, with keynote speakers from industry and government.

The arms fair was previously held in Bristol, but was forced out by protests.

We hope to see you there. If you would like to be a legal observer contact us at stopnatocymru@riseup.net . You can also contact us by that email address for any additional information regarding the demonstration.

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Neither Ukrainian nor Russian! – Let’s develop our own camp, the third camp, that of social revolution! (Třídní válka)

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

Analysis from Left-communist comrades Třídní válka / Class War:

When we wrote some months ago in our text, “War preparations between Ukraine and Russia – Show or Reality?i that the conditions for a new war ripen in Ukraine, many comrades expressed doubts or even disagreements with such a categorical statement. Now we can say that the conflict in Ukraine has clearly switched from the “cold” phase to the “hot” one and that what we are currently witnessing in the east of the country is the war by all definitions. From Lugansk on the border with Russia to Mariupol on the Black Sea coast two military forces compete in daily clashes when trying to enlarge the area under their control, they fight on the ground as well as in the air, in countryside as well as in industrial centers, artilleries shell villages, air forces bomb cities (under the pretext that their enemy uses the inhabitants as living shields), men, women, children die under the bombs and missiles… In four months of armed conflict more than 2,000 civilians and militaries have been killed and 6,000 others injured; 117,000 proletarians have been internally displaced and 730,000 others found refuge in Russia. Just as we were on the point of finishing this article dead bodies are strewn over the streets of Donetsk, caught in a government’s offensive stranglehold.

In the same text we also wrote that the only reply of the proletariat to the war is to organize and develop revolutionary defeatism, i.e. practically refuse to join one or the other camp, on the contrary to build connections between proletarians from both sides of the conflict through the struggle against both bourgeoisies. As even in this field things developed, our text deserves (three month after publishing) a post-scriptum.

This text is based on information drawn from different sources (that we quote in footnotes) from militant blogs to official media. This short description of events in the Ukraine required hours and hours of careful work, searching information, reading texts, watching videos, comparing different data etc. We would like to emphasize two things: Firstly, the fact that the events that we describe here were not covered by BBC or Euronews does not mean that they did not happen, that we invented them (various leftist sources and also Ukrainian and Russian media describe them). Secondly, it is clear that the news that we get from the Ukraine are chaotic, incomplete and sometimes contradictory. This however doesn’t mean that we should give up our attempt to grasp what is going on there. We believe that we should face a selective reporting of the state with a critical and radical position of anti-capitalist movement; we should develop and share information and analysis that see the world through a prism of revolutionary perspective.


War ideology (either based on a defence of a united national state on one side or the right for a self-determination and pro-Russian sympathies on the other side) is taking root in Ukraine, civil society organizations organize fund-raising campaign to support the army, popes bless arms of this or that side, and television repeats scenes of babushkas supplying armed man with their last jar of compote. Not all proletarians however let themselves to be brainwashed with the war propaganda of one or the other side, not all of them want to sacrifice themselves “for their homeland”. Expressions of practical refuse of war slaughter appear in always greater numbers and both sides of the conflict have big difficulties to recruit new manpower for their mutual massacre. (more…)

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