- published: 21 Jul 2016
- views: 23259919
Wuyue (simplified Chinese: 吴越; traditional Chinese: 吳越; pinyin: Wúyuè; Shanghainese: [ɦuɦyɪʔ]), 907-978, was an independent coastal kingdom founded during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907-960) of Chinese history. It was ruled by the Qian family, which remains widespread in the kingdom's former territory.
The Qian family had been providing military leaders to the Tang Dynasty beginning in 887. Qian Liu was named Prince of Yue in 902, with the title of Prince of Wu added two years later. In 907, when the Tang Dynasty fell and was replaced in the north by the Later Liang, military leaders in the south formed their own kingdoms. Qian Liu used his position to proclaim himself the King of Wuyue. This signaled the beginning of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period which would last until the founding of the Song Dynasty in 960.
The name Wuyue comes from the combination of Wu Kingdom and Yue Kingdom, two ancient kingdoms during the Spring and Autumn Period from 770 to 476 BC.
A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. There are also cases where songs are used in tie in marketing campaigns that allow them to become more than just a song. Tie ins and merchandising could be used in toys are marketing campaigns for food and other products. Although the origins of music videos date back to musical short films that first appeared in the 1920s, they came into prominence in the 1980s when MTV based their format around the medium. Prior to the 1980s, these works were described by various terms including "illustrated song", "filmed insert", "promotional (promo) film", "promotional clip", "promotional video", "song video", "song clip" or "film clip". Since the creation and increased popularity of YouTube, mainstream artists now promote new music videos by releasing trailers of short promos on the site for their upcoming song and music video. Consequentially, YouTube has been converted into a social media platform for celebrities and artists to market themselves to their fans and audiences.
Mayday (Chinese: 五月天; pinyin: Wǔ Yuè Tiān; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Gō͘-goe̍h-thiⁿ), is a Taiwanese alternative rock band that was formed in the late 1990s with five members, Ashin (A Shin) (vocalist), Monster (Guai Shou) and Stone (Shi Tou) (lead guitars), Masa (Ma-sha) (bass guitar) and Guan You (Guan-You) (drums).
Formerly making music under the name of So Band, they came to be known as Mayday in 1997, with the name originating from Masa's online nickname. Mayday won the Golden Melody Award for Best Band in 2001, 2004, 2009 and 2012. They are known as "king of concert" in China.
Mayday evolved from So Band which was formed by Ashin, Monster and the first drummer Qian You Da (錢佑達) in 1995 while they were studying in The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University(師大附中). They were later joined by Masa and Stone, who were attending the same school. After graduation, the members went to different universities but continued to perform in pubs and eateries. They were also actively involved in promoting the growing rock music trend in Taiwan. In 1997, the band registered under the moniker Mayday in order to join the Formoz Festival (野台開唱). This would become the official name of the band.
Chen may refer to:
חן (Khen), first name or surname:
Mayday五月天 [ 後來的我們 Here, After, Us ] Official Music Video
Wuyue Erhu Chinese Musical Instrument 2 String Spike Fiddle
Mayday五月天【突然好想你Suddenly missing you so bad】MV官方完整版
Wu Yue & Ji Chun Hua
Mayday五月天 feat.蕭敬騰 [ 凡人歌 Song of Ordinary People ] Official Music Video
Mayday五月天 [ 如果我們不曾相遇What If We Had Never Met ] Official Music Video
Mayday五月天 [ 好好 (想把你寫成一首歌) Song About You ] Official Music Video
突然好想你 Tu Ran Hao Xiang Ni_五月天 Wu Yue Tian
Mayday五月天 [ 頑固Tough ] Official Music Video
「用新的幸福 把遺憾包著 就這樣朝著 未來前進了」 - 初戀那年,我和你相遇了... 突然好想你。 - 此時此刻,後來的我們 … 在哪裡? - 五月天 1st 抒情主打 [ 後來的我們 ] MV:https://youtu.be/pd3eV-SG23E ================================================= 後來就沒有我們了,就像那是一個被淘汰的舊軟體、被新的程式取代;後來就沒有我們了,就像那是一份過期的日曆、失去了意義。 從複數被分割成兩個單獨存在的主詞,他們謹慎地挑選著字眼,有意或無意地透露你的消息。你的名字還那麼親暱地溜進我的耳朵裡,叫醒所有微涼的雨季和泛紅的曬傷;沒有「後來的我們」、只有「過去的我們」,而「過去的我們」各自走成了現在的你、我。 這是一首不存在的歌曲,你如此快樂、我捨不得你聽見傷心的歌;這是一段不存在的喃喃自語,你如此快樂、不應該感覺到我的遺憾。偶爾,偶爾我會想起當時, 我笑著說:「沒關係。」 好讓後來的你能放心,和我,沒有關係。 ……………………………… 後來的我們 然後呢 他們說你的心 似乎痊癒了 也開始有個人 為你守護著 我該心安或是 心痛呢? 然後呢 其實我的日子 也還可以呢 除了回憶肆虐 的某些時刻 慶幸還有眼淚 沖淡苦澀 而那些昨日 依然繽紛著 它們都有我 細心收藏著 也許你還記得 也許你都忘了 也不是那麼 重要了 只期待 後來的你 能快樂 那就是 後來的我 最想的 後來的我們 依然走著 只是不再並肩了 朝各自的人生 追尋了 無論是 後來故事 怎麼了 也要讓 後來人生 精彩著 後來的我們 我期待著 淚水中能看到 你真的 自由了 親愛的 回憶我們共同 走過的曲折 是那些帶我們 來到了這一刻 讓珍貴...
Product Link will be available soon . Flash deals: http://bit.ly/29a8BNR Description: The Erhu (Chinese: 二胡; pinyin: èrhú) is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, more specifically a spike fiddle, which may also be called a Southern Fiddle, and sometimes known in the Western world as the Chinese violin or a Chinese two-stringed fiddle. It is used as a solo instrument as well as in small ensembles and large orchestras. It is the most popular of the Huqin family of traditional bowed string instruments used by various ethnic groups of China. A very versatile instrument, the erhu is used in both traditional and contemporary music arrangements, such as in pop, rock, jazz, etc. and makes a calm sound. Brand: Shanghai Wuyue Color: Black Material: Greater Higgan Mountains Acer mono Maxim Type...
五月天 7th【後青春期的詩】 Poetry of The Day After.... 青春之後,後悔之前,我依然用力的活著! Mayday05:07一生一次的傷停補時,一期一會的勇氣之詩 第一首詩 ★突然好想你 作品裡最溫柔的一首遺憾,比不知道能發給誰簡訊更遺憾! 〔...為何我們 還是要奔向各自的幸福和遺憾中老去...〕 最美愛情最痛回憶最遺憾的"第二波"溫柔抒情主打歌<突然好想你>,由阿信作詞作曲。最擅長深入淺出表現情感深度的阿信,這次寫出了現任的幸福,和初戀的遺憾,交相對比的深刻情感。 歌曲中間奏未完而緊接上的橋段:"我們,那麼甜、那麼美、那麼相信...",節奏緊湊,迅速帶出初戀最深的傷痛,然後旋律、歌詞、樂器合鳴,隨著一個個拍點的轉強,一股遺憾自然共鳴,最適合當作有深刻初戀,而今幸福甜美的人們的主題曲。 Album 8《第二人生Second Round》明日版 official HD MV http://goo.gl/fkGLy ●五月天 FB http://www.facebook.com/imayday555 ●五月天 G+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/113505463466389460165/posts ●五月天[諾亞方舟]世界巡迴演唱會 持續航行中 http://www.bin-music.com/events/mayday/2012concert/index.php ●相信音樂官網 http://www.bin-music.com ●相信音樂官方FB http://www.facebook.com/ibinmusic
mainland shapes
免費訂閱 ▶相信音樂YouTube官方頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/binmusictaipei?sub_confrimation=1 ……………………………… 獻給在生活與工作崗位上 努力不同凡響的每個你 「獻給每天打卡加班的每個凡人」 ……………………………… 人生中最好的一天,一生活一場五月天! - 五月天 LIFE [ 人生無限公司 ] 巡迴演唱會 2017 MAYDAY LIFE TOUR - ■場次訊息: http://www.bin-music.com/events/mayday/2017MaydayLiFE/ 廣州 3/25. 26 廈門 4/02 杭州 4/08 合肥 4/15 鄭州 4/22 大連 4/29 濟南 5/01 太原 5/06 香港 5/10-23 呼和浩特 7/08 - ■ [ 五月天LIFE ] 人生無限互動LED螢光棒 3/1開始販售 官方 3/1 開賣銷售點 全家便利商店&全家行動購 https://goo.gl/y2nTQV 博客來 https://goo.gl/12cv6C 五大唱片 https://goo.gl/w9iTb9 滾石網路 https://goo.gl/CYWnsw 相信音樂線上購物 https://goo.gl/q25DRD STAYREAL官網及(門市 3/3開始販售)https://goo.gl/FL6PEV #五月天人生無限公司 ……………………………… 五月天 . 自傳 Mayday . history of Tomorrow - ●【MUSIC VIDEO】 如果我們不曾相遇 → https://youtu.be/tClCiypl51o 後來的我們 → https://youtu.be/1xvQFNDwQzs 派對動物 → https://y...
「這確定是2012年令最多人流淚的MV!」 五月天「第二人生」專輯 一共獲得七項金曲獎 ■ 最佳國語專輯.......第二人生 ■ 最佳專輯製作人...五月天/「第二人生」 ■ 最佳年度歌曲.......諾亞方舟/「第二人生」 ■ 最佳作曲..............五月天瑪莎/諾亞方舟「第二人生」 ■ 最佳編曲..............五月天、陳建騏/諾亞方舟「第二人生」 ■ 最佳樂團..............五月天(溫尚翊、蔡昇晏、陳信宏、石錦航、劉冠佑) ■ 最佳音樂錄影帶.....乾杯「第二人生」/導演:陳奕仁 五月天《第二人生》請你聆聽: 精選播放清單.............《第二人生》官方HD MV全集: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9C2818276B0B3FC0 乾杯.......................http://youtu.be/qX2GsMj7154?hd=1 第二人生.................http://youtu.be/amv7CzCmHU0?hd=1 2012.......................http://youtu.be/YygVVvuIWm4?hd=1 倉頡........................http://youtu.be/hiKYufVEUtI?hd=1 洗衣機 ...................http://youtu.be/BfwbO0f1R8o?hd=1 我不願讓你一個人..http://youtu.be/38lcQsEMGrk?hd=1 星空........................http://youtu.be/RTUwaCImChM?hd=1 諾亞方舟.................http://y...
What if… 如果我們不曾相遇,不存在這首歌曲 五月天「作品9號」1st 生命史詩 [如果我們不曾相遇] ================================================= One day, Some day . 因為相遇那天,所以總有一天。 如果我們不曾相遇,我唱我的歌、你過你的日子;各自擁有83%或91%程度滿足的人生,不會有任何遺憾 --- 從來不知道缺少了什麼,怎麼會有遺憾呢? 直到偶然開始運轉、巧合持續發生,穿越言不及義的人群、終於相遇;那些不可思議、那些難以解釋,也許都是一只蝴蝶動心起念的效應。一天24小時中、一天86400秒中,上一秒鐘不能複製貼上,這一分鐘無法另存新檔;不能把過去的運氣,儲存到未來的場景。那是再平常不過的一天,值得一提的只有和你相遇。如果我們不曾相遇,就不會看見分離的長相;如果我們不曾相識,就不會知道遺憾的重量;至少這一次,讓我們完整彼此一次。 相遇本身就是奇蹟,分離只是未完待續。Once, in a lifetime… ……………………………… 如果我們不曾相遇 如果我們不曾相遇 我會是在哪裡? 如果我們從不曾相識 不存在這首歌曲 每秒都活著 每秒都死去 每秒都問著自己 誰不曾找尋 誰不曾懷疑 茫茫人生奔向何地? 那一天 那一刻 那個場景 你出現在我生命 從此後 從人生 重新定義 從我故事裡甦醒 如果我們不曾相遇 你又會在哪裡? 如果我們從不曾相識 人間又如何運行? 曬傷的脫皮 意外的雪景 與你相依的四季 蒼狗又白雲 身旁有了你 匆匆輪迴又有何懼? 那一天 那一刻 那個場景 你出現在我生命 每一分 每一秒 每個表情 故事都充滿驚奇 「 偶然與巧合 舞動了蝶翼 誰的心頭風起 」 「 前仆而後繼 萬千人追尋 荒漠唯一菩提 ...
「我們都要把自己照顧好 好到遺憾無法打擾」 . 好好的生活 好好的變老 好好假裝我已經把你⋯ 忘掉 -- #五月天好好 #五月天自傳 免費訂閱 ▶相信音樂YouTube官方頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/binmusictaipei?sub_confrimation=1 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 五月天 . 自傳 Mayday . history of Tomorrow 2016.07.21 睽違4年 1600天等待 - ……………………………… ●【MUSIC VIDEO】 如果我們不曾相遇 → https://youtu.be/tClCiypl51o 後來的我們 → https://youtu.be/1xvQFNDwQzs 派對動物 → https://youtu.be/Fn7NLWHJw4s 派對動物 - 動畫版 → https://youtu.be/OJF3CjVxEVk 頑固 → https://youtu.be/YKiMrg6rgYQ 頑固 - 五十萬人合唱版 → https://youtu.be/YKiMrg6rgYQ 好好(好想把你寫成一首歌) → https://youtu.be/HxIct0i-CcA ……………………………… 五月天 . 自傳 [ 作品9號 ] 13+1 完整上線: ★★ 數位專輯 ★★ iTunes→ https://goo.gl/dCbUOR Apple Music→ https://itun.es/tw/BJBaw Omusic→ http://goo.gl/59dSYF KKBOX(台港星馬日泰)→ http://kkbox.fm/q2Fn5f 阿里音樂→ http://goo.gl/gRn9bL ★★ 實體CD ★★ 博...
---Tu Ran Hao Xiang Ni (Wu Yue Tian)--- ---Suddenly Miss You So Much (May Day)--- Zui pa kong qi tu ran an jing I'm most afraid that the air would suddenly be quiet Zui pa peng you tu ran de guan xin Most afraid of the concern that friends sometimes give Zui pa hui yi tu ran fan gun Most afraid that memories would suddenly roll again Jiao tong zhe bu ping xi Hurting with no rest Zui pa tu ran ting dao ni de xiao xi Most afraid of suddenly hearing news of you again Xiang nian ru guo hui you sheng yin If my longing had a voice Bu yuan na shi bei shang de ku qi I wouldn't want it to be a sorrowful cry Shi dao ru jin Things have come to this Zhong yu rang zi ji shu yu wo zi ji I finally belong to myself again Zhe shen yan lei hai pian bu guo zi ji Just that i can't deceive myself yet...
│五月天 〈頑固〉音樂錄影帶│ Director:Muh Chen 陳奕仁 Production House:Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像 Starring:Tony Leung 梁家輝 Co-Starring:Mei Hsiu Lin 林美秀 / Kang Jen Wu 吳慷仁 / Pei An Lo 羅北安 / Vivian Song 宋芸樺 Client:B’in Music 相信音樂 Composer / Lyrics:Ashin 阿信 Music / Arranger:Mayday 五月天 Sound Effect:Jay Huang 黃士杰 / Ashin 阿信 Artist Manager:Jenny Hung 洪慧真 (小肉包) Vice Manager:Joe Yeh 葉容希 Management Executive:Bomb Hsueh 薛秋邦 / Greg Liao 廖偉竣 Manager Assistant:Chi Wan Hung 洪琬棋 / Una Zheng 鄭雅瀞 Marketing Planner:River Chou 周靆弟 Executive Planner:Pkn Hsu 徐南豪 Makeup:Ado 杜國璋 / Cynthia Du 杜佳蓉 Hairstyle:Gary Li 李宗諺 / Wayne Shen 沈傳惟@O+ Studio Stylist:Paul Tsao 曹偉康 / Tiffany Lin 林欣潔 / Guan Yi Yu 余冠儀 Actor Co-ordinator:Mei Chang 張鳳美 Starring:Tony Leung 梁家輝 Manager:Janet Chow 周曉玟 Makeup:Hsiu Wen Kao 高秀雯@prettycool Hairstyle:Yun 雲@...
I been on the low for a while, but now
It's time to rise up, so open your eyes up
And recognise the real, that's all up in your grill
Yo Yo gots the flow, y'all niggas know the deal [x2]
[Verse 1]
It's a must that I thrush world plush a little lush money
Green like sus-money, cream and takes the bus
International connects, plus discuss the hush-hush
West-side, Who Ride?, World-wide, Bomb-rush
So what's the deal with all this 'keep it real' rapping
I'm still flexing skills, collect my mill and keep stepping
Pack a weapon close if I ghost a nigga then I'm Swayze
Cause rapping pays me to live shady, wilin' crazy
Just the killer Cali lady, snatch your fuckin lady
If rappers be board, you niggas still couldn't play me
So save the drama for your mommy and your poppy
When I hit the track up a mad truck couldn't stop me
To all you, Versace wearin' Donna Karen tricks
Starin' all up in my grill, I'ma let you know the deal
I'm still droppin' bombs like Sudam Husain
Who-Bang, like Mack-10, sip gin and kick game
[Verse 2]
I've been on the low, but now it's time to show and prove
Turn my dues to power moves, I got 'em winning never lose
So whoever snooze, on the Y-O-Y-O better buy you
A superior plot, I'm blowin' up the spot
Hip-Hop's the mil-ticket, and I still kick it
For my niggas in the hood, best believe it's all good
My game is understood from LA to Amsterdam
So I organise my fam' and rock the world like Pearl Jam
This girl's a thriller, got more game than Shirl' Miller
And as this world turns, my main concern is earnin' scrilla
I'm realer than most don't test this west coast fever
On your reciever, with more respect than Aretha
Franklin, got mo' bankin', drudge and wheezy
I'm movin on up so give it up this shit ain't easy
But see I, step to my B I and be fly
Like a sparrow, but their all stackin' up 'Genaro
[Verse 3]
You best rocognise game about the things that I told
Everything that glitters an't gold, but this mic I hold
Is worth about a million, really don't peep the flow
I generate more pace than Wall Street when I blow
You know this how we do, in killer Cali rule
Mic check, one two, when the Yo be comin' through
With the lyrical, verbal miracle, oh Jesus
I say what I want and I do as I pleases
For any nigga step in my direction and question
My affection for this game that I be flexin'
The same as chin-checkin, I'll be right there like demolition
I'm on a mission, so just listen
I'm spittin', the game related, that keep you faded
Intoxicated, then your pocket get raided
I made it, for them G's and Ladies
Beneath the palm trees just shootin' the breeze
That's the way, uh uh, we like it
Bad as I wanna be, you don't wanna step to me
That's the way, uh uh, we like it
Steady Risin' to the top, movin' up another notch [x2]