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Posts Tagged ‘Sabotage’

Incendiary attack by Alexandros Grigoropoulos Cell / FAI in Athens (Greece)

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

via ContraInfo:

In the fiery craters of our inner volcanoes, made with the lava of emotion and the fire of passion, we’ve fed our lust for life… And to Society that wanted to impose its laws and its morals on us, we will firmly respond with our “no,” while all others repeat their cowardly “yes.”(Enzo Martucci)

In the early hours of Friday December 4th [in Lycabettus area in Athens], we approached the house of the high priest of corruption, and former Minister of PASOK party, Kostas Laliotis and placed incendiary devices at his home entrance and his car.

As has rightly been said, the responsibilities of those who have served in administration centres of the capitalist machine can neither be forgotten nor retire.

Kostas Laliotis has been one of the most corrupt politicians following the metapolitefsi [transitional period after the fall of the Greek military junta]; his name and trajectory are linked to greed, deception, scheming, interwoven interests and arrogance, all of which are basic and integral characteristics of puppets staffing the political personnel of capitalist domination.

Maggots like Kostas Laliotis and his likes should be beaten or shot; they should see their houses burn, and live their miserable and crappy life in fear.

The fires of anarchist insurgency that lit at the house of a powerful former state official of the establishment was a contribution to the call for a Black December, which is spreading inside and outside the prisons all over the world, creating a multifaceted insurrectionary anarchist front that, having informal coordination, the acceptance of multiformity and the lasting anarchist insurgency as tools, crystallises the prospect of a generalised anarchist offensive against the world of Power.

Our captive comrades Nikos Romanos and Panagiotis Argirou have put an idea on the table of anarchist dialectics. They have proposed an idea relating to a theme any of us could set at the edge of a month of coordinated actions – actions originating from the entire spectrum of anarchist practices, from public gestures to guerrilla actions.

It is a proposal that opted to set the seven years since the assassination of comrade Alexandros Grigoropoulos as a theme, so as to test an experimentation of an informal coordination of multiform anarchist action in practice.

Those who have the appropriate analytical tools understand that it is a proposal concerning any anarchist individuality or collectivity that’s not clinging to theoretical patterns or immersed in apathy and reformism.

This is also why the kneelers of petty politics and professional search of disagreements do not lose the opportunity to shoot the arrows of their slanderous criticism once again.

But, as much as the “official” anarchist circles of cafes and gossip want to engage in mudslinging and slander, they cannot hide their discontent with the fact that the apathy which permanently pervades them is revealed in the clearest way.

Now, leaving aside those skilled in political speculation, let us talk about the essence of this proposal.

We believe anarchy must pose a real threat to the State, and to do this, anarchy needs to stay away from vanguards, leaderships, press offices, away from the logics of political cleansing and expulsions.

Informal organising doesn’t need to arise from agreements in charters and proclaimed positions one has to embrace. In our anarchy, every individual and every group can contribute to a theme, a campaign, a strategy by synchronising and coordinating their action, irrespective of whether they share common political backgrounds.

To evolve spontaneity, which often prevails in the anarchist milieu, does not mean anarchy has to turn into a party; all that is needed for the feasibility of a formulation of strategies and actions chosen to be put in motion is a will to act and communicate with other comrades.

For we love the kind of anarchy that travels through the streets of fire, occupies space and time in the metropolises, and creates strongholds for the diffusion of anarchist theory and practice. The kind of anarchy that blows up the pillars of normality, robs our lost time, and throws the morals of this world into fire.

This kind of anarchy does not fit in the hypocritical respectabilities of this society, nor does it make concessions on its discourse or practices to be pleasing to the social majority.

Surely there’s so much to say, but what comes first is intensifying our attacks, thickening the chaotic paths of liberatory struggle.

We will be back soon

Guerrilla signals to the FAI cells who have actively supported Black December in Greece, Chile, Spain, and those currently preparing their attacks; to the comrades of the Anarchist Insurgent Movement (M.I.A.) from Brazil; to all arsonists and rioters who set fire to the symbols of domination.

Strength and solidarity to all anarchist comrades inside and outside the prisons who support Black December with texts, translations, posters, flyers, graffiti and banners that complete the mosaic of multiform anarchist action.

A hug full of affection to our brothers and sisters who are locked up in prisons in Spain, Chile, Switzerland, Italy, Mexico, Germany, the US, and elsewhere; to Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Marco Camenisch, Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Juan Aliste, Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Flores, Guillermo Durán, Nataly Casanova, Enrique Guzmán, Thomas Meyer-Falk, Ignacio Muñoz, Tamara Sol, Michael Kimble, and all other captive comrades whom we have unwittingly forgotten to mention.

For a Black December

For the upsurge of anarchist insurgency

Freedom for those in prison cells

Alexandros Grigoropoulos Cell/Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-IRF)

Source: Athens IMC

translated by Black International

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Posted in Direct Action

Incendiary attack by Sebastián Oversluij Cell / FAI in Athens (Greece)

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

via ContraInfo:

Within the context of the call for a Black December action campaign, we organised and carried out a deed of direct action.

We reached the outside of a cop’s house in the district of Zografou, who’s a serving special guard at the Golden Dawn offices, and we set fire to his personal vehicle.

Such actions can easily be diffused and reproduced by comrades, and also contribute to creating a climate of fear and insecurity among the cowardly servants of legal order.

We don’t wait until repression comes knocking on our door; we locate the houses of uniformed bastards within the metropolis, and pay them a visit so as to attack them by all means.

Strength and solidarity to all our comrades around the world who intensify the Black December campaign with their actions, making informal coordination of multiform anarchist action a reality.

We organise anarchist cells of direct action!

For the anarchist offensive against the world of Power!

For a Black December!

Solidarity with anarchist prisoners and all comrades wanted by authorities!

With our dead brothers and sisters present in every moment of attack against domination!

Sebastián Oversluij Cell/Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-IRF)

Source: Athens IMC

translated by Panagiotis Argirou, CCF member imprisoned in Greece

in Spanish, German

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Posted in Direct Action

Barcelona: ATMs and security companies damaged and set on fire by Individualities for the Diffusion of Chaos – FAI / FRI in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Catalunya)

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

Barcelona, Spanish State: The attack continues in the face of the blows inflicted by power

After the recent police operations against anarchist milieus, so much has been written and said; statements and opinions mainly denounce or ‘condemn’ the repression inflicted by the authorities. After the latest repressive operation and the reactions that followed, we reckon we should give our point of view.

Starting from the fact that the ongoing repression is the State’s logical response to those who consider themselves (or the State considers) its enemies, we don’t understand certain communiqués full of victimization, where in practice (and with the most appropriate words, of course) they beg the State to stop unleashing its cops ‘indiscriminately’ against anarchists. And they say that repression is unjustifiable, and of course they use and abuse the word ‘frame-up’, and say we do nothing wrong, and that they attack us because we ‘think in a different way’… They try to give a picture of ‘normality’ and endeavour with all means to make this picture clean and socially acceptable. They do their best to take distance from violent words and actions; and as they become entrapped in the game of power and use the latter’s language, they make distinctions between ‘good’ anarchists and ‘bad’ ones, thus promoting criminalization from within their ranks.

At this point some of these ‘anarchists’ don’t feel ashamed at giving pitiful interviews to the media, and what is worse they pose as spokespersons of the ‘anarchist movement’ (and then of all social movements); these would-be politicians and leaders of the masses try their best to alienate anarchism from its subversive and conflictual character, and present anarchism as a simple movement of activists, deprived of any words or actions that clash against power and the established order.

Then there are those who just talk of how terrible repression is, how all comrades are under strict surveillance, and one can’t do anything; this kind of attitudes only spread collective panic and paranoia, and these are the attitudes of those who hide their inactivity behind the pretext of ever present repression, surveillance, ‘I’m being strictly watched’, etc. Anyone who is reluctant to take responsibility can be so according to their personal decisions; but to hide oneself behind uncontrolled and often groundless fear and to spread discouraging feelings wherever one goes, is dangerous and counter-productive. This doesn’t mean that there are the ‘brave’ ones and the ‘cowardly’ ones; it’s perfectly normal to fear police checks, prison, beatings, torture and murders committed by cops and jailers…

But spreading fear leads to panic and paranoia, and in turn this leads to discouraging speeches calling for inaction, maintaining that ‘to behave’ is better for both oneself and other comrades so as not to be the objects of police investigations.

To conclude this topic it must be said that even if the State has shown us nothing more than the tip of the iceberg, this is nothing compared to what could happen; in fact it’s sufficient to look at repression currently occurring in other areas of the world (and not even that far) or in the Spanish State itself a few decades ago. It should be clear that as we stand as anarchists we live with the risk and possibility to be hit by the machine of repression, also at the margins of our practices, because, as we’ve seen, there are times when the same repressive machine tries to stir fear among the enemies and strikes everyone rather than inflict targeted blows; as a consequence anyone of us can be a target.

However, in spite of the deployment of police operations, arrests and slanders that have been carried out (and in spite of what has to come yet), power knows that there will always be individuals who cannot be controlled or frightened, no matter what, our desire to destroy everything that oppresses us cannot be put off. We are glad to see how in spite of everything, they didn’t manage to stop the attack on the existent; every day there are some who still don’t give in to fear and social submission and go on constant attack. Multiform anarchist action keeps on spreading through many neighbourhoods, cities and countries in the form of publications and militant texts, posters, graffiti, banners, sabotage, fires and explosions, roads blocked with barricades, clashes, attacks on the buildings of power and disorders during demonstrations…

Although the Spanish state prefers not to make claims known so that actions are silenced, we know for certain what’s happening, with more or less frequency. The violence of the minority will continue, and we talk about violence openly and without troubles because we are convinced that power won’t fall by itself, nor will any Messiah come from heaven with a solution.

We don’t use words such as ‘self-defence’ or ‘counter-violence’; nor do we talk of anarchist violence only in a context of mass uprising when it’s more acceptable. We’ve found out that in spite of everything, insurrectional practices and attacks are still possible; police can’t be everywhere, they don’t spy on us all or control us all, some common sense, good planning and good will are more than enough to prove that the picture of a controlled and pre-arranged world is just an illusion; it’s up to us to break this illusion of tranquility.

For in the face of the blows of power and the misery of some ‘anarchists’ who only care to give an image of good innocent boys to society in order to be safe, we arm our desires and passions, and go on the attack. To the masses and their inactivity we offer our aggressiveness, we expect nothing and throw ourselves into constant anarchist revolt.

We are the rebels who have decided to carry on and run the risk, and dare live anarchy here and now.

Words without action are dead words to us, so we take the occasion of this communiqué to claim the following actions carried out in several neighbourhoods in Barcelona: the fire on vehicles of security companies, private ones as well as State-owned ones; attacks on bank branches through damages to windows and ATMs caused by hammers, stones, paint and fire; fire and destruction of urban structures.
With this communiqué we want to give our warm greetings to our prisoners, especially Monica and Francisco, who have been in pre-trial detention for over two years always with their heads held high; to comrades Nicola and Alfredo, the comrades of the CCF and the comrades imprisoned in Chile; and we want to remember our fallen ones and greet those who day by day continue to bet on constant conflict and anarchist insurrection, and make anarchy be once again a threat.

For a Black December everywhere!
For the black international of the anarchists of action!
For the spreading of chaos and Anarchy!

Nothing ends, the war continues…

Individualities for the Diffusion of Chaos – FAI / FRI


via: croceneranarchica
Translated by act for freedom now

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Posted in Direct Action

‘Saboteur : An interview with a domestic insurgent’ – Chapter 11 of the book ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

An interview with a domestic insurgent

Chapter 12 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

I first met the man we’ll call Trucker in 1970 at a rally against the Vietnam War. Our demo was going to start on the Berkeley campus and continue with a march down Telegraph Avenue. This was shortly after the National Guard and police had murdered six demonstrators at Kent State and Jackson State, so the mood was extremely tense. The Berkeley city government had denied us a permit to march and called in police reinforcements from Oakland. The Oakland cops had a reputation for brutality (based on their treatment of the black population), and we were expecting an ugly and possibly violent confrontation. Out of fear, many people decided not to march, but others of us argued that marching was now more important than ever. We needed to defy the government’s attempts to scare us into silence.

After speeches and music in front of Sproul Hall, we marched off the campus and were met by a wall of police sealing off Telegraph Avenue. Some of our hard-cores in front tried to break through the barrier but were clubbed down. Cops began firing what looked liked shotguns, and people started screaming and running in panic, but it turned out to be tear gas. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

Diciembre Negro: Sabotaje a tienda de animales exóticos (Chile)

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015


Junto con educar e informar,(…)salirte de las leyes del sistema
capital,(…) rayando y saboteando empresas(…)no pensamos solo en el
animal sino en todo el ecosistema que cada día está más mal. Si debemos
destrozar las propiedades de aquellos que sustentan la explotación
animal no dudaremos en usar todas nuestras armas, incluso quemar el
siniestro lugar.

(“Liberación Animal”, canción del compañero Sebastián “Angry”

En la sociedad del capital y la autoridad, el especismo es uno de los
pilares en que se sostiene la dominación, materializándose en relaciones
de poder que transforman a los animales en objetos para el consumo
humano bajo la modalidad de alimentación, vestimenta, entretención,
experimentación o como mascotas bajo la propiedad de una/un humana/o.

Insertando el anti especismo como parte de la lucha contra toda forma de
autoridad, una vida cotidiana alejada de los productos de origen animal
tiene como complemento inevitable la acción directa contra los/as
explotadores/as y mercaderes de animales.

Así, rechazando toda lógica reformista o victimista sobre la liberación
animal, saboteamos la noche del 01 de Diciembre la tienda de animales
“Exotic”, sellando con acero líquido los candados que permiten el acceso
al lugar donde las/os animales son vendidos como mercancía. En el lugar,
ubicado en Avenida Departamental, dejamos una nota para no dejar dudas
sobre el contenido de nuestra acción. Al salir el sol, sus dueñas/os no
podrán abrir su negocio basado en las jaulas y el cautiverio de
individuos no humanos, cumpliendo nuestra acción su objetivo: entorpecer
el normal funcionamiento de la opresión sobre nuestras vidas y las de
los/as animales.
No queremos leyes más compasivas con los animales ni jaulas más grandes.
Nuestra acción es expresión del deseo de la destrucción de toda forma de
encierro y dominación.

Respondemos de esta forma a la invitación realizada desde Grecia por los
compañeros Panagiotis Argyrou y Nikos Romanos, tomando parte en un
Diciembre Negro en cual nos interesa intensificar la acción transgresora
antiautoritaria y las redes de complicidad entre compañeros/as, buscando
proyectarlas más allá de un momento o mes específico.

Aportar a revitalizar en nuestro propio territorio la acción anti
especista es también nuestra forma de solidaridad con el prisionero
anarquista y vegano Osmar Evcan, en huelga de hambre desde el 10 de
noviembre en la prisiones del Estado de Turquía, quien pone en riesgo su
integridad poniendo su cuerpo como arma exigiendo la restitución de su
alimentación vegana al interior de la prisión.

Que la tensión anti especista se haga visible en el accionar anárquico
de ofensiva a través de células de compañeras/os que se organizan y
actúan sin jerarquías, afilando convicciones combinadas con la
creatividad, la cautela y diferentes medios y materiales para golpear
múltiples puntos de la red de la dominación.





Célula “Desorden Nocturno”.
Federación Anarquista Informal/ Frente Revolucionario Internacional

Chile-Diciembre Negro 2015

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Posted in Direct Action

Arson, sabotage, poetry and ideas related to Black December (Mexico & Greece)

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

From Contra-Info:

1. Tijuana, Mexico: Black December poem.

2. Crete: Black December initiative of comrades from Rethymno.

3. Torreón, Mexico: Bank ATMs and CCTV camera sabotaged.

Full coverage via Contra-Info on this #tag.

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Posted in Direct Action

Communiqués of three comrades on trial following an act of sabotage on a high voltage pylon that took place in 2005 (Italy)

Sunday, November 22nd, 2015

Translated by actforfree from silviacostabillyliberi:

The appeal hearing due on 5th October 2015 was postponed to 19th October because an expert appointed by the prosecution and a DIGOS officer [political police] from Pisa in charge of the investigation were absent.

The comrades’ communiqués:

Silvia and Costa:
A high voltage pylon run by Terna [electricity company] on the La Spezia-Acciaiolo railway track was sabotaged in 2005 with two dynamite charges. The action seriously damaged the pylon but did not cause it to fall down.
In the days that followed an anonymous letter sent to press agencies and the Pisa editorial group of the radical eco paper Terra Selvaggia explained that the action had been carried out against renewed plans to reinstate nuclear power. These plans had never been really dismissed after the referendum following Chernobyl, but they continued to be pursued in numerous research centres, such as the Faculty of Nuclear Engineering of the University of Pisa, considered an institute of excellence on a national level. In the same area, at the S. Rossore natural park, another structure stands out: the CISAM, site of an experimental nuclear reactor and a military research centre. This plant recently caused controversy because of the dumping of radioactive water in the Navicelli canal linking the city of Pisa to the sea. Toxic water, which has been declared safe by the usual local servants of ARPAT [state agency dealing with environmental matters] and ASL [state health agency]. On the contrary this poisonous water reminds us that there’s no way out of nuclear power: what has been produced or left as waste is the legacy of a world where energy production and military control come before anything else, even if all they give is a landfill-like world. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

São Paulo: Carlo Giuliani Cell of M.I.A. join the call for a Black December through fire / ‘Célula Carlo Giuliani – Movimento Insurgente Anarquista’ Reivindica Quatro Ataques A Bancos na Cidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

via contrainfo:

We claim responsibility for incendiary attacks against four banks in the city of São Paulo. The attacks occurred at the Santander bank branches in Largo da Batata, another in the Liberdade area, and the other two in the central region and in a peripheral region.—


The “Carlo Giuliani” cell of the Anarchist Insurgent Movement (M.I.A.) assumes responsibility for the four incendiary attacks that consumed bank branches in the early hours of November 15th 2015 in the central region of the city of São Paulo.

On November 15th the proclamation of the republic is “commemorated”, within large and ironic quotation marks. We have this fetish of commemorating historical dates and personages that remind our massacres and subservience. We do not commemorate the insurgencies of slaves or the Canudos Insurrection, nor do we celebrate the epic past of Marighella, Zumbi, João Cândido, Jesuíno Brilhante, Olga [Benário], or Espirtirina Martins. Going against logic, we buy the canned historical version, told by the winners who still continue to dominate us.

The fetid and corrupt monarchy that parasitised Brazil, deposed after the proclamation of the republic, does not differ in absolutely anything from the elite which nowadays parasitises the so admired democratic republic. Bankers, lobbyists, politicians, corporatists, CEOs, speculators and landlords, all worms that accumulate innumerable richness at the expense of others’ sweat.

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Posted in Direct Action

On “ethics”, “sabotage” and “terrorism” by Alfredo Cospito of Nucleo Olga FAI/FRI (Italy)

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

Siamo anarchici e siam molti
E la vostra inane legge
Non ci doma né corregge
Né ci desta alcun terror
Guerra, guerra e guerra sia!
L’ ideal per cui pugnamo
No, non teme i vostri orror
Siam ribelli, e forti siamo,
il terror degli oppressor!
I potenti della terra

Anarchist chant

“Anyone with some common sense, who has even a distant notion of what the nature of the No Tav movement is and of the ethical framework within which this struggle expresses its 20-year-long resistance, can see that I was not there with the intent to pursue terror or worse”. Mattia

“On the other hand, those who struggle have learned, with intelligence, to channel even those strong and impetuous passions that are born of the many hits we took, like when a friend lost an eye from a tear gas grenade or when another came close to death”. Niccolò

“Military and paramilitary attacks, indiscriminate violence and weapons of war belong to states and those who emulate them”.

“We are accused of having acted to strike people or at least of having no regard for their presence, as if we had no regard for the lives of others…In relation to the accusation of terrorism I have no intention of defending myself. The solidarity we were shown from the moment of our arrest up until the present day has gone far to dismantle this daring incrimination”. Claudio

“Your words, as well as sounding proud, sound just, in the sense that they are both ethically upstanding and attuned”.
Open letter to Chiara, Niccolò, Mattia and Claudio

“The prosecution wanted to create dissociations, namely, to push the movement to distance itself from its own power… We can say, quite plainly, that the movement held out by fully grasping what was at stake… The demands made by the prosecution are what in lawyers’ jargon is called ‘fence-sitting’. Go ahead and give them the minimum sentence, but convict them of terrorism”. Open letter to Chiara, Niccolò, Mattia and Claudio

We can quite plainly say that the ‘movement’ has secured yet another victory. Not only has it managed to market a watered-down, inoffensive and whiny version of sabotage, but simultaneously, it has used its superior “ethical code” to blacklist all violent direct action that goes beyond striking a compressor with a Molotov. The courts have also won, by managing to impose boundaries that good kids shouldn’t cross, if they want to avoid anything more than a sounding spanking.

For that matter, the victory for the courts has been sweeping, because through the terroristic prospect of years and years of prison, they made sure that comrades themselves – with their own statements – were the ones to draw up the boundaries that could not be crossed. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

London: Report of action against Police base on Blackstock Road (UK)

Friday, November 6th, 2015

Anonymous Submission

Last night a Metropolitan Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team base on Blackstock Road was targeted in response to a wave of police violence and control in Hackney and larger London. Pigs are frisking us on our estates; assisting in the eviction of our family and friends; containing and violently suppressing our protests and everyday resistance. Armed with public order sections and counter-terrorism legislation, they criminalise our communities and cultures.

At yesterday’s Million Mask March and the Free Education demonstration the day before, the Met police excelled in invasive repression and control. Riot cops attempted for hours to put a baton over the head of central London protest; but our resistance cannot be contained to designated protest zones. All around London, lines of social conflict are marked. Where the ground is ours, resistance is on our terms, at our times and outside their enforced zones.

Resistance to police control is as permanent as it is necessary. There is always a police car burning. In Lambeth, Southwark and Hackney, pigs feel blows from their own batons. A family is refusing to be evicted from their council flat; a firework is hitting a pig van on patrol; a mob of people are pulling someone from the grips of Met officers.

Everywhere we are creating our own lines of social war and resistance.
Violence and sabotage is ours and we will continue to use it.

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