Découvrez "Africatown" à Canton. L'Afrique au coeur de la CHINE
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube
CHINE - Avec 12 millions d’habitants, Canton, dans le sud de la Chine est la troisième ville la plus peuplée du pays, après Shanghai et Pékin. Depuis l'ouverture économique, il y a de plus en plus d’étrangers, à Canton comme dans le reste de la Chine. Et parmi eux de nombreux Africains. S’ils viennent y faire du commerce, ils peinent
Swiss-German cantons reject French at primary school
A move by two German-speaking cantons to stop the teaching of French in primary schools has caused a storm of protest in French-speaking areas. A recent deci...
[Plateau brève : carte des cantons en France]
20 mars 2008 Brève. Commentaire sur infographie concernant la répartition des conseils généraux entre gauche et droite suite aux élections cantonales.[Source...
IFAF Football Brazil vs France
Catch the IFAF World Championship from Canton Ohio as Brazil faces France in the 2nd game of the IFAF World Championship.
Tank Grave Yard, Le Canton, France with M4 Sherman's, M10’s & Grant's
Tank Grave Yard, near Le Canton, France with Sherman's, Grant's and M10’s, most of them have been removed now and moved to a local collector nearby.
4 cantons champion de france
Métro de Lille - Ligne 1 - Villeneuve d'Ascq - 4 Cantons
VAL 208 du métro de Lille sur la ligne 1 entre "Villeneuve d'Ascq Hôtel de ville" et "4 Cantons". Automatic people mover VAL 208 of the Lille Metro (north of...
Highlights USA vs Japan IFAF World Championship Canton 2015
Highlights USA vs Japan IFAF World Championship Canton 2015
Isigny-le-Buat: la seule commune-canton de France fête ses 40 ans
Dans le sud-Manche, il y a quarante ans, une dizaine de villages se sont associés pour créer une commune-canton, une alliance plus poussée qu'une communauté ...
RYADH - Concert à la Dame de Canton - SOUS FRANCE
Notre deuxième concert en trio
Piano, chant : Ryadh
Batterie : Manu Dyens
Basse : Rémi Liffran
Élections départementales 2015 - Canton de Montbrison : Laure Pardon au JT de France 3
Reportage sur les femmes en politique dans le département de la Loire. Retrouvez Laure Pardon, candidate en binôme avec Serge Vray pour les élections départementales sur le canton de Montbrison.
Extrait du journal départemental de France 3 du 18 mars 2015.
Plus d'informations sur : http://www.construisons-demain-montbrison.fr
Cantons de la Corrèze : émission spéciale consacrée aux départementales 2015
Le parti socialiste détient le Conseil Général avec un siège d’écart, mais le redécoupage des cantons pourrait lui être fatal. La gauche divisée dans les cantons peut-elle conserver le Conseil Général ou va-t-il être repris par la droite qui a réussi l’union avec le centre.
De son côté le FN est présent dans 9 des 19 cantons.
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/DEP2015-LVEL-CORREZE
Le canton de Genève va aider la France à débusquer les faux résidents Suisses
Le canton de Genève va aider la France à débusquer les faux résidents Suisses …Pour les départements de la Haute-Savoie et de l'Ain, le manque à gagner fiscal est de près de 40 millions d'euros. 10 à 20 000 frontaliers ne seraient pas comptabilisés. Christian Monteil, président du Conseil général de Haute-Savoie a insisté sur le fait qu’il ne s’agirait en aucun cas d’une chasse aux sorcières et fa
Des candidats FN dans tous les cantons du Loiret
En 2011, lors des élections qu'on appelait à l'époque cantonales, le Front National avait obtenu un certain succès particulièrement à l'Est du Loiret avec des candidats dits fantôme qui n'avaient même pas eu besoin de faire campagne. Cette fois, ces candidats avancent à visage découvert. Le FN présente des candidats dans tous les cantons du Loiret c'est le seul parti dans ce cas puisqu'au gré des
CANTON mocha girls...
A Mulhouse : le PS éliminés dans les trois cantons
Dans la deuxième plus grande ville de la région, Mulhouse, la poussée frontiste a aussi balayé les espoirs des candidats socialistes, tous éliminés dès le premier tour, imposant trois duels UMP/FN, comme dans les trois quarts des cantons de la région. Le reportage de S. Mallauran - V. Lemiesle - M-E. Beauclair
Cantons de la Haute-Vienne : émission spéciale consacrée aux départementales 2015
À quelques jours du scrutin, plusieurs questions se posent : la droite peut-elle gagner le département, le Front National va-t-il confirmer sa percée, la gauche divisée sur l’ensemble des cantons sera-t-elle battue ?
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/DEP2015-LVEL-HAUTE-VIENNE
Canton du Jura - Porrentruy and St Ursanne
The Republic and Canton of the Jura (French: République et Canton du Jura), also known as the Canton of Jura or Canton Jura, is one of the cantons of Switzer...
#DEP19 - Canton Brive 2 - La réaction de Bernadette Chirac
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/ELEC2-DEP15-LIVE-F3LIMOUSIN
L'ex première dame de France s'était vue privée de son canton après la réforme territoriale. Elle s'est donc présentée comme candidate suppléante sur Brive 2 où la droite l'emporte avec 64, 27% des voix.
Départementales 2015 : le canton d'Evreux 1
Présentation d’un des cantons de l’Eure : Evreux 1. Il comprend deux communes limitrophes : Arnières-sur-Iton et Saint-Sébastien-de-Morsent et une partie d’Evreux.
Debout la France présent sur le canton de Brionne
A Strasbourg : la gauche au deuxième tour dans les six cantons
A Strasbourg c'est le grand chelem pour le PS. Sur les six cantons de la ville, il y aura des candidats socialistes présents dimanche prochain pour le second tour, une situation atypique au regard les résultats de la région.
4 cantons en final
dimanche 25 mai... 4 cantons champion de france!
Découvrez "Africatown" à Canton. L'Afrique au coeur de la CHINE
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube
CHINE - Avec 12 millions d’habitants, Canton, dans le sud de la Chine est la troisième ville la...
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube
CHINE - Avec 12 millions d’habitants, Canton, dans le sud de la Chine est la troisième ville la plus peuplée du pays, après Shanghai et Pékin. Depuis l'ouverture économique, il y a de plus en plus d’étrangers, à Canton comme dans le reste de la Chine. Et parmi eux de nombreux Africains. S’ils viennent y faire du commerce, ils peinent à s’intégrer à la société chinoise, encore empreinte de préjugés ancestraux à leur égard.
Reportage de Jean-Christophe BRISARD
Notre site : http://www.france24.com/fr/
Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.videos
Suivez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/F24videos
wn.com/Découvrez Africatown À Canton. L'Afrique Au Coeur De La Chine
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube
CHINE - Avec 12 millions d’habitants, Canton, dans le sud de la Chine est la troisième ville la plus peuplée du pays, après Shanghai et Pékin. Depuis l'ouverture économique, il y a de plus en plus d’étrangers, à Canton comme dans le reste de la Chine. Et parmi eux de nombreux Africains. S’ils viennent y faire du commerce, ils peinent à s’intégrer à la société chinoise, encore empreinte de préjugés ancestraux à leur égard.
Reportage de Jean-Christophe BRISARD
Notre site : http://www.france24.com/fr/
Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.videos
Suivez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/F24videos
- published: 16 Dec 2014
- views: 8131
Swiss-German cantons reject French at primary school
A move by two German-speaking cantons to stop the teaching of French in primary schools has caused a storm of protest in French-speaking areas. A recent deci......
A move by two German-speaking cantons to stop the teaching of French in primary schools has caused a storm of protest in French-speaking areas. A recent deci...
wn.com/Swiss German Cantons Reject French At Primary School
A move by two German-speaking cantons to stop the teaching of French in primary schools has caused a storm of protest in French-speaking areas. A recent deci...
[Plateau brève : carte des cantons en France]
20 mars 2008 Brève. Commentaire sur infographie concernant la répartition des conseils généraux entre gauche et droite suite aux élections cantonales.[Source......
20 mars 2008 Brève. Commentaire sur infographie concernant la répartition des conseils généraux entre gauche et droite suite aux élections cantonales.[Source...
wn.com/Plateau Brève Carte Des Cantons En France
20 mars 2008 Brève. Commentaire sur infographie concernant la répartition des conseils généraux entre gauche et droite suite aux élections cantonales.[Source...
IFAF Football Brazil vs France
Catch the IFAF World Championship from Canton Ohio as Brazil faces France in the 2nd game of the IFAF World Championship....
Catch the IFAF World Championship from Canton Ohio as Brazil faces France in the 2nd game of the IFAF World Championship.
wn.com/Ifaf Football Brazil Vs France
Catch the IFAF World Championship from Canton Ohio as Brazil faces France in the 2nd game of the IFAF World Championship.
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 46288
Tank Grave Yard, Le Canton, France with M4 Sherman's, M10’s & Grant's
Tank Grave Yard, near Le Canton, France with Sherman's, Grant's and M10’s, most of them have been removed now and moved to a local collector nearby....
Tank Grave Yard, near Le Canton, France with Sherman's, Grant's and M10’s, most of them have been removed now and moved to a local collector nearby.
wn.com/Tank Grave Yard, Le Canton, France With M4 Sherman's, M10’S Grant's
Tank Grave Yard, near Le Canton, France with Sherman's, Grant's and M10’s, most of them have been removed now and moved to a local collector nearby.
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 58
Métro de Lille - Ligne 1 - Villeneuve d'Ascq - 4 Cantons
VAL 208 du métro de Lille sur la ligne 1 entre "Villeneuve d'Ascq Hôtel de ville" et "4 Cantons". Automatic people mover VAL 208 of the Lille Metro (north of......
VAL 208 du métro de Lille sur la ligne 1 entre "Villeneuve d'Ascq Hôtel de ville" et "4 Cantons". Automatic people mover VAL 208 of the Lille Metro (north of...
wn.com/Métro De Lille Ligne 1 Villeneuve D'Ascq 4 Cantons
VAL 208 du métro de Lille sur la ligne 1 entre "Villeneuve d'Ascq Hôtel de ville" et "4 Cantons". Automatic people mover VAL 208 of the Lille Metro (north of...
- published: 04 Dec 2011
- views: 26586
author: ErebosSan
Highlights USA vs Japan IFAF World Championship Canton 2015
Highlights USA vs Japan IFAF World Championship Canton 2015...
Highlights USA vs Japan IFAF World Championship Canton 2015
wn.com/Highlights USA Vs Japan Ifaf World Championship Canton 2015
Highlights USA vs Japan IFAF World Championship Canton 2015
- published: 13 Jul 2015
- views: 4845
Isigny-le-Buat: la seule commune-canton de France fête ses 40 ans
Dans le sud-Manche, il y a quarante ans, une dizaine de villages se sont associés pour créer une commune-canton, une alliance plus poussée qu'une communauté ......
Dans le sud-Manche, il y a quarante ans, une dizaine de villages se sont associés pour créer une commune-canton, une alliance plus poussée qu'une communauté ...
wn.com/Isigny Le Buat La Seule Commune Canton De France Fête Ses 40 Ans
Dans le sud-Manche, il y a quarante ans, une dizaine de villages se sont associés pour créer une commune-canton, une alliance plus poussée qu'une communauté ...
RYADH - Concert à la Dame de Canton - SOUS FRANCE
Notre deuxième concert en trio
Piano, chant : Ryadh
Batterie : Manu Dyens
Basse : Rémi Liffran
Notre deuxième concert en trio
Piano, chant : Ryadh
Batterie : Manu Dyens
Basse : Rémi Liffran
wn.com/Ryadh Concert À La Dame De Canton Sous France
Notre deuxième concert en trio
Piano, chant : Ryadh
Batterie : Manu Dyens
Basse : Rémi Liffran
- published: 27 Nov 2014
- views: 14
Élections départementales 2015 - Canton de Montbrison : Laure Pardon au JT de France 3
Reportage sur les femmes en politique dans le département de la Loire. Retrouvez Laure Pardon, candidate en binôme avec Serge Vray pour les élections départemen...
Reportage sur les femmes en politique dans le département de la Loire. Retrouvez Laure Pardon, candidate en binôme avec Serge Vray pour les élections départementales sur le canton de Montbrison.
Extrait du journal départemental de France 3 du 18 mars 2015.
Plus d'informations sur : http://www.construisons-demain-montbrison.fr
wn.com/Élections Départementales 2015 Canton De Montbrison Laure Pardon Au Jt De France 3
Reportage sur les femmes en politique dans le département de la Loire. Retrouvez Laure Pardon, candidate en binôme avec Serge Vray pour les élections départementales sur le canton de Montbrison.
Extrait du journal départemental de France 3 du 18 mars 2015.
Plus d'informations sur : http://www.construisons-demain-montbrison.fr
- published: 19 Mar 2015
- views: 264
Cantons de la Corrèze : émission spéciale consacrée aux départementales 2015
Le parti socialiste détient le Conseil Général avec un siège d’écart, mais le redécoupage des cantons pourrait lui être fatal. La gauche divisée dans les canton...
Le parti socialiste détient le Conseil Général avec un siège d’écart, mais le redécoupage des cantons pourrait lui être fatal. La gauche divisée dans les cantons peut-elle conserver le Conseil Général ou va-t-il être repris par la droite qui a réussi l’union avec le centre.
De son côté le FN est présent dans 9 des 19 cantons.
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/DEP2015-LVEL-CORREZE
wn.com/Cantons De La Corrèze Émission Spéciale Consacrée Aux Départementales 2015
Le parti socialiste détient le Conseil Général avec un siège d’écart, mais le redécoupage des cantons pourrait lui être fatal. La gauche divisée dans les cantons peut-elle conserver le Conseil Général ou va-t-il être repris par la droite qui a réussi l’union avec le centre.
De son côté le FN est présent dans 9 des 19 cantons.
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/DEP2015-LVEL-CORREZE
- published: 09 Mar 2015
- views: 13
Le canton de Genève va aider la France à débusquer les faux résidents Suisses
Le canton de Genève va aider la France à débusquer les faux résidents Suisses …Pour les départements de la Haute-Savoie et de l'Ain, le manque à gagner fiscal e...
Le canton de Genève va aider la France à débusquer les faux résidents Suisses …Pour les départements de la Haute-Savoie et de l'Ain, le manque à gagner fiscal est de près de 40 millions d'euros. 10 à 20 000 frontaliers ne seraient pas comptabilisés. Christian Monteil, président du Conseil général de Haute-Savoie a insisté sur le fait qu’il ne s’agirait en aucun cas d’une chasse aux sorcières et fait surtout appel au civisme des personnes concernées…Pas de traque certes, mais quand même un échange de données entre Genève et la France qui permettra d'identifier les salariés d'employeurs genevois résidant en France voisine.
wn.com/Le Canton De Genève Va Aider La France À Débusquer Les Faux Résidents Suisses
Le canton de Genève va aider la France à débusquer les faux résidents Suisses …Pour les départements de la Haute-Savoie et de l'Ain, le manque à gagner fiscal est de près de 40 millions d'euros. 10 à 20 000 frontaliers ne seraient pas comptabilisés. Christian Monteil, président du Conseil général de Haute-Savoie a insisté sur le fait qu’il ne s’agirait en aucun cas d’une chasse aux sorcières et fait surtout appel au civisme des personnes concernées…Pas de traque certes, mais quand même un échange de données entre Genève et la France qui permettra d'identifier les salariés d'employeurs genevois résidant en France voisine.
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 6
Des candidats FN dans tous les cantons du Loiret
En 2011, lors des élections qu'on appelait à l'époque cantonales, le Front National avait obtenu un certain succès particulièrement à l'Est du Loiret avec des c...
En 2011, lors des élections qu'on appelait à l'époque cantonales, le Front National avait obtenu un certain succès particulièrement à l'Est du Loiret avec des candidats dits fantôme qui n'avaient même pas eu besoin de faire campagne. Cette fois, ces candidats avancent à visage découvert. Le FN présente des candidats dans tous les cantons du Loiret c'est le seul parti dans ce cas puisqu'au gré des alliances PS et UMP ne sont pas présents partout. il espère se maintenir au 2e tour dans une quinzaine de cantons.
wn.com/Des Candidats Fn Dans Tous Les Cantons Du Loiret
En 2011, lors des élections qu'on appelait à l'époque cantonales, le Front National avait obtenu un certain succès particulièrement à l'Est du Loiret avec des candidats dits fantôme qui n'avaient même pas eu besoin de faire campagne. Cette fois, ces candidats avancent à visage découvert. Le FN présente des candidats dans tous les cantons du Loiret c'est le seul parti dans ce cas puisqu'au gré des alliances PS et UMP ne sont pas présents partout. il espère se maintenir au 2e tour dans une quinzaine de cantons.
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 13
A Mulhouse : le PS éliminés dans les trois cantons
Dans la deuxième plus grande ville de la région, Mulhouse, la poussée frontiste a aussi balayé les espoirs des candidats socialistes, tous éliminés dès le premi...
Dans la deuxième plus grande ville de la région, Mulhouse, la poussée frontiste a aussi balayé les espoirs des candidats socialistes, tous éliminés dès le premier tour, imposant trois duels UMP/FN, comme dans les trois quarts des cantons de la région. Le reportage de S. Mallauran - V. Lemiesle - M-E. Beauclair
wn.com/A Mulhouse Le Ps Éliminés Dans Les Trois Cantons
Dans la deuxième plus grande ville de la région, Mulhouse, la poussée frontiste a aussi balayé les espoirs des candidats socialistes, tous éliminés dès le premier tour, imposant trois duels UMP/FN, comme dans les trois quarts des cantons de la région. Le reportage de S. Mallauran - V. Lemiesle - M-E. Beauclair
- published: 23 Mar 2015
- views: 30
Cantons de la Haute-Vienne : émission spéciale consacrée aux départementales 2015
À quelques jours du scrutin, plusieurs questions se posent : la droite peut-elle gagner le département, le Front National va-t-il confirmer sa percée, la gauche...
À quelques jours du scrutin, plusieurs questions se posent : la droite peut-elle gagner le département, le Front National va-t-il confirmer sa percée, la gauche divisée sur l’ensemble des cantons sera-t-elle battue ?
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/DEP2015-LVEL-HAUTE-VIENNE
wn.com/Cantons De La Haute Vienne Émission Spéciale Consacrée Aux Départementales 2015
À quelques jours du scrutin, plusieurs questions se posent : la droite peut-elle gagner le département, le Front National va-t-il confirmer sa percée, la gauche divisée sur l’ensemble des cantons sera-t-elle battue ?
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/DEP2015-LVEL-HAUTE-VIENNE
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 5
Canton du Jura - Porrentruy and St Ursanne
The Republic and Canton of the Jura (French: République et Canton du Jura), also known as the Canton of Jura or Canton Jura, is one of the cantons of Switzer......
The Republic and Canton of the Jura (French: République et Canton du Jura), also known as the Canton of Jura or Canton Jura, is one of the cantons of Switzer...
wn.com/Canton Du Jura Porrentruy And St Ursanne
The Republic and Canton of the Jura (French: République et Canton du Jura), also known as the Canton of Jura or Canton Jura, is one of the cantons of Switzer...
#DEP19 - Canton Brive 2 - La réaction de Bernadette Chirac
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/ELEC2-DEP15-LIVE-F3LIMOUSIN
L'ex première dame de France s'était vue privée de son canton après la réforme territoriale. Elle s'est d...
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/ELEC2-DEP15-LIVE-F3LIMOUSIN
L'ex première dame de France s'était vue privée de son canton après la réforme territoriale. Elle s'est donc présentée comme candidate suppléante sur Brive 2 où la droite l'emporte avec 64, 27% des voix.
wn.com/Dep19 Canton Brive 2 La Réaction De Bernadette Chirac
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/ELEC2-DEP15-LIVE-F3LIMOUSIN
L'ex première dame de France s'était vue privée de son canton après la réforme territoriale. Elle s'est donc présentée comme candidate suppléante sur Brive 2 où la droite l'emporte avec 64, 27% des voix.
- published: 29 Mar 2015
- views: 365
Départementales 2015 : le canton d'Evreux 1
Présentation d’un des cantons de l’Eure : Evreux 1. Il comprend deux communes limitrophes : Arnières-sur-Iton et Saint-Sébastien-de-Morsent et une partie d’Evre...
Présentation d’un des cantons de l’Eure : Evreux 1. Il comprend deux communes limitrophes : Arnières-sur-Iton et Saint-Sébastien-de-Morsent et une partie d’Evreux.
wn.com/Départementales 2015 Le Canton D'Evreux 1
Présentation d’un des cantons de l’Eure : Evreux 1. Il comprend deux communes limitrophes : Arnières-sur-Iton et Saint-Sébastien-de-Morsent et une partie d’Evreux.
- published: 06 Mar 2015
- views: 10
A Strasbourg : la gauche au deuxième tour dans les six cantons
A Strasbourg c'est le grand chelem pour le PS. Sur les six cantons de la ville, il y aura des candidats socialistes présents dimanche prochain pour le second to...
A Strasbourg c'est le grand chelem pour le PS. Sur les six cantons de la ville, il y aura des candidats socialistes présents dimanche prochain pour le second tour, une situation atypique au regard les résultats de la région.
wn.com/A Strasbourg La Gauche Au Deuxième Tour Dans Les Six Cantons
A Strasbourg c'est le grand chelem pour le PS. Sur les six cantons de la ville, il y aura des candidats socialistes présents dimanche prochain pour le second tour, une situation atypique au regard les résultats de la région.
- published: 23 Mar 2015
- views: 2
4 cantons en final
dimanche 25 mai... 4 cantons champion de france!...
dimanche 25 mai... 4 cantons champion de france!
wn.com/4 Cantons En Final
dimanche 25 mai... 4 cantons champion de france!
- published: 28 May 2008
- views: 1203
author: liliall09
France Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination France.
France is a country with a long and dramatic history. A country of unique flair and picturesque old towns, fortresses and castles and also a country of beautiful landscapes.Today Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans and then the domain of the Sun King. Paris is not a city
Paris, France Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern
TRAVEL GUIDE: Top Things to Do in Nice, France
SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVENTURE http://bit.ly/1258Cu2
Follow Me on Instagram!! http://instagram.com/kristenadventure
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explore the 5th largest city in France....Nice! If you love great food, nightlife, shopping, beaches and art, add Nice, France to your list of must-visit destinations. This is a short travel guide to Nice, France. Enjoy!
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would a
Provence Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Provence.
Marseille is the oldest city in France, the country’s largest commercial harbour and the capital of Provence, an enchanting region full of contrast.The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the fifth century, the mighty Abbaye Saint Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a n
Paris Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the
Nice Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
When you plan a trip to Nice, France, you’re in good company: This city has been a tourist destination since at least the 18th century. The European aristocracy often spent their winters in the pleasant climate, with a sunset walk on the shoreline being the highlight of each day.
You can walk in their footsteps—literally—with a stroll down the Promenade des Anglais, which roughly translates to Wa
France's Most Beautiful Villages - France Travel Guide
Take a tour of France's Most Beautiful Villages -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
I'd like to show you the Most Beautiful Villages of France:
Embodying France's natural ethereal beauty is the village of Gordes. Engulfed by luxuriant countryside and green hills, it has been deemed one of ''The most beautiful villages of France''. Enshrouded by houses ma
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, we will explore the second largest city in France...Marseille! If you enjoy fresh fish, beautiful historic and modern architecture, independent shops and cafes and music festivals, you'll definitely enjoy this video.
* La Grande Savvoineire
*City Tour Marseille http://goo.gl/ZIjEeo
* Fête de la Musique http
France Travel Skills
Join Steve Smith, co-author of Rick Steves' France guidebook, as he shares tips and insights for traveling in France. Experience the very best of Paris along with its most stunning surroundings: the Loire Valley's exquisite châteaux; Brittany's half-timbered villages; Normandy's magical Mont St-Michel and stirring D-Day beaches; Monet's dreamy gardens at Giverny; prehistoric caves and stunning bea
Lyon - France
Lyon is known for its historical and architectural landmarks and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lyon was historically known as an important area for the pr...
Visit Paris: 5 Things You Will Love & Hate About Paris
Thinking of visiting Paris, France? Here are some travel tips about what you will love & hate about visiting the city of lights and possibly the most beautiful city in the world. What to see and do while in Paris.
Filmed in Paris, France
Copyright Mark Wolters 2012
Great Attractions, Lyon (France) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Lyon, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions of Lyon, France.
Number five: Place Bellecour. Lyon is one of the largest cities of France. It has many great landmarks, like this historical square, a focal point of the city.
Number four: St. Jean Cathedral, an impressive Rom
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Paris (France) - Travel Guide (Bastille Day Ideas)
Take a tour of Paris, France (Bastille Day Ideas) - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I'd like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of Paris.
Number ten, Hotel de Ville. This grand neo-Renaissance style landmark built centuries ago is home of the city administration.
Number nine, Place de la Concorde. The largest s
Paris, France Travel Guide
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern
Nice Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Nice in France.
Nice is the Côte d'Azur's fascinating and colorful city located on the curve of Angel Bay, a metropolis that has lost little of its turn of the century charm. It is also a place of contrast with all the pulsating life of an international city mixed with the rich Mediterranean flair of the south.
The magnificent Promenade Des Anglais was named after t
Top 5 Attractions, Marseille (France) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Marseille, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top five attractions of Marseille, France.
Number 5 - Calanques. Tall cliffs by the Mediterranean Sea, make this a spectacular outdoor attraction.
Number 4 - Marseille Cathedral, a massive Roman Catholic cathedral that was built in the 19th
One of the most beautiful medium sized cities in the world, Nice has something for everyone.
And should you get bored, just a short train trip away you can also visit Monte Carlo (Monaco). The beaches are crystal blue and the city looks like a carbon copy of Paris (on a smaller scale). Actually we like Nice much more than Paris. Monaco, meh... we are not too sure yet. It may take another couple o
Paris (France) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 3.650 Hotels in Paris - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/7DPtpx
Travel video about destination Paris in France.
Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans, then it served the extravagant lifestyle of the Sun King, Louis XIV until it became a hotbed of Revolution.
Champs-Élysée is surely one of the most bea
Dijon France Travel Guide
Fun Travel Guide to Dijon, what to see, what to do in Dijon. This Video log will take you traveling around Dijon to show you why you should visit Dijon. (Video log is courtesy of ATOUT FRANCE)
Nice, France Travel Guide
Nice is a large city in the France. It is located along the French Riviera that gives it a memorable beautiful. Nice City has many attractive sites to be shown to its visitors and enjoyed all along. There are natural features, extensive sandy beaches, and historic sites with history-telling strictures of the past centuries of the French society. Nice reveals the nature of
Brittany France travel guide
Fun Travel Guide to Brittany, what to see, what to do in Brittany. This Video log will take you traveling around Brittany to show you why you should visit Br...
TRAVEL GUIDE: Aix en Provence, France
*VOTE FOR ME FOR USA TODAY's Best Travel Videographer: http://goo.gl/i5KfSc
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explore beautiful and elegant Aix-en-Provence. If you enjoy vibrant art scenes, colourful festivals, bustling markets, walks in the countryside, quant cafes and 17th and 18th century mansions, press play and enjoy! Oh and there may be some wine consumption as well. Enjoy!
France Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination France.
France is a country with a long and dramatic history. A country of unique flair and picturesque old towns, fortresses and...
Travel video about destination France.
France is a country with a long and dramatic history. A country of unique flair and picturesque old towns, fortresses and castles and also a country of beautiful landscapes.Today Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans and then the domain of the Sun King. Paris is not a city but a feeling of joie de vivre! Les Champs Elysees is the French metropolis’ magnificent avenue and surely one of the most beautiful in the world, with wide boulevards, shady corners and large volumes of traffic. For more than a century the members of the French court languished in Versailles where incredible pageantry and opulence dominated and the king celebrated in majestic style. A hundred hectares of ingenious garden design with a strict symmetry of wide star-shaped garden paths that seem to be without end. With its historic buildings, the eighty metre high granite mound of Le Mont-Saint-Michel is like something from a fairy tale. Due to its unique location and architectural splendour this picturesque village is often referred to as the Wonder Of The Occident. The Emerald Coast is a world of foaming white surf and dramatic cliffs. Saint Malo is the proud and solemn “Town Of Corsairs” as the yacht harbour of today once contained pirate ships. The historic centre of Nice, Vielle Ville, has maintained its charm and boasts the most well displayed fish market on the whole Cote D`Azur and a fruit and flower market that each day offers fresh produce and satisfies all the requirements of its most demanding customers. This is a journey to many corners of France - a fascinating journey not to be missed!
wn.com/France Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination France.
France is a country with a long and dramatic history. A country of unique flair and picturesque old towns, fortresses and castles and also a country of beautiful landscapes.Today Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans and then the domain of the Sun King. Paris is not a city but a feeling of joie de vivre! Les Champs Elysees is the French metropolis’ magnificent avenue and surely one of the most beautiful in the world, with wide boulevards, shady corners and large volumes of traffic. For more than a century the members of the French court languished in Versailles where incredible pageantry and opulence dominated and the king celebrated in majestic style. A hundred hectares of ingenious garden design with a strict symmetry of wide star-shaped garden paths that seem to be without end. With its historic buildings, the eighty metre high granite mound of Le Mont-Saint-Michel is like something from a fairy tale. Due to its unique location and architectural splendour this picturesque village is often referred to as the Wonder Of The Occident. The Emerald Coast is a world of foaming white surf and dramatic cliffs. Saint Malo is the proud and solemn “Town Of Corsairs” as the yacht harbour of today once contained pirate ships. The historic centre of Nice, Vielle Ville, has maintained its charm and boasts the most well displayed fish market on the whole Cote D`Azur and a fruit and flower market that each day offers fresh produce and satisfies all the requirements of its most demanding customers. This is a journey to many corners of France - a fascinating journey not to be missed!
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 86277
Paris, France Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-Fra...
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
wn.com/Paris, France Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) / Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
- published: 21 Jun 2013
- views: 136658
TRAVEL GUIDE: Top Things to Do in Nice, France
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Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explo...
SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVENTURE http://bit.ly/1258Cu2
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Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explore the 5th largest city in France....Nice! If you love great food, nightlife, shopping, beaches and art, add Nice, France to your list of must-visit destinations. This is a short travel guide to Nice, France. Enjoy!
Rendez Vous en France: http://int.rendezvousenfrance.com/
Hi! My name is Kristen and I make adventurous, inspiring, funny, delicious and creative videos every Wednesday and Sunday. I am a world explorer (been to 45+ countries), lover of all cultures (I am a world citizen), an actress and host (I do TV a Film stuff) and I love to teach others how to travel the world (no matter your budget) and become internationally inspired. Most importantly, I smile a lot and want to make you feel happy. Subscribe!
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Video shot with the Sony NEX 5R - http://amzn.to/1c4xBQp
Music provided by:
Audio Jungle: http://www.audiojungle.com
wn.com/Travel Guide Top Things To Do In Nice, France
SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVENTURE http://bit.ly/1258Cu2
Follow Me on Instagram!! http://instagram.com/kristenadventure
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explore the 5th largest city in France....Nice! If you love great food, nightlife, shopping, beaches and art, add Nice, France to your list of must-visit destinations. This is a short travel guide to Nice, France. Enjoy!
Rendez Vous en France: http://int.rendezvousenfrance.com/
Hi! My name is Kristen and I make adventurous, inspiring, funny, delicious and creative videos every Wednesday and Sunday. I am a world explorer (been to 45+ countries), lover of all cultures (I am a world citizen), an actress and host (I do TV a Film stuff) and I love to teach others how to travel the world (no matter your budget) and become internationally inspired. Most importantly, I smile a lot and want to make you feel happy. Subscribe!
INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/kristenadventure
FACEBOOK- http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe
TWITTER - http://twitter.com/HTGlobe
SNAPCHAT - itskristensarah
TUMBLR - http://kristensarahworld.tumblr.com/
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If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family!
✈Travel to Fiji - http://bit.ly/Travel2Fiji
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✈Travel to France - http://bit.ly/Travel2France
✈Travel to Guatemala - http://bit.ly/Travel2Guatemala
✈Travel to Panama - http://bit.ly/TravelPanama
✈Travel to Germany -http://bit.ly/Travel2Germany
✈Travel to Trinidad & Tobago - http://bit.ly/Travel2TrinidadTobago
Video shot with the Sony NEX 5R - http://amzn.to/1c4xBQp
Music provided by:
Audio Jungle: http://www.audiojungle.com
- published: 03 Jul 2014
- views: 72662
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over th...
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would add to this list. Now let's get started!
50 Things to do in Paris, France Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1) Eiffel Tower - La tour Eiffel
2) Champ de Mars
3) Crêpe - Eat a crepe
4) Notre-Dame Cathedral (Notre-Dame de Paris)
5) Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile (Arch of Triumph of the Star)
6) Avenue des Champs-Élysées
7) Have a Parisian picnic in the park
8) Bois de Boulogne
9) Rent a rowboat
10) Macaron - macaroon
11) Market Versailles
12) Marie Antoinette's Hamet - The Queen’s Hamlet
13) Palace of Versailles - Château de Versailles
14) Dance along the Seine at night
15) Love lock bridges
16) City views from the dome of Sacré-Cœur
17) Basilique du Sacré-Cœur - Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris
18) Croque-monsieur - grilled ham and cheese sandwich
19) Éclair - pastry filled with cream and topped with icing
20) Panthéon - Pantheon
21) Cimetière du Père-Lachaise - Père Lachaise Cemetery
22) Jardin des Tuileries - Tuileries Garden
23) Musée du Louvre - Louvre Museum
24) Bateaux Mouches - boat ride down the Seine river
25) Vélib' bike ride
26) Segway Tour
27) Jardin des Plantes - Botanical Garden
28) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle - National Museum of Natural History
29) Centre Georges Pompidou
30) Le Marais - The Marsh historic district
31) Bastille Day - La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet
32) Jardin du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Garden
33) Palais du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Palace
34) Les Invalides - L'Hôtel national des Invalides
35) Grand Palais 'Great Palace' - Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées
36) Petit Palais - Small Palace
37) Citroën 2CV - deux chevaux
38) Sainte-Chapelle - Holy Chapel
39) Trocadéro
40) Parc de Princes - Paris Saint-Germain F.C.
41) Moulin Rouge
42) Cimetière de Montmartre - Montmartre Cemetery
43) Moulin de la Galette
44) Le Consulat Restaurant
45) Musée de Montmartre - Montmartre Museum
46) Mille-feuille French pastry - 'a thousand leaves'
47) Tarte au Citron - Lemon tart
48) Galeries Lafayette - French Department Store
49) L'église de la Madeleine - Madeleine Roman Catholic Church
50) Métro de Paris - Paris Metro
We're confident our travel video guide covered some of the top attractions in Paris along with some suggestions that wouldn't necessarily be found in a tourism guide book including information on festivals, arts, entertainment and dining along with French cuisine. Most of the French foods we sampled would be found at any kind of local French bakery (pâtisserie).
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide Travel Video Transcript:
Hello, and welcome to Paris. This week we are exploring the city of love, city of lights and city of art. This video will be showing you the top 50 things to do while you visit Paris.
So we're wrapping things up here. What would be your one tip for visiting Paris? Well, I have recently spent a whole ten days here in summer. I would say that if you really want to visit the art galleries, the museums and all of the main attractions you should probably avoid summer and like either come in the spring or the fall or even winter. Because the lines are insane and sometimes you have to wait like an hour and a half or two hours just to go inside a museum or go inside a church. And you just kill a lot of time. So that is my one tip. Try and avoid summer when the crowds are just everywhere and it is also a bit too hot in my opinion. But that is just me.
So how about you? What are your final thoughts on Paris? So my finals thoughts is obviously Paris is one of the top cities in the world in terms of attractions. But it is like any other big gritty city. And you have to come with realistic expectations. There is going to be garbage, there is going to be lines, there is going to be some areas that are a bit of an eyesore. But there is also a lot of beauty and there is also a lot to do here. So I highly you recommend coming but just don't have Paris on such a high pedestal that you're going to be disappointed.
And that concludes our guide of the top 50 things to do and see in Paris. We hope you enjoyed watching, and let us know if there are other places you would add to this list.
This is part of our Travel in France series. We're making a series of videos showcasing French culture, French arts, French foods, French religion, French cuisine and French people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/50 Things To Do In Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Earlier this summer we spent a whole 10 days in Paris and we decided we wanted to highlight some of the best attractions and activities around the city. Over the course of our visit we came up with 50 things to do in Paris, but of course, there are plenty more things you could experience here. We hope this guide will you plan your trip to Paris, and let us know if there's anything else you would add to this list. Now let's get started!
50 Things to do in Paris, France Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1) Eiffel Tower - La tour Eiffel
2) Champ de Mars
3) Crêpe - Eat a crepe
4) Notre-Dame Cathedral (Notre-Dame de Paris)
5) Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile (Arch of Triumph of the Star)
6) Avenue des Champs-Élysées
7) Have a Parisian picnic in the park
8) Bois de Boulogne
9) Rent a rowboat
10) Macaron - macaroon
11) Market Versailles
12) Marie Antoinette's Hamet - The Queen’s Hamlet
13) Palace of Versailles - Château de Versailles
14) Dance along the Seine at night
15) Love lock bridges
16) City views from the dome of Sacré-Cœur
17) Basilique du Sacré-Cœur - Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris
18) Croque-monsieur - grilled ham and cheese sandwich
19) Éclair - pastry filled with cream and topped with icing
20) Panthéon - Pantheon
21) Cimetière du Père-Lachaise - Père Lachaise Cemetery
22) Jardin des Tuileries - Tuileries Garden
23) Musée du Louvre - Louvre Museum
24) Bateaux Mouches - boat ride down the Seine river
25) Vélib' bike ride
26) Segway Tour
27) Jardin des Plantes - Botanical Garden
28) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle - National Museum of Natural History
29) Centre Georges Pompidou
30) Le Marais - The Marsh historic district
31) Bastille Day - La Fête nationale - Le quatorze juillet
32) Jardin du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Garden
33) Palais du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Palace
34) Les Invalides - L'Hôtel national des Invalides
35) Grand Palais 'Great Palace' - Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées
36) Petit Palais - Small Palace
37) Citroën 2CV - deux chevaux
38) Sainte-Chapelle - Holy Chapel
39) Trocadéro
40) Parc de Princes - Paris Saint-Germain F.C.
41) Moulin Rouge
42) Cimetière de Montmartre - Montmartre Cemetery
43) Moulin de la Galette
44) Le Consulat Restaurant
45) Musée de Montmartre - Montmartre Museum
46) Mille-feuille French pastry - 'a thousand leaves'
47) Tarte au Citron - Lemon tart
48) Galeries Lafayette - French Department Store
49) L'église de la Madeleine - Madeleine Roman Catholic Church
50) Métro de Paris - Paris Metro
We're confident our travel video guide covered some of the top attractions in Paris along with some suggestions that wouldn't necessarily be found in a tourism guide book including information on festivals, arts, entertainment and dining along with French cuisine. Most of the French foods we sampled would be found at any kind of local French bakery (pâtisserie).
50 Things to do in Paris, France | Top Attractions Travel Guide Travel Video Transcript:
Hello, and welcome to Paris. This week we are exploring the city of love, city of lights and city of art. This video will be showing you the top 50 things to do while you visit Paris.
So we're wrapping things up here. What would be your one tip for visiting Paris? Well, I have recently spent a whole ten days here in summer. I would say that if you really want to visit the art galleries, the museums and all of the main attractions you should probably avoid summer and like either come in the spring or the fall or even winter. Because the lines are insane and sometimes you have to wait like an hour and a half or two hours just to go inside a museum or go inside a church. And you just kill a lot of time. So that is my one tip. Try and avoid summer when the crowds are just everywhere and it is also a bit too hot in my opinion. But that is just me.
So how about you? What are your final thoughts on Paris? So my finals thoughts is obviously Paris is one of the top cities in the world in terms of attractions. But it is like any other big gritty city. And you have to come with realistic expectations. There is going to be garbage, there is going to be lines, there is going to be some areas that are a bit of an eyesore. But there is also a lot of beauty and there is also a lot to do here. So I highly you recommend coming but just don't have Paris on such a high pedestal that you're going to be disappointed.
And that concludes our guide of the top 50 things to do and see in Paris. We hope you enjoyed watching, and let us know if there are other places you would add to this list.
This is part of our Travel in France series. We're making a series of videos showcasing French culture, French arts, French foods, French religion, French cuisine and French people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 18245
Provence Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Provence.
Marseille is the oldest city in France, the country’s largest commercial harbour and the capital of Provence, an enchan...
Travel video about destination Provence.
Marseille is the oldest city in France, the country’s largest commercial harbour and the capital of Provence, an enchanting region full of contrast.The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the fifth century, the mighty Abbaye Saint Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a number of stone sarcophaguses that contain the remains of various holy martyrs that date back to the Roman persecution of the Christians. Aix-En-Provence, along with its numerous lanes, is one of the most beautiful cities in France. More than forty spectacular fountains help to cool down this ancient town in the hot months of summer when both foreign and French tourists visit the city. ‘Sur Le Pont D’Avignon’ are the words of the world famous French song that is familiar to both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the bridge of the Pont Saint Bénézet but it is more likely that the people here once danced under the bridge as that is the location of its bars! For almost two thousand years an imposing Roman amphitheatre has dominated the city of Nîmes. It is the capital of the Departement Gard that is situated on the periphery of Provence. One of the most well preserved mediaeval fortifications in Europe surrounds the small town of Aigues-Mortes along the western periphery of the Camargue in the south of France. The town was established in 1240. From the city wall that is eleven metres high and six metres thick, there is a wonderful view across the rooftops of the impregnable city. With historic towns in which both the Romans and the Papacy felt at home, and with blossoming fields of lavender and ancient mountain villages, Provence is a land of sweet aromas and radiant light.
wn.com/Provence Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Provence.
Marseille is the oldest city in France, the country’s largest commercial harbour and the capital of Provence, an enchanting region full of contrast.The most impressive religious building in Marseille is a fortified monastery church that dates back to the fifth century, the mighty Abbaye Saint Victor. Deep down in the rock is an Early Christian crypt and a number of stone sarcophaguses that contain the remains of various holy martyrs that date back to the Roman persecution of the Christians. Aix-En-Provence, along with its numerous lanes, is one of the most beautiful cities in France. More than forty spectacular fountains help to cool down this ancient town in the hot months of summer when both foreign and French tourists visit the city. ‘Sur Le Pont D’Avignon’ are the words of the world famous French song that is familiar to both young and old alike. It is a song of dance on the bridge of the Pont Saint Bénézet but it is more likely that the people here once danced under the bridge as that is the location of its bars! For almost two thousand years an imposing Roman amphitheatre has dominated the city of Nîmes. It is the capital of the Departement Gard that is situated on the periphery of Provence. One of the most well preserved mediaeval fortifications in Europe surrounds the small town of Aigues-Mortes along the western periphery of the Camargue in the south of France. The town was established in 1240. From the city wall that is eleven metres high and six metres thick, there is a wonderful view across the rooftops of the impregnable city. With historic towns in which both the Romans and the Papacy felt at home, and with blossoming fields of lavender and ancient mountain villages, Provence is a land of sweet aromas and radiant light.
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 69736
Paris Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris to...
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the Arc is one of a number of historical arches and landmarks peppering Paris.
If your Paris sightseeing includes purchasing souvenirs, head to the Champs-Élysées, home of boutique shopping, numerous restaurants, and many bars, along with a theatre and other entertaining venues. Learn about culture and creativity at the Louvre, a 14th-century palace turned art museum, and check in on the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Notre Dame Cathedral cannot be missed, as this imposing Gothic structure has stood since 1345.
Speaking of imposing, the Eiffel Tower is most frequently used to represent Paris. Stroll beneath it to get a good idea of its height, or travel to the top for a stunning view of the City of Light.
Visit our Paris travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Paris Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the Arc is one of a number of historical arches and landmarks peppering Paris.
If your Paris sightseeing includes purchasing souvenirs, head to the Champs-Élysées, home of boutique shopping, numerous restaurants, and many bars, along with a theatre and other entertaining venues. Learn about culture and creativity at the Louvre, a 14th-century palace turned art museum, and check in on the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Notre Dame Cathedral cannot be missed, as this imposing Gothic structure has stood since 1345.
Speaking of imposing, the Eiffel Tower is most frequently used to represent Paris. Stroll beneath it to get a good idea of its height, or travel to the top for a stunning view of the City of Light.
Visit our Paris travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 636966
Nice Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
When you plan a trip to Nice, France, you’re in good company: This city has been a tourist destination since at least the 18th century. The European aristocracy...
When you plan a trip to Nice, France, you’re in good company: This city has been a tourist destination since at least the 18th century. The European aristocracy often spent their winters in the pleasant climate, with a sunset walk on the shoreline being the highlight of each day.
You can walk in their footsteps—literally—with a stroll down the Promenade des Anglais, which roughly translates to Walkway of the English. On a tour of Nice, you’ll enjoy the mixture of French and Italian culture that permeates the city’s architecture, public art, and yes, the food. Bon appetit!
The residents of Nice love the outdoors, and you will, too, as you explore the Place Massena—the city’s main square, where you can enjoy a snack at a café or do some shopping in its many boutiques. Any Nice sightseeing requires exploration of one of the many open-air markets, where you can pick up fresh produce, local artwork, and French pastries that will leave you wondering why you waited so long to visit.
Cap a perfect day in Nice with a dip in the ocean and a walk along the seashore, watching the sun disappear into the sea.
What are you going to eat while in Nice?
Visit our Nice travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Nice Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
When you plan a trip to Nice, France, you’re in good company: This city has been a tourist destination since at least the 18th century. The European aristocracy often spent their winters in the pleasant climate, with a sunset walk on the shoreline being the highlight of each day.
You can walk in their footsteps—literally—with a stroll down the Promenade des Anglais, which roughly translates to Walkway of the English. On a tour of Nice, you’ll enjoy the mixture of French and Italian culture that permeates the city’s architecture, public art, and yes, the food. Bon appetit!
The residents of Nice love the outdoors, and you will, too, as you explore the Place Massena—the city’s main square, where you can enjoy a snack at a café or do some shopping in its many boutiques. Any Nice sightseeing requires exploration of one of the many open-air markets, where you can pick up fresh produce, local artwork, and French pastries that will leave you wondering why you waited so long to visit.
Cap a perfect day in Nice with a dip in the ocean and a walk along the seashore, watching the sun disappear into the sea.
What are you going to eat while in Nice?
Visit our Nice travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 9990
France's Most Beautiful Villages - France Travel Guide
Take a tour of France's Most Beautiful Villages -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
I'd like to show you the Most Be...
Take a tour of France's Most Beautiful Villages -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
I'd like to show you the Most Beautiful Villages of France:
Embodying France's natural ethereal beauty is the village of Gordes. Engulfed by luxuriant countryside and green hills, it has been deemed one of ''The most beautiful villages of France''. Enshrouded by houses made of stone and terracotta roof tiles, the village exudes warmth and rustic charm.
Overlooking a river gorge, the magnificent town of Rocamadour is built into a nearly sheer cliff face. A historical site of pilgrimage and a place of holy relics, Rocamadour is lit with medieval history. Famous for its monastic buildings and gorgeous churches, the village is among the most sought after French destinations.
The French village of Honfleur has earned a reputation as an artist's town over time. Its timber framed houses adorned with gray facades and cafe terraces endow it with a marked essence of uniqueness. Lovely harbor views coupled with great architecture and weather makes it a beautiful and ethereal holiday destination.
La Roque-Gageac is an amiable village enveloped in the serene waters of the
Dordogne. Compelling town sites include its riverside houses, narrow alleys, and manicured gardens all of which are absolutely delightful. A fortified village in the medieval era, it is beset with archaic manors and enthralling cliffs.
Eguisheim is a quaint village close to the German border. The characteristic narrow, cobble-stoned streets and alleyways strengthen Equisheim's stature as a resplendent medieval town. Due to its proximity to the German lands, a resolute German influence is evident in its language, architecture, and culture.
wn.com/France's Most Beautiful Villages France Travel Guide
Take a tour of France's Most Beautiful Villages -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
I'd like to show you the Most Beautiful Villages of France:
Embodying France's natural ethereal beauty is the village of Gordes. Engulfed by luxuriant countryside and green hills, it has been deemed one of ''The most beautiful villages of France''. Enshrouded by houses made of stone and terracotta roof tiles, the village exudes warmth and rustic charm.
Overlooking a river gorge, the magnificent town of Rocamadour is built into a nearly sheer cliff face. A historical site of pilgrimage and a place of holy relics, Rocamadour is lit with medieval history. Famous for its monastic buildings and gorgeous churches, the village is among the most sought after French destinations.
The French village of Honfleur has earned a reputation as an artist's town over time. Its timber framed houses adorned with gray facades and cafe terraces endow it with a marked essence of uniqueness. Lovely harbor views coupled with great architecture and weather makes it a beautiful and ethereal holiday destination.
La Roque-Gageac is an amiable village enveloped in the serene waters of the
Dordogne. Compelling town sites include its riverside houses, narrow alleys, and manicured gardens all of which are absolutely delightful. A fortified village in the medieval era, it is beset with archaic manors and enthralling cliffs.
Eguisheim is a quaint village close to the German border. The characteristic narrow, cobble-stoned streets and alleyways strengthen Equisheim's stature as a resplendent medieval town. Due to its proximity to the German lands, a resolute German influence is evident in its language, architecture, and culture.
- published: 18 Jan 2011
- views: 61341
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, we will explore the second largest city in France...Marseille! If you enjoy fresh fish, beautiful historic and modern...
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, we will explore the second largest city in France...Marseille! If you enjoy fresh fish, beautiful historic and modern architecture, independent shops and cafes and music festivals, you'll definitely enjoy this video.
* La Grande Savvoineire
*City Tour Marseille http://goo.gl/ZIjEeo
* Fête de la Musique http://goo.gl/wer9mT
* Nice, France Travel Guide - http://youtu.be/fCFseBOALJo
* Aix en Provence Travel Guide - http://youtu.be/4a9XW-3VGC4
Rendez Vous en France: http://int.rendezvousenfrance.com/
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If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family!
Music provided by:
Audio Jungle: http://www.audiojungle.com
wn.com/Marseille, France Travel Guide
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, we will explore the second largest city in France...Marseille! If you enjoy fresh fish, beautiful historic and modern architecture, independent shops and cafes and music festivals, you'll definitely enjoy this video.
* La Grande Savvoineire
*City Tour Marseille http://goo.gl/ZIjEeo
* Fête de la Musique http://goo.gl/wer9mT
* Nice, France Travel Guide - http://youtu.be/fCFseBOALJo
* Aix en Provence Travel Guide - http://youtu.be/4a9XW-3VGC4
Rendez Vous en France: http://int.rendezvousenfrance.com/
Where you can find me:
FACEBOOK- http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe
INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/kristenadventure
TWITTER - http://twitter.com/HTGlobe
TUMBLR - http://kristensarahworld.tumblr.com/
BLOG - http://www.hopscotchtheglobe.com
ACTING WEBSITE - http://www.kristensarah.net
If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family!
Music provided by:
Audio Jungle: http://www.audiojungle.com
- published: 13 Jul 2014
- views: 13934
France Travel Skills
Join Steve Smith, co-author of Rick Steves' France guidebook, as he shares tips and insights for traveling in France. Experience the very best of Paris along wi...
Join Steve Smith, co-author of Rick Steves' France guidebook, as he shares tips and insights for traveling in France. Experience the very best of Paris along with its most stunning surroundings: the Loire Valley's exquisite châteaux; Brittany's half-timbered villages; Normandy's magical Mont St-Michel and stirring D-Day beaches; Monet's dreamy gardens at Giverny; prehistoric caves and stunning beauty of the Dordogne region, and a medieval castle being painstakingly built in Burgundy today — using lots of muscle and 13th-century technology. (Please note this presentation was filmed April 6, 2013 and any special promotions or discounts mentioned are no longer valid.)
Subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/user/RickSteves for regular updates on European destinations. For more travel information, visit http://www.ricksteves.com.
wn.com/France Travel Skills
Join Steve Smith, co-author of Rick Steves' France guidebook, as he shares tips and insights for traveling in France. Experience the very best of Paris along with its most stunning surroundings: the Loire Valley's exquisite châteaux; Brittany's half-timbered villages; Normandy's magical Mont St-Michel and stirring D-Day beaches; Monet's dreamy gardens at Giverny; prehistoric caves and stunning beauty of the Dordogne region, and a medieval castle being painstakingly built in Burgundy today — using lots of muscle and 13th-century technology. (Please note this presentation was filmed April 6, 2013 and any special promotions or discounts mentioned are no longer valid.)
Subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/user/RickSteves for regular updates on European destinations. For more travel information, visit http://www.ricksteves.com.
- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 248196
Lyon - France
Lyon is known for its historical and architectural landmarks and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lyon was historically known as an important area for the pr......
Lyon is known for its historical and architectural landmarks and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lyon was historically known as an important area for the pr...
wn.com/Lyon France
Lyon is known for its historical and architectural landmarks and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lyon was historically known as an important area for the pr...
Visit Paris: 5 Things You Will Love & Hate About Paris
Thinking of visiting Paris, France? Here are some travel tips about what you will love & hate about visiting the city of lights and ...
Thinking of visiting Paris, France? Here are some travel tips about what you will love & hate about visiting the city of lights and possibly the most beautiful city in the world. What to see and do while in Paris.
Filmed in Paris, France
Copyright Mark Wolters 2012
wn.com/Visit Paris 5 Things You Will Love Hate About Paris
Thinking of visiting Paris, France? Here are some travel tips about what you will love & hate about visiting the city of lights and possibly the most beautiful city in the world. What to see and do while in Paris.
Filmed in Paris, France
Copyright Mark Wolters 2012
- published: 29 Sep 2012
- views: 650144
Great Attractions, Lyon (France) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Lyon, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 att...
Take a tour of Lyon, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions of Lyon, France.
Number five: Place Bellecour. Lyon is one of the largest cities of France. It has many great landmarks, like this historical square, a focal point of the city.
Number four: St. Jean Cathedral, an impressive Roman Catholic cathedral that was built between the 12th and 15th century. The inside hosts a unique astronomical clock.
Number three: rivers. There are two rivers running through Lyon, offering opportunities for nice city views, river cruises, scenic walks, and outdoor activities.
Number two: local architecture. Take time to walk through the streets of Lyon. You will find the city full of colorful houses that depict architectural styles from multiple eras.
And number one: Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere. Constructed in the 19th century, overlooking a hill, this is a popular attraction and offers excellent views of Lyon.
Hope you enjoyed this video. See you next time!
wn.com/Great Attractions, Lyon (France) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Lyon, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions of Lyon, France.
Number five: Place Bellecour. Lyon is one of the largest cities of France. It has many great landmarks, like this historical square, a focal point of the city.
Number four: St. Jean Cathedral, an impressive Roman Catholic cathedral that was built between the 12th and 15th century. The inside hosts a unique astronomical clock.
Number three: rivers. There are two rivers running through Lyon, offering opportunities for nice city views, river cruises, scenic walks, and outdoor activities.
Number two: local architecture. Take time to walk through the streets of Lyon. You will find the city full of colorful houses that depict architectural styles from multiple eras.
And number one: Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere. Constructed in the 19th century, overlooking a hill, this is a popular attraction and offers excellent views of Lyon.
Hope you enjoyed this video. See you next time!
- published: 10 Sep 2010
- views: 61383
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Paris (France) - Travel Guide (Bastille Day Ideas)
Take a tour of Paris, France (Bastille Day Ideas) - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I'd li...
Take a tour of Paris, France (Bastille Day Ideas) - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I'd like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of Paris.
Number ten, Hotel de Ville. This grand neo-Renaissance style landmark built centuries ago is home of the city administration.
Number nine, Place de la Concorde. The largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night.
Number eight, the Pompidou Center. A colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art.
Number seven, Arc de Triomphe. Built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris.
Number six is the Seine Boat Cruise. It's affordable, convenient, and in a short period of time you can see many major landmarks of the city.
Number five, Versailles Palace. A royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens.
Number four, Notre Dame. One of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture.
Number three, Sacré-Coeur. This Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors.
Number two, the Louvre Museum. Perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise.
And number one is the Eiffel Tower. Amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
wn.com/Top 10 Travel Attractions, Paris (France) Travel Guide (Bastille Day Ideas)
Take a tour of Paris, France (Bastille Day Ideas) - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I'd like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of Paris.
Number ten, Hotel de Ville. This grand neo-Renaissance style landmark built centuries ago is home of the city administration.
Number nine, Place de la Concorde. The largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night.
Number eight, the Pompidou Center. A colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art.
Number seven, Arc de Triomphe. Built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris.
Number six is the Seine Boat Cruise. It's affordable, convenient, and in a short period of time you can see many major landmarks of the city.
Number five, Versailles Palace. A royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens.
Number four, Notre Dame. One of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture.
Number three, Sacré-Coeur. This Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors.
Number two, the Louvre Museum. Perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise.
And number one is the Eiffel Tower. Amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
- published: 26 Aug 2010
- views: 94443
Paris, France Travel Guide
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-Fr...
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Paris, France Travel Guide
Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region.
The most important places to visit in Paris are: Place de la Concorde (the largest square in Paris, it has a 3000 year old Egyptian obelisk and is particularly beautiful at night), Pompidou Center (a colorfully creative modern building housing a vast collection of modern art), Arc de Triomphe (built in the early 1800s by Napoleon, the Arc is a symbol of national pride. At the top, you'll find fantastic views of Paris), Versailles Palace (a royal château just outside of Paris has grand architecture, 700 rooms and beautiful gardens), Notre Dame (one of the most recognized symbols in the world and over 750 years old, Notre Dame has incredibly detailed Gothic architecture), Sacré-Coeur (this Byzantine style stunning light church, despised by intellectuals when it was built, is a must see for Paris visitors), Louvre Museum (perhaps the world's most famous museum, it hosts thousands of pieces of great art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lise), Eiffel Tower (amongst the most recognizable and visited monuments in the world, everyone must experience the Eiffel Tower in their lifetime).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Paris travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 14019
Nice Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Nice in France.
Nice is the Côte d'Azur's fascinating and colorful city located on the curve of Angel Bay, a metropolis that has ...
Travel video about destination Nice in France.
Nice is the Côte d'Azur's fascinating and colorful city located on the curve of Angel Bay, a metropolis that has lost little of its turn of the century charm. It is also a place of contrast with all the pulsating life of an international city mixed with the rich Mediterranean flair of the south.
The magnificent Promenade Des Anglais was named after the resort's former large contingent of English visitors and was built during the 19th century.
The historical centre of the city, Vielle Ville, has become the home of Arabian immigrants, thus couscous features prominently on the menu. The old fish market is the most beautiful on the entire Côte d'Azur and its traditional displays of seafood are a feast to the eye.
The Russian Tsars also spent much time in Nice and around 1900, a Russian Orthodox Church was built. With its six eye-catching onion-shaped domes, it was designed by the Russian architect, Preobrajensky, and is the most beautiful example of its kind in the western hemisphere. The foundations of the building were designed in the shape of a Greek crucifix and the interior features a remarkable collection of Russian icons.
A good way to visit numerous places of interest is by taking a journey on a small sightseeing train known as the Azur Express.
Just outside Nice, there are some remarkable Roman ruins and a villa on the excavated site contains the Matisse Museum that features each of the famous artist's sculptures.
Nice is more than 'nice' -- joie de vivre never had it so good!
wn.com/Nice Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Nice in France.
Nice is the Côte d'Azur's fascinating and colorful city located on the curve of Angel Bay, a metropolis that has lost little of its turn of the century charm. It is also a place of contrast with all the pulsating life of an international city mixed with the rich Mediterranean flair of the south.
The magnificent Promenade Des Anglais was named after the resort's former large contingent of English visitors and was built during the 19th century.
The historical centre of the city, Vielle Ville, has become the home of Arabian immigrants, thus couscous features prominently on the menu. The old fish market is the most beautiful on the entire Côte d'Azur and its traditional displays of seafood are a feast to the eye.
The Russian Tsars also spent much time in Nice and around 1900, a Russian Orthodox Church was built. With its six eye-catching onion-shaped domes, it was designed by the Russian architect, Preobrajensky, and is the most beautiful example of its kind in the western hemisphere. The foundations of the building were designed in the shape of a Greek crucifix and the interior features a remarkable collection of Russian icons.
A good way to visit numerous places of interest is by taking a journey on a small sightseeing train known as the Azur Express.
Just outside Nice, there are some remarkable Roman ruins and a villa on the excavated site contains the Matisse Museum that features each of the famous artist's sculptures.
Nice is more than 'nice' -- joie de vivre never had it so good!
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 47487
Top 5 Attractions, Marseille (France) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Marseille, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top ...
Take a tour of Marseille, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top five attractions of Marseille, France.
Number 5 - Calanques. Tall cliffs by the Mediterranean Sea, make this a spectacular outdoor attraction.
Number 4 - Marseille Cathedral, a massive Roman Catholic cathedral that was built in the 19th century. It was also a National Monument of France.
Number 3 - Chateau d'lf. Famous for being one of the settings in the novel, The Count of Monte Cristo, it was constructed initially as a fortress and then later turned into a prison.
Number 2 - Notre Dame de la Garde, an iconic landmark, overlooking the city from its highest point. The interiors are particularly ornate and memorable.
And Number 1 - Vieux Port. It's hard to imagine this city without the old port. Popular among locals as well as visitors, it is definitely a must see during your trip.
Keep watching our travel video series. Ciao!
wn.com/Top 5 Attractions, Marseille (France) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Marseille, France - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top five attractions of Marseille, France.
Number 5 - Calanques. Tall cliffs by the Mediterranean Sea, make this a spectacular outdoor attraction.
Number 4 - Marseille Cathedral, a massive Roman Catholic cathedral that was built in the 19th century. It was also a National Monument of France.
Number 3 - Chateau d'lf. Famous for being one of the settings in the novel, The Count of Monte Cristo, it was constructed initially as a fortress and then later turned into a prison.
Number 2 - Notre Dame de la Garde, an iconic landmark, overlooking the city from its highest point. The interiors are particularly ornate and memorable.
And Number 1 - Vieux Port. It's hard to imagine this city without the old port. Popular among locals as well as visitors, it is definitely a must see during your trip.
Keep watching our travel video series. Ciao!
- published: 19 Aug 2010
- views: 52997
One of the most beautiful medium sized cities in the world, Nice has something for everyone.
And should you get bored, just a short train trip away you can als...
One of the most beautiful medium sized cities in the world, Nice has something for everyone.
And should you get bored, just a short train trip away you can also visit Monte Carlo (Monaco). The beaches are crystal blue and the city looks like a carbon copy of Paris (on a smaller scale). Actually we like Nice much more than Paris. Monaco, meh... we are not too sure yet. It may take another couple of trips.
◄ ►
"Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400011.
"Master of the Feast" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400019.
"Pippin the Hunchback" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400005.
wn.com/◄ Explore Nice (France) Monte Carlo (Monaco) Travel Guide
One of the most beautiful medium sized cities in the world, Nice has something for everyone.
And should you get bored, just a short train trip away you can also visit Monte Carlo (Monaco). The beaches are crystal blue and the city looks like a carbon copy of Paris (on a smaller scale). Actually we like Nice much more than Paris. Monaco, meh... we are not too sure yet. It may take another couple of trips.
◄ ►
"Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400011.
"Master of the Feast" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400019.
"Pippin the Hunchback" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400005.
- published: 05 Feb 2015
- views: 1670
Paris (France) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 3.650 Hotels in Paris - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/7DPtpx
Travel video about destination Paris in France.
Paris is one of the most beautiful citi...
✱ 3.650 Hotels in Paris - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/7DPtpx
Travel video about destination Paris in France.
Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans, then it served the extravagant lifestyle of the Sun King, Louis XIV until it became a hotbed of Revolution.
Champs-Élysée is surely one of the most beautiful avenues in the world. It has wide boulevards, shady corners, ambient street cafes and classic Parisian buildings that are decorated with flowers.
Since 1873, the Palais de l'Élysée has been the residence of the French President. At the beginning of the 17th century, Madame de Pompadour lived there and during the Revolution the liberated people cavorted in its luxurious rooms.
Through a small triumphal arch decorated with scenes of Napoleon's victorious army, there is the garden created by Leotre, the Jardin des Tuileries. A bridge and fountain are the focal points of this popular park, created in typical French style.
A modern glass pyramid and a fountain decorate the courtyard of the former Louvre Palace, which since the time of the Revolution has been transformed into a museum that contains the famous Louvre art gallery. Its collection of remarkable historic treasures and superb art collection make it one of the world's most famous museums with Leonardo Da Vinci´s masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, taking pride of place.
Situated on a small island on the River Seine is the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the 'Mother Church of the Nation'. Built on the foundations of a Roman temple and commissioned by the bishops Maurice and Eudes de Sully, it took almost 200 years to build this Gothic masterpiece.
Built at the end of the 19th century as a symbol of national revival, Montmartre's Sacre Coeur has the appearance of a white, fairy-tale palace with 237 steps that lead up to the main entrance of this extraordinary structure. Its Byzantine architecture and five cupolas are reminiscent of the Marcus Dome in Venice.
Of course, there are the dizzy heights of the Eiffel Tower and a great deal more. Paris is a wonderful festival of the senses!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Paris (France) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 3.650 Hotels in Paris - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/7DPtpx
Travel video about destination Paris in France.
Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. First established by the Celts, next used strategically by the Romans, then it served the extravagant lifestyle of the Sun King, Louis XIV until it became a hotbed of Revolution.
Champs-Élysée is surely one of the most beautiful avenues in the world. It has wide boulevards, shady corners, ambient street cafes and classic Parisian buildings that are decorated with flowers.
Since 1873, the Palais de l'Élysée has been the residence of the French President. At the beginning of the 17th century, Madame de Pompadour lived there and during the Revolution the liberated people cavorted in its luxurious rooms.
Through a small triumphal arch decorated with scenes of Napoleon's victorious army, there is the garden created by Leotre, the Jardin des Tuileries. A bridge and fountain are the focal points of this popular park, created in typical French style.
A modern glass pyramid and a fountain decorate the courtyard of the former Louvre Palace, which since the time of the Revolution has been transformed into a museum that contains the famous Louvre art gallery. Its collection of remarkable historic treasures and superb art collection make it one of the world's most famous museums with Leonardo Da Vinci´s masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, taking pride of place.
Situated on a small island on the River Seine is the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the 'Mother Church of the Nation'. Built on the foundations of a Roman temple and commissioned by the bishops Maurice and Eudes de Sully, it took almost 200 years to build this Gothic masterpiece.
Built at the end of the 19th century as a symbol of national revival, Montmartre's Sacre Coeur has the appearance of a white, fairy-tale palace with 237 steps that lead up to the main entrance of this extraordinary structure. Its Byzantine architecture and five cupolas are reminiscent of the Marcus Dome in Venice.
Of course, there are the dizzy heights of the Eiffel Tower and a great deal more. Paris is a wonderful festival of the senses!
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
Be our fan on Facebook ► http://goo.gl/0xmbQk
Follow us on Twitter ► http://goo.gl/334ln5
Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 254970
Dijon France Travel Guide
Fun Travel Guide to Dijon, what to see, what to do in Dijon. This Video log will take you traveling around Dijon to show you why you should visit Dijon. (Video...
Fun Travel Guide to Dijon, what to see, what to do in Dijon. This Video log will take you traveling around Dijon to show you why you should visit Dijon. (Video log is courtesy of ATOUT FRANCE)
wn.com/Dijon France Travel Guide
Fun Travel Guide to Dijon, what to see, what to do in Dijon. This Video log will take you traveling around Dijon to show you why you should visit Dijon. (Video log is courtesy of ATOUT FRANCE)
- published: 08 Apr 2011
- views: 4262
Nice, France Travel Guide
Nice is a large city in the France. It is located along the French Riviera that gives it a memorable beautiful. Nice City has many att...
Nice is a large city in the France. It is located along the French Riviera that gives it a memorable beautiful. Nice City has many attractive sites to be shown to its visitors and enjoyed all along. There are natural features, extensive sandy beaches, and historic sites with history-telling strictures of the past centuries of the French society. Nice reveals the nature of the majestic French culture brought about by the many French Tribes living within the city.
The most important places to visit in Nice are: Promenade des Anglais (no other place showcases French Riviera better than Nice. Start with this famous avenue. Stunning buildings are a feast for the eyes), Markets (nice has a long tradition of great markets where you get fresh produce and a wide variety of local restaurants), Russian Orthodox Cathedral (this architectural gem was constructed in the early 20th century), Place Massena (the central square in Nice is surrounded by colorful buildings, giving it a Mediterranean feel. Around the square are many shops and restaurants), Beaches (enjoy the French Riviera by spending some time on one of its many beaches. Soak in the sun, take a walk, or just watch the world go by) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Nice travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Nice, France Travel Guide
Nice is a large city in the France. It is located along the French Riviera that gives it a memorable beautiful. Nice City has many attractive sites to be shown to its visitors and enjoyed all along. There are natural features, extensive sandy beaches, and historic sites with history-telling strictures of the past centuries of the French society. Nice reveals the nature of the majestic French culture brought about by the many French Tribes living within the city.
The most important places to visit in Nice are: Promenade des Anglais (no other place showcases French Riviera better than Nice. Start with this famous avenue. Stunning buildings are a feast for the eyes), Markets (nice has a long tradition of great markets where you get fresh produce and a wide variety of local restaurants), Russian Orthodox Cathedral (this architectural gem was constructed in the early 20th century), Place Massena (the central square in Nice is surrounded by colorful buildings, giving it a Mediterranean feel. Around the square are many shops and restaurants), Beaches (enjoy the French Riviera by spending some time on one of its many beaches. Soak in the sun, take a walk, or just watch the world go by) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Nice travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 14348
Brittany France travel guide
Fun Travel Guide to Brittany, what to see, what to do in Brittany. This Video log will take you traveling around Brittany to show you why you should visit Br......
Fun Travel Guide to Brittany, what to see, what to do in Brittany. This Video log will take you traveling around Brittany to show you why you should visit Br...
wn.com/Brittany France Travel Guide
Fun Travel Guide to Brittany, what to see, what to do in Brittany. This Video log will take you traveling around Brittany to show you why you should visit Br...
TRAVEL GUIDE: Aix en Provence, France
*VOTE FOR ME FOR USA TODAY's Best Travel Videographer: http://goo.gl/i5KfSc
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explore beautiful and elegant Aix-en-P...
*VOTE FOR ME FOR USA TODAY's Best Travel Videographer: http://goo.gl/i5KfSc
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explore beautiful and elegant Aix-en-Provence. If you enjoy vibrant art scenes, colourful festivals, bustling markets, walks in the countryside, quant cafes and 17th and 18th century mansions, press play and enjoy! Oh and there may be some wine consumption as well. Enjoy!
Check out Vivienne's Photography: http://nythroughthelens.com/
* Cours Mirabeau (clothes and textiles) -
* Place Richelme (local produce)
* Place de l'Hôtel de Ville (Flower Market) -
* Chateau La Coste - http://www.chateau-la-coste.com
Rendez Vous en France: http://int.rendezvousenfrance.com/
Where you can find me:
FACEBOOK- http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe
INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/kristenadventure
TWITTER - http://twitter.com/HTGlobe
TUMBLR - http://kristensarahworld.tumblr.com/
BLOG - http://www.hopscotchtheglobe.com
ACTING WEBSITE - http://www.kristensarah.net
If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family!
Music provided by:
Audio Jungle: http://www.audiojungle.com
wn.com/Travel Guide Aix En Provence, France
*VOTE FOR ME FOR USA TODAY's Best Travel Videographer: http://goo.gl/i5KfSc
Bonjour! Welcome to France. In this video, I explore beautiful and elegant Aix-en-Provence. If you enjoy vibrant art scenes, colourful festivals, bustling markets, walks in the countryside, quant cafes and 17th and 18th century mansions, press play and enjoy! Oh and there may be some wine consumption as well. Enjoy!
Check out Vivienne's Photography: http://nythroughthelens.com/
* Cours Mirabeau (clothes and textiles) -
* Place Richelme (local produce)
* Place de l'Hôtel de Ville (Flower Market) -
* Chateau La Coste - http://www.chateau-la-coste.com
Rendez Vous en France: http://int.rendezvousenfrance.com/
Where you can find me:
FACEBOOK- http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe
INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/kristenadventure
TWITTER - http://twitter.com/HTGlobe
TUMBLR - http://kristensarahworld.tumblr.com/
BLOG - http://www.hopscotchtheglobe.com
ACTING WEBSITE - http://www.kristensarah.net
If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family!
Music provided by:
Audio Jungle: http://www.audiojungle.com
- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 6535
Envoyé spécial : FN a remporté quatre cantons, USA 32 États appliquent la peine de mort !
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vou
Strasbourg 4 : Alain Fontanel ne gagne pas le canton, mais peut-être de la notoriété
La gauche en Alsace, c'est à Strasbourg essentiellement qu'on la trouve, mais pas dans tous les cantons, celui de Strasbourg 4 qui englobe le quartier de la Robertsau reste ainsi à droite. Le duo Le Tallec/ Pfersdorff l'emporte face au premier adjoint au maire de Strasbourg. Alain Fontanel rate l'élection mais ce n'était qu'une étape sur un parcours très ambitieux. Le reportage de D. Meneu - J. Go
Reportage France 3 JT Midi - canton de damigny
Départementales - Le tentaculaire canton de Golo Morosaglia (Haute-Corse)
Le Centre Corse : c'est sans doute là que le chamboulement provoqué par le redécoupage des cantons est le plus spectaculaire. Le canton de Golo Morosaglia réunit 55 communes et presque quatre anciens cantons. http://bit.ly/1FftaAx
Elections départementales 2015 : canton de Limoges 9 (87)
+ d'infos : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/limousin/elections-departementales
Le canton n° 16 (Limoges-9) comprend :
1° La commune d'Isle ;
2° La partie de la commune de Limoges non incluse dans les cantons de Limoges-1, Limoges-2, Limoges-3, Limoges-4, Limoges-5, Limoges-6, Limoges-7 et Limoges-8.
Le bureau centralisateur de ce canton est le bureau centralisateur de la commune de Limoges
Départementales 2015 : émission spéciale consacrée aux cantons de la Creuse
De nombreuses interrogations se posent sur ce territoire : la Creuse peut-elle basculer à droite ? Le FN va-t-il réussir une percée ? La gauche divisée prend-elle un risque ?
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/DEP2015-LVEL-CREUSE
France 3 : de Hatten à Canton
Kraemer sur France 3
Reportage de Hatten à Canton
Elections départementales 2015 : canton Brive 4 (19)
+ d'infos : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/limousin/elections-departementales
Le canton n° 6 (Brive-la-Gaillarde-4) comprend la partie de la commune de Brive-la-Gaillarde non incluse dans les cantons de Brive-la-Gaillarde-1, Brive-la-Gaillarde-2 et Brive-la-Gaillarde-3.
Le bureau centralisateur de ce canton est le bureau centralisateur de la commune de Brive-la-Gaillarde.
Reportage : Pas
How to pronounce Canton (French/France) - PronounceNames.com
Audio and video pronunciation of Canton brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Canton
How to pronounce Quimper 2e Canton (French/France) - PronounceNames.com
Audio and video pronunciation of Quimper 2e Canton brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Quimper 2e Canton
Envoyé spécial : FN a remporté quatre cantons, USA 32 États appliquent la peine de mort !
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
wn.com/Envoyé Spécial Fn A Remporté Quatre Cantons, USA 32 États Appliquent La Peine De Mort
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
Envoyé spécial du 2 avril 2015 Diffusé sur France 2 le 02/04/2015 Envoyé spécial vous propose cette semaine : - Voyage dans l'Aisne, où le FN a remporté .
- published: 12 Jul 2015
- views: 5
Strasbourg 4 : Alain Fontanel ne gagne pas le canton, mais peut-être de la notoriété
La gauche en Alsace, c'est à Strasbourg essentiellement qu'on la trouve, mais pas dans tous les cantons, celui de Strasbourg 4 qui englobe le quartier de la Rob...
La gauche en Alsace, c'est à Strasbourg essentiellement qu'on la trouve, mais pas dans tous les cantons, celui de Strasbourg 4 qui englobe le quartier de la Robertsau reste ainsi à droite. Le duo Le Tallec/ Pfersdorff l'emporte face au premier adjoint au maire de Strasbourg. Alain Fontanel rate l'élection mais ce n'était qu'une étape sur un parcours très ambitieux. Le reportage de D. Meneu - J. Gosset - J. Baudart.
wn.com/Strasbourg 4 Alain Fontanel Ne Gagne Pas Le Canton, Mais Peut Être De La Notoriété
La gauche en Alsace, c'est à Strasbourg essentiellement qu'on la trouve, mais pas dans tous les cantons, celui de Strasbourg 4 qui englobe le quartier de la Robertsau reste ainsi à droite. Le duo Le Tallec/ Pfersdorff l'emporte face au premier adjoint au maire de Strasbourg. Alain Fontanel rate l'élection mais ce n'était qu'une étape sur un parcours très ambitieux. Le reportage de D. Meneu - J. Gosset - J. Baudart.
- published: 30 Mar 2015
- views: 11
Départementales - Le tentaculaire canton de Golo Morosaglia (Haute-Corse)
Le Centre Corse : c'est sans doute là que le chamboulement provoqué par le redécoupage des cantons est le plus spectaculaire. Le canton de Golo Morosaglia réuni...
Le Centre Corse : c'est sans doute là que le chamboulement provoqué par le redécoupage des cantons est le plus spectaculaire. Le canton de Golo Morosaglia réunit 55 communes et presque quatre anciens cantons. http://bit.ly/1FftaAx
wn.com/Départementales Le Tentaculaire Canton De Golo Morosaglia (Haute Corse)
Le Centre Corse : c'est sans doute là que le chamboulement provoqué par le redécoupage des cantons est le plus spectaculaire. Le canton de Golo Morosaglia réunit 55 communes et presque quatre anciens cantons. http://bit.ly/1FftaAx
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 30
Elections départementales 2015 : canton de Limoges 9 (87)
+ d'infos : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/limousin/elections-departementales
Le canton n° 16 (Limoges-9) comprend :
1° La commune d'Isle ;
2° La parti...
+ d'infos : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/limousin/elections-departementales
Le canton n° 16 (Limoges-9) comprend :
1° La commune d'Isle ;
2° La partie de la commune de Limoges non incluse dans les cantons de Limoges-1, Limoges-2, Limoges-3, Limoges-4, Limoges-5, Limoges-6, Limoges-7 et Limoges-8.
Le bureau centralisateur de ce canton est le bureau centralisateur de la commune de Limoges.
Reportage : Jean-Martial Jonquard
wn.com/Elections Départementales 2015 Canton De Limoges 9 (87)
+ d'infos : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/limousin/elections-departementales
Le canton n° 16 (Limoges-9) comprend :
1° La commune d'Isle ;
2° La partie de la commune de Limoges non incluse dans les cantons de Limoges-1, Limoges-2, Limoges-3, Limoges-4, Limoges-5, Limoges-6, Limoges-7 et Limoges-8.
Le bureau centralisateur de ce canton est le bureau centralisateur de la commune de Limoges.
Reportage : Jean-Martial Jonquard
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 13
Départementales 2015 : émission spéciale consacrée aux cantons de la Creuse
De nombreuses interrogations se posent sur ce territoire : la Creuse peut-elle basculer à droite ? Le FN va-t-il réussir une percée ? La gauche divisée prend-el...
De nombreuses interrogations se posent sur ce territoire : la Creuse peut-elle basculer à droite ? Le FN va-t-il réussir une percée ? La gauche divisée prend-elle un risque ?
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/DEP2015-LVEL-CREUSE
wn.com/Départementales 2015 Émission Spéciale Consacrée Aux Cantons De La Creuse
De nombreuses interrogations se posent sur ce territoire : la Creuse peut-elle basculer à droite ? Le FN va-t-il réussir une percée ? La gauche divisée prend-elle un risque ?
+ d'infos : http://bit.ly/DEP2015-LVEL-CREUSE
- published: 02 Mar 2015
- views: 12
France 3 : de Hatten à Canton
Kraemer sur France 3
Reportage de Hatten à Canton...
Kraemer sur France 3
Reportage de Hatten à Canton
wn.com/France 3 De Hatten À Canton
Kraemer sur France 3
Reportage de Hatten à Canton
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 3
Elections départementales 2015 : canton Brive 4 (19)
+ d'infos : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/limousin/elections-departementales
Le canton n° 6 (Brive-la-Gaillarde-4) comprend la partie de la commune de...
+ d'infos : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/limousin/elections-departementales
Le canton n° 6 (Brive-la-Gaillarde-4) comprend la partie de la commune de Brive-la-Gaillarde non incluse dans les cantons de Brive-la-Gaillarde-1, Brive-la-Gaillarde-2 et Brive-la-Gaillarde-3.
Le bureau centralisateur de ce canton est le bureau centralisateur de la commune de Brive-la-Gaillarde.
Reportage : Pascal Coussy
wn.com/Elections Départementales 2015 Canton Brive 4 (19)
+ d'infos : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/limousin/elections-departementales
Le canton n° 6 (Brive-la-Gaillarde-4) comprend la partie de la commune de Brive-la-Gaillarde non incluse dans les cantons de Brive-la-Gaillarde-1, Brive-la-Gaillarde-2 et Brive-la-Gaillarde-3.
Le bureau centralisateur de ce canton est le bureau centralisateur de la commune de Brive-la-Gaillarde.
Reportage : Pascal Coussy
- published: 12 Feb 2015
- views: 0
How to pronounce Canton (French/France) - PronounceNames.com
Audio and video pronunciation of Canton brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names...
Audio and video pronunciation of Canton brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Canton
wn.com/How To Pronounce Canton (French France) Pronouncenames.Com
Audio and video pronunciation of Canton brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Canton
- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 1
How to pronounce Quimper 2e Canton (French/France) - PronounceNames.com
Audio and video pronunciation of Quimper 2e Canton brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pron...
Audio and video pronunciation of Quimper 2e Canton brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Quimper 2e Canton
wn.com/How To Pronounce Quimper 2E Canton (French France) Pronouncenames.Com
Audio and video pronunciation of Quimper 2e Canton brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Quimper 2e Canton
- published: 04 Jun 2014
- views: 0
Lorenzo And The Lamas @ La Dame de Canton, Paris, France - 01/02/13 [FULL LIVE]
DOWNLOAD OUR GREATEST HITS FOR FREE http://vladlabel.bandcamp.com/album/lorenzo-and-the-lamas-greatest-hits-free-dl Hi, we are geniuses. http://www.facebook....
Vladivostok @ Balkan Boombastic - La Dame de Canton, Paris, France
Free downloads: http://www.vladproductions.fr/vladivostok/mp3/ We play live electrubaci / flax here: first track is called Mega Sanchez, second is a flax rem...
IFAF FOOTBALL France vs Mexico
IFAF World Championships Bronze Medal Game France (2-1) vs Mexico (0-2)
Départementales 2015 – Les débats – Canton de Plaisir
Six binômes se présentent sur le canton de Plaisir (Plaisir, Les Clayes-sous-Bois, Thiverval-Grignon, Beynes).
Ils débattent pendant une heure autour de leurs programmes : développement économique, social, environnement. Il est également question de l’avenir du Conseil Départemental alors que les parlementaires cherchent à en redéfinir les compétences. Ils tenteront de convaincre les électeurs d’
Mexico Vs USA, Copa Mundial de Fútbol Americano (IFAF) 2015.
Copa Mundial de Fútbol Americano de 2015
Partido de la selección de México contra la Selección de Estados Unidos, Celebrado en Canton Ohio, USA. 09/Julio/2015.
Marcador Final 30-6, Gano USA.
Vídeo Tomado de "ESPN Video Player".
Narración de "Máximo Avance Radio".
IFAF Canton 2015: Francia vs México
Máximo Avance transmitirá el programa previo al partido, el juego por la medalla de bronce y el postjuego con entrevistas a los mejores jugadores de la Selección Nacional.
Transmisión por radio, más información en www.maximoavance.com
Match Canton Nord - Aviron Castrais
Barrage Aller Midi Pyrénées pour les 32 ème du Championnat de France à Pechbonnieu. Score Final : 7 à 5 pour Canton Nord (MT : 7-5)
Débat élections départementales: canton de Valdoie
Débat de l'entre deux tours des élections départementales avec France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard, dans le canton de Valdoie. Avec les candidats, Michel Zumkeller et Yves Ackermann (les candidats FN n'ont pas souhaité débattre). Plus d'infos sur francebleu.fr
2015 IFAF World Championships - Australia v France + Press Conference
Raw side line footage from the 2015 IFAF World Championships
Game 2 - Australia v France + Press Conference
Sunday 12th July 2015 at the Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium - Canton, Ohio
Conférence de Patrice Lafaurie, vice-président de l'Amicale de Mauthausen, à Provenchères-sur-Fave (88) le 18 mai 2014 http://www.campmauthausen.org/ Réalisa...
Jean-Jack MOREL et Debout la France disent non aux incinérateurs !
A l'occasion du débat entre les candidats aux départementales sur le 1er canton de La Réunion, organisé par Réunion 1ère radio, Jean-Jack Morel rappelle la position des candidats de Debout la France : Non aux incinérateurs !
IFAF World Championship 2015, Round 3 Game 3: France vs USA
Played at Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium, Canton, Ohio, United States
Date: July 15, 2015
Game time: 19:00
Game weather: sunny/clear
Game attendance: 500
Referee: Hiroyasu, Umpire: Veronica, Linesman: Harangi, Line judge: Rosa, Back judge: Mercer, Field judge: Takakura, Side judge: Dove, Alternate: Leido.
Départementales 2015 - Les débats - Canton de Saint-Cyr-l-'Ecole
Cinq binômes se présentent sur le canton de Saint-Cyr l'Ecole (Saint-Cyr l’Ecole, Bois d’Arcy, Villepreux, Chavenay, Fontenay-le-Fleury, Rennemoulin).
Ils débattent pendant une heure autour de leurs programmes : social, transports, environnement,développement économique, . Il est également question de l’avenir du Conseil Départemental alors que les parlementaires cherchent à en redéfinir les comp
L’héritage de Napoléon Iᵉʳ | 2000 ans d’histoire | France Inter
200 ans tout juste après la défaite de Waterloo qui mit fin aux rêves de grandeur de Napoléon, coup d’œil sur l'héritage napoléonien, encore très présent et très prégnant en 2015 : du Code civil au baccalauréat, en passant par la centralisation administrative et l'architecture.
"Ma vraie gloire n'est pas d'avoir gagné 40 batailles. Waterloo effacera le souvenir de tant de victoires. Ce que rien n
GENÈVE, Port Noir, Cérémonie du 1er Juin 2014,200e
Cérémonie officielle ,avec les autorités des cantons Suisses,de France Voisine,les discours de : François Longchamp (Président du Conseil d'Etat) , de Sami K...
Sénégal, Canton, Pondichery - Le Grand Tour
Le grand Tour - Sénégal, Canton, Pondichery
En 1664, sous l'impulsion de Louis XIV, Jean-Baptiste Colbert fonde la première compagnie de commerce maritime française. Dotée de grands privilèges, la Compagnie installe des établissements de commerce dans de lointaines contrées. Patrick de Carolis propose de découvrir l'histoire de ces anciens comptoirs français par le biais d'un voyage, qui débute à
2015 U.S. National Team Development Games: Canton, OH - Walsh Game 3 (7/4 9:00 am)
Lorenzo And The Lamas @ La Dame de Canton, Paris, France - 01/02/13 [FULL LIVE]
DOWNLOAD OUR GREATEST HITS FOR FREE http://vladlabel.bandcamp.com/album/lorenzo-and-the-lamas-greatest-hits-free-dl Hi, we are geniuses. http://www.facebook.......
DOWNLOAD OUR GREATEST HITS FOR FREE http://vladlabel.bandcamp.com/album/lorenzo-and-the-lamas-greatest-hits-free-dl Hi, we are geniuses. http://www.facebook....
wn.com/Lorenzo And The Lamas La Dame De Canton, Paris, France 01 02 13 Full Live
DOWNLOAD OUR GREATEST HITS FOR FREE http://vladlabel.bandcamp.com/album/lorenzo-and-the-lamas-greatest-hits-free-dl Hi, we are geniuses. http://www.facebook....
- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 98
author: VLAD
Vladivostok @ Balkan Boombastic - La Dame de Canton, Paris, France
Free downloads: http://www.vladproductions.fr/vladivostok/mp3/ We play live electrubaci / flax here: first track is called Mega Sanchez, second is a flax rem......
Free downloads: http://www.vladproductions.fr/vladivostok/mp3/ We play live electrubaci / flax here: first track is called Mega Sanchez, second is a flax rem...
wn.com/Vladivostok Balkan Boombastic La Dame De Canton, Paris, France
Free downloads: http://www.vladproductions.fr/vladivostok/mp3/ We play live electrubaci / flax here: first track is called Mega Sanchez, second is a flax rem...
- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 140
author: VLAD
IFAF FOOTBALL France vs Mexico
IFAF World Championships Bronze Medal Game France (2-1) vs Mexico (0-2)...
IFAF World Championships Bronze Medal Game France (2-1) vs Mexico (0-2)
wn.com/Ifaf Football France Vs Mexico
IFAF World Championships Bronze Medal Game France (2-1) vs Mexico (0-2)
- published: 18 Jul 2015
- views: 2368
Départementales 2015 – Les débats – Canton de Plaisir
Six binômes se présentent sur le canton de Plaisir (Plaisir, Les Clayes-sous-Bois, Thiverval-Grignon, Beynes).
Ils débattent pendant une heure autour de leurs ...
Six binômes se présentent sur le canton de Plaisir (Plaisir, Les Clayes-sous-Bois, Thiverval-Grignon, Beynes).
Ils débattent pendant une heure autour de leurs programmes : développement économique, social, environnement. Il est également question de l’avenir du Conseil Départemental alors que les parlementaires cherchent à en redéfinir les compétences. Ils tenteront de convaincre les électeurs d’aller voter.
En plateau : Patricia Charton, candidate Europe Ecologie les Verts ; Eric Jegou, candidat Front National ; Fabien Métais, candidat Debout la France ; Nicolas Hue, candidat PS ; Joséphine Kollmannsberger, candidate de l’Union de la droite ; et Djamel Niati, candidat Front de Gauche
wn.com/Départementales 2015 – Les Débats – Canton De Plaisir
Six binômes se présentent sur le canton de Plaisir (Plaisir, Les Clayes-sous-Bois, Thiverval-Grignon, Beynes).
Ils débattent pendant une heure autour de leurs programmes : développement économique, social, environnement. Il est également question de l’avenir du Conseil Départemental alors que les parlementaires cherchent à en redéfinir les compétences. Ils tenteront de convaincre les électeurs d’aller voter.
En plateau : Patricia Charton, candidate Europe Ecologie les Verts ; Eric Jegou, candidat Front National ; Fabien Métais, candidat Debout la France ; Nicolas Hue, candidat PS ; Joséphine Kollmannsberger, candidate de l’Union de la droite ; et Djamel Niati, candidat Front de Gauche
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 66
Mexico Vs USA, Copa Mundial de Fútbol Americano (IFAF) 2015.
Copa Mundial de Fútbol Americano de 2015
Partido de la selección de México contra la Selección de Estados Unidos, Celebrado en Canton Ohio, USA. 09/Julio/2015....
Copa Mundial de Fútbol Americano de 2015
Partido de la selección de México contra la Selección de Estados Unidos, Celebrado en Canton Ohio, USA. 09/Julio/2015.
Marcador Final 30-6, Gano USA.
Vídeo Tomado de "ESPN Video Player".
Narración de "Máximo Avance Radio".
wn.com/Mexico Vs Usa, Copa Mundial De Fútbol Americano (Ifaf) 2015.
Copa Mundial de Fútbol Americano de 2015
Partido de la selección de México contra la Selección de Estados Unidos, Celebrado en Canton Ohio, USA. 09/Julio/2015.
Marcador Final 30-6, Gano USA.
Vídeo Tomado de "ESPN Video Player".
Narración de "Máximo Avance Radio".
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 194
IFAF Canton 2015: Francia vs México
Máximo Avance transmitirá el programa previo al partido, el juego por la medalla de bronce y el postjuego con entrevistas a los mejores jugadores de la Selecció...
Máximo Avance transmitirá el programa previo al partido, el juego por la medalla de bronce y el postjuego con entrevistas a los mejores jugadores de la Selección Nacional.
Transmisión por radio, más información en www.maximoavance.com
wn.com/Ifaf Canton 2015 Francia Vs México
Máximo Avance transmitirá el programa previo al partido, el juego por la medalla de bronce y el postjuego con entrevistas a los mejores jugadores de la Selección Nacional.
Transmisión por radio, más información en www.maximoavance.com
- published: 18 Jul 2015
- views: 2563
Match Canton Nord - Aviron Castrais
Barrage Aller Midi Pyrénées pour les 32 ème du Championnat de France à Pechbonnieu. Score Final : 7 à 5 pour Canton Nord (MT : 7-5)...
Barrage Aller Midi Pyrénées pour les 32 ème du Championnat de France à Pechbonnieu. Score Final : 7 à 5 pour Canton Nord (MT : 7-5)
wn.com/Match Canton Nord Aviron Castrais
Barrage Aller Midi Pyrénées pour les 32 ème du Championnat de France à Pechbonnieu. Score Final : 7 à 5 pour Canton Nord (MT : 7-5)
- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 791
author: CrouZ
Débat élections départementales: canton de Valdoie
Débat de l'entre deux tours des élections départementales avec France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard, dans le canton de Valdoie. Avec les candidats, Michel Zumkeller...
Débat de l'entre deux tours des élections départementales avec France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard, dans le canton de Valdoie. Avec les candidats, Michel Zumkeller et Yves Ackermann (les candidats FN n'ont pas souhaité débattre). Plus d'infos sur francebleu.fr
wn.com/Débat Élections Départementales Canton De Valdoie
Débat de l'entre deux tours des élections départementales avec France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard, dans le canton de Valdoie. Avec les candidats, Michel Zumkeller et Yves Ackermann (les candidats FN n'ont pas souhaité débattre). Plus d'infos sur francebleu.fr
- published: 26 Mar 2015
- views: 103
2015 IFAF World Championships - Australia v France + Press Conference
Raw side line footage from the 2015 IFAF World Championships
Game 2 - Australia v France + Press Conference
Sunday 12th July 2015 at the Tom Benson Hall of Fam...
Raw side line footage from the 2015 IFAF World Championships
Game 2 - Australia v France + Press Conference
Sunday 12th July 2015 at the Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium - Canton, Ohio
wn.com/2015 Ifaf World Championships Australia V France Press Conference
Raw side line footage from the 2015 IFAF World Championships
Game 2 - Australia v France + Press Conference
Sunday 12th July 2015 at the Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium - Canton, Ohio
- published: 14 Jul 2015
- views: 117
Conférence de Patrice Lafaurie, vice-président de l'Amicale de Mauthausen, à Provenchères-sur-Fave (88) le 18 mai 2014 http://www.campmauthausen.org/ Réalisa......
Conférence de Patrice Lafaurie, vice-président de l'Amicale de Mauthausen, à Provenchères-sur-Fave (88) le 18 mai 2014 http://www.campmauthausen.org/ Réalisa...
wn.com/Les Déportés Du Canton De Provenchères Sur Fave (Vosges) À Mauthausen 1940 1945
Conférence de Patrice Lafaurie, vice-président de l'Amicale de Mauthausen, à Provenchères-sur-Fave (88) le 18 mai 2014 http://www.campmauthausen.org/ Réalisa...
Jean-Jack MOREL et Debout la France disent non aux incinérateurs !
A l'occasion du débat entre les candidats aux départementales sur le 1er canton de La Réunion, organisé par Réunion 1ère radio, Jean-Jack Morel rappelle la posi...
A l'occasion du débat entre les candidats aux départementales sur le 1er canton de La Réunion, organisé par Réunion 1ère radio, Jean-Jack Morel rappelle la position des candidats de Debout la France : Non aux incinérateurs !
wn.com/Jean Jack Morel Et Debout La France Disent Non Aux Incinérateurs
A l'occasion du débat entre les candidats aux départementales sur le 1er canton de La Réunion, organisé par Réunion 1ère radio, Jean-Jack Morel rappelle la position des candidats de Debout la France : Non aux incinérateurs !
- published: 09 Mar 2015
- views: 3
IFAF World Championship 2015, Round 3 Game 3: France vs USA
Played at Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium, Canton, Ohio, United States
Date: July 15, 2015
Game time: 19:00
Game weather: sunny/clear
Game atte...
Played at Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium, Canton, Ohio, United States
Date: July 15, 2015
Game time: 19:00
Game weather: sunny/clear
Game attendance: 500
Referee: Hiroyasu, Umpire: Veronica, Linesman: Harangi, Line judge: Rosa, Back judge: Mercer, Field judge: Takakura, Side judge: Dove, Alternate: Leido.
wn.com/Ifaf World Championship 2015, Round 3 Game 3 France Vs USA
Played at Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium, Canton, Ohio, United States
Date: July 15, 2015
Game time: 19:00
Game weather: sunny/clear
Game attendance: 500
Referee: Hiroyasu, Umpire: Veronica, Linesman: Harangi, Line judge: Rosa, Back judge: Mercer, Field judge: Takakura, Side judge: Dove, Alternate: Leido.
- published: 18 Jul 2015
- views: 17
Départementales 2015 - Les débats - Canton de Saint-Cyr-l-'Ecole
Cinq binômes se présentent sur le canton de Saint-Cyr l'Ecole (Saint-Cyr l’Ecole, Bois d’Arcy, Villepreux, Chavenay, Fontenay-le-Fleury, Rennemoulin).
Ils déba...
Cinq binômes se présentent sur le canton de Saint-Cyr l'Ecole (Saint-Cyr l’Ecole, Bois d’Arcy, Villepreux, Chavenay, Fontenay-le-Fleury, Rennemoulin).
Ils débattent pendant une heure autour de leurs programmes : social, transports, environnement,développement économique, . Il est également question de l’avenir du Conseil Départemental alors que les parlementaires cherchent à en redéfinir les compétences. Ils tenteront de convaincre les électeurs d’aller voter.
En plateau : Jean-Philippe Mallé, conseiller général sortant, candidat Parti Socialiste ; Philippe Benassaya, candidat Union de la Droite ; Dalila Boudrai, candidate liste AGYR ; Sylvia Cantaluppi, candidate Debout la France et Julien Grim, candidat Front National.
wn.com/Départementales 2015 Les Débats Canton De Saint Cyr L 'Ecole
Cinq binômes se présentent sur le canton de Saint-Cyr l'Ecole (Saint-Cyr l’Ecole, Bois d’Arcy, Villepreux, Chavenay, Fontenay-le-Fleury, Rennemoulin).
Ils débattent pendant une heure autour de leurs programmes : social, transports, environnement,développement économique, . Il est également question de l’avenir du Conseil Départemental alors que les parlementaires cherchent à en redéfinir les compétences. Ils tenteront de convaincre les électeurs d’aller voter.
En plateau : Jean-Philippe Mallé, conseiller général sortant, candidat Parti Socialiste ; Philippe Benassaya, candidat Union de la Droite ; Dalila Boudrai, candidate liste AGYR ; Sylvia Cantaluppi, candidate Debout la France et Julien Grim, candidat Front National.
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 7
L’héritage de Napoléon Iᵉʳ | 2000 ans d’histoire | France Inter
200 ans tout juste après la défaite de Waterloo qui mit fin aux rêves de grandeur de Napoléon, coup d’œil sur l'héritage napoléonien, encore très présent et trè...
200 ans tout juste après la défaite de Waterloo qui mit fin aux rêves de grandeur de Napoléon, coup d’œil sur l'héritage napoléonien, encore très présent et très prégnant en 2015 : du Code civil au baccalauréat, en passant par la centralisation administrative et l'architecture.
"Ma vraie gloire n'est pas d'avoir gagné 40 batailles. Waterloo effacera le souvenir de tant de victoires. Ce que rien n'effacera, ce qui vivra éternellement, c'est mon Code civil" . C'est Napoléon lui-même qui le dit lors de son exil à Saint-Hélène.
Le Code civil ou "Code Napoléon ", c'est la grande oeuvre de Napoléon, promulguée le 21 mars 1804. Il consacre le principe d'égalité devant la loi et constitue le fondement du droit français. Le Code civil unifie la mosaïque juridique française entre l'existence du droit coutumier et des législations provinciales. Il a créé une unité nationale. La moitié environ de ses 2.281 articles d'origine restent aujourd'hui en vigueur.
A part le Code civil, quoi d'autre ?
Il a consolidé les divisions administratives créées sous la Révolution, notamment les départements et les cantons. Il a créé les préfectures, avec à leur tête un corps préfectoral destiné à représenter l'Etat. Nommé par celui qui est encore Premier Consul sur proposition du ministre de l'Intérieur, le préfet veille à l'ordre public, à la rentrée des impôts, aux affaires agricoles et économiques, ou encore au bon déroulement de la conscription.
Sans cette centralisation napoléonienne, et ce système administratif hiérarchisé, la France aurait plusieurs fois volé en éclat estiment beaucoup d'historiens.
C'est Napoléon, également, qui a créé la Banque de France début 1800 pour relancer l'économie. Et puis en cette période de bac, on l'a sans doute un peu oublié, mais l'examen dans sa forme moderne a été instauré par Napoléon le 17 mars 1808 dans le cadre de la reconstitution de l'université française.
Enfin, on peut retenir que c'est Napoléon qui a instauré la Légion d'honneur pour récompenser les "mérites éminents", militaires ou civils.
Il y a aussi ce que Napoléon a laissé comme traces dans le paysage et dans les villes francaises
L'arc de triomphe place de l'Etoile, et celui moins imposant du Carousel du Louvre à Paris, érigés après la bataille d'Austerlitz.
D'autres monuments de l'époque napoléonienne sont toujours en place, même si certains ont perdu leurs fonctions initiale, comme le Palais Brongniard, édifié en 1807 pour abriter la bourse de Paris. La construction de l'Eglise de la Madeleine a également été décidée sous le règne de Napoléon .
En dehors de la capitale, des dizaines de monuments, statues, et bâtiments de l'époque impériale perpétuent le souvenir de l'Empereur.
Enfin, quelques unes des plus prestigieuses avenues de Paris conservent le nom de batailles napoléoniennes : Austerlitz, Iéna, Wagram et l'avenue de la Grande armée qui prolonge les Champs-Elysées. Quant aux "boulevards des maréchaux" qui ceinturent la capitale, ils portent toujours le nom de 19 maréchaux d'Empire, par delà les régimes politiques et les soubresauts de l'Histoire.
En revanche Grouchy, prétendument largement responsable de la défaite de Waterloo, n'a pas eu droit à son boulevard .
Source : http://www.franceinfo.fr/emission/expliquez-nous/2014-2015/expliquez-nous-que-reste-il-aujourd-hui-de-napoleon-18-06-2015-12-40
Voir aussi : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napol%C3%A9on_Ier#H.C3.A9ritage_napol.C3.A9onien
« L'héritage de Napoléon », émission du 12 octobre 2007
Patrice GÉLINET reçoit Thierry LENTZ, historien, spécialiste de l'histoire du Consulat et du Premier Empire, directeur de la Fondation Napoléon à Paris.
wn.com/L’Héritage De Napoléon Iᵉʳ | 2000 Ans D’Histoire | France Inter
200 ans tout juste après la défaite de Waterloo qui mit fin aux rêves de grandeur de Napoléon, coup d’œil sur l'héritage napoléonien, encore très présent et très prégnant en 2015 : du Code civil au baccalauréat, en passant par la centralisation administrative et l'architecture.
"Ma vraie gloire n'est pas d'avoir gagné 40 batailles. Waterloo effacera le souvenir de tant de victoires. Ce que rien n'effacera, ce qui vivra éternellement, c'est mon Code civil" . C'est Napoléon lui-même qui le dit lors de son exil à Saint-Hélène.
Le Code civil ou "Code Napoléon ", c'est la grande oeuvre de Napoléon, promulguée le 21 mars 1804. Il consacre le principe d'égalité devant la loi et constitue le fondement du droit français. Le Code civil unifie la mosaïque juridique française entre l'existence du droit coutumier et des législations provinciales. Il a créé une unité nationale. La moitié environ de ses 2.281 articles d'origine restent aujourd'hui en vigueur.
A part le Code civil, quoi d'autre ?
Il a consolidé les divisions administratives créées sous la Révolution, notamment les départements et les cantons. Il a créé les préfectures, avec à leur tête un corps préfectoral destiné à représenter l'Etat. Nommé par celui qui est encore Premier Consul sur proposition du ministre de l'Intérieur, le préfet veille à l'ordre public, à la rentrée des impôts, aux affaires agricoles et économiques, ou encore au bon déroulement de la conscription.
Sans cette centralisation napoléonienne, et ce système administratif hiérarchisé, la France aurait plusieurs fois volé en éclat estiment beaucoup d'historiens.
C'est Napoléon, également, qui a créé la Banque de France début 1800 pour relancer l'économie. Et puis en cette période de bac, on l'a sans doute un peu oublié, mais l'examen dans sa forme moderne a été instauré par Napoléon le 17 mars 1808 dans le cadre de la reconstitution de l'université française.
Enfin, on peut retenir que c'est Napoléon qui a instauré la Légion d'honneur pour récompenser les "mérites éminents", militaires ou civils.
Il y a aussi ce que Napoléon a laissé comme traces dans le paysage et dans les villes francaises
L'arc de triomphe place de l'Etoile, et celui moins imposant du Carousel du Louvre à Paris, érigés après la bataille d'Austerlitz.
D'autres monuments de l'époque napoléonienne sont toujours en place, même si certains ont perdu leurs fonctions initiale, comme le Palais Brongniard, édifié en 1807 pour abriter la bourse de Paris. La construction de l'Eglise de la Madeleine a également été décidée sous le règne de Napoléon .
En dehors de la capitale, des dizaines de monuments, statues, et bâtiments de l'époque impériale perpétuent le souvenir de l'Empereur.
Enfin, quelques unes des plus prestigieuses avenues de Paris conservent le nom de batailles napoléoniennes : Austerlitz, Iéna, Wagram et l'avenue de la Grande armée qui prolonge les Champs-Elysées. Quant aux "boulevards des maréchaux" qui ceinturent la capitale, ils portent toujours le nom de 19 maréchaux d'Empire, par delà les régimes politiques et les soubresauts de l'Histoire.
En revanche Grouchy, prétendument largement responsable de la défaite de Waterloo, n'a pas eu droit à son boulevard .
Source : http://www.franceinfo.fr/emission/expliquez-nous/2014-2015/expliquez-nous-que-reste-il-aujourd-hui-de-napoleon-18-06-2015-12-40
Voir aussi : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napol%C3%A9on_Ier#H.C3.A9ritage_napol.C3.A9onien
« L'héritage de Napoléon », émission du 12 octobre 2007
Patrice GÉLINET reçoit Thierry LENTZ, historien, spécialiste de l'histoire du Consulat et du Premier Empire, directeur de la Fondation Napoléon à Paris.
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 36
GENÈVE, Port Noir, Cérémonie du 1er Juin 2014,200e
Cérémonie officielle ,avec les autorités des cantons Suisses,de France Voisine,les discours de : François Longchamp (Président du Conseil d'Etat) , de Sami K......
Cérémonie officielle ,avec les autorités des cantons Suisses,de France Voisine,les discours de : François Longchamp (Président du Conseil d'Etat) , de Sami K...
wn.com/Genève, Port Noir, Cérémonie Du 1Er Juin 2014,200E
Cérémonie officielle ,avec les autorités des cantons Suisses,de France Voisine,les discours de : François Longchamp (Président du Conseil d'Etat) , de Sami K...
Sénégal, Canton, Pondichery - Le Grand Tour
Le grand Tour - Sénégal, Canton, Pondichery
En 1664, sous l'impulsion de Louis XIV, Jean-Baptiste Colbert fonde la première compagnie de commerce maritime franç...
Le grand Tour - Sénégal, Canton, Pondichery
En 1664, sous l'impulsion de Louis XIV, Jean-Baptiste Colbert fonde la première compagnie de commerce maritime française. Dotée de grands privilèges, la Compagnie installe des établissements de commerce dans de lointaines contrées. Patrick de Carolis propose de découvrir l'histoire de ces anciens comptoirs français par le biais d'un voyage, qui débute à Saint-Louis du Sénégal, où il visite les plus belles maisons de commerce qui y ont été construites, aujourd'hui classées au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Le périple se poursuit à Canton, en Chine, sur les traces de Joseph-François Charpentier de Cossigny, un explorateur et ingénieur de la Compagnie française des Indes, avant de s'achever à Pondichéry, en Inde, où l'on découvre l'histoire du gouverneur Joseph-François Dupleix.
Faire de la culture un grand voyage !
Patrick de Carolis s'inspire de la démarche des artistes et jeunes aristocrates du XVIIIe siècle et part à la rencontre de personnages emblématiques à travers le monde.
Retrouvez toutes les informations sur http://www.legrandtour.fr/
Twitter https://twitter.com/Le_Grand_Tour
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/legrandtour
wn.com/Sénégal, Canton, Pondichery Le Grand Tour
Le grand Tour - Sénégal, Canton, Pondichery
En 1664, sous l'impulsion de Louis XIV, Jean-Baptiste Colbert fonde la première compagnie de commerce maritime française. Dotée de grands privilèges, la Compagnie installe des établissements de commerce dans de lointaines contrées. Patrick de Carolis propose de découvrir l'histoire de ces anciens comptoirs français par le biais d'un voyage, qui débute à Saint-Louis du Sénégal, où il visite les plus belles maisons de commerce qui y ont été construites, aujourd'hui classées au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Le périple se poursuit à Canton, en Chine, sur les traces de Joseph-François Charpentier de Cossigny, un explorateur et ingénieur de la Compagnie française des Indes, avant de s'achever à Pondichéry, en Inde, où l'on découvre l'histoire du gouverneur Joseph-François Dupleix.
Faire de la culture un grand voyage !
Patrick de Carolis s'inspire de la démarche des artistes et jeunes aristocrates du XVIIIe siècle et part à la rencontre de personnages emblématiques à travers le monde.
Retrouvez toutes les informations sur http://www.legrandtour.fr/
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- published: 03 Dec 2014
- views: 782