Fact Sheets & Documents


redfish.vertRedfish Lake, Idaho

I. A Columbia Basin Stakeholder Collaboration

Report: Columbia River Basin Salmon and Steelhead Long-term Recovery Situation Assessment (Dec. 2013)

A year-long study completed by Oregon Consensus and the Ruckelhaus Center on behalf of NOAA-Fisheries to better understand the stakeholder perspectives and opportunities for a regional collaboration to address the linked challenges facing salmon, energy, and transportation in the Columbia Basin.

Factsheet: A Solutions Table to Meet the Needs of Northwest Salmon and People

A regional stakeholder collaboration can bring people together to solve the linked problems facing wild salmon, clean energy, and transportation in the Columbia Basin & Pacific Northwest.

Factsheet: A New Vision for the Northwest

The Pacific Northwest can have a healthy economy, and clean energy, and wild salmon, but we need to act soon in order to realize this vision.


II. Light in the River - Climate Impacts, Clean Energy, and Salmon in the Pacific Northwest

Report: A Great Wave Rising: solutions for Columbia and Snake River salmon in the era of global warming 

Report: Bright Future: how to keep the Northwest’s lights on, jobs growing, goods moving, and salmon swimming in the era of climate change 

Brochure: 4-page Bright Future summary

Fact Sheet: Columbia Basin Salmon, Dams, and Clean Energy

The mixed energy and salmon strategy from the report Bright Future creates jobs and prosperity for Northwest people.


III. Lower Snake River Waterway:

IV. 2014 FCRPS Biological Opinion (Columbia-Snake Federal Salmon Plan) and Expanded Spill Proposal

V. Modernizing the U.S.-Canada Columbia River Treaty

Fact Sheet: Myths & Facts about the restoring the lower Snake River

Answers to some common misconceptions regarding the effects the lower Snake River dams have on salmon, energy, farms, jobs, and climate change.

Report: Learning From the Fish

The Biological Effects of Bonneville Power Administration River Management, Including Its Wind Power Curtailments, on Ocean-bound Columbia and Snake River Salmon in 2011

Fact Sheet: Columbia-Snake River Chinook and Sockeye Returns in 2011

When salmon returns are strong, business activity and employment in the salmon industry – and thus in the Northwest – are also strong.

Fact Sheet: The Orca Connection

Saving Snake River salmon may save Puget Sound killer whales.

Fact Sheet: The Real Catch

The comparative impact of dams vs. recreational and commercial fishing in the Columbia Basin.


Save Our wild Salmon is a diverse, nationwide coalition working together to restore wild salmon and steelhead to the rivers, streams and marine waters of the Pacific Northwest for the benefit of our region's ecology, economy and culture.

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811 First Ave.,
Suite 305
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone:  206-300-1003
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35 W Main Ave., Suite 200
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Phone:  509-747-2030

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