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We’d like to thank all the businesses that touch our lives.

Every business brings so much more to the world than products and services, and it’s why Facebook would like to help you tell your business story. So we created Your Business Story. It’s a simple way for you to tell the world what you’re in business for. Because we’re in the business of helping your business grow. Create your business story and share it with the world today.

How Facebook works for businesses

You know your business

Whether you sell in person, online or through an app, you know what you’d like to do next as your business grows.

We know people

More than a billion people use Facebook to connect with friends, family and things that matter to them.

We connect businesses with people

Marketing on Facebook helps your business build lasting relationships with people and find new customers.

Success Stories


Iconic brand stays fresh on mobile

The New York Times

Raising readership with relevancy


Clothes with a cause


How We’re Making Ad Measurement More Insightful

March 16, 2016
Accurate and actionable ad measurement continues to be a challenge for businesses. People are discovering products in new places, using multiple devices on their path to purchase and purchasing both in-store and online. All of this behavior makes measuring the cross-device impact of ads using clicks and cookies inaccurate and misleading.
Today, many advertisers continue to rely on clicks and cookies to measure ad performance. But because most conversions occur without a click and cookies lack the technical ability to measure how ads impact conversions across devices or in-store, measuring ad performance this way can lead to bad information about which ads drive value. Cookies and clicks fail to show advertisers which ads best grow their business.
That’s why we believe in and continue to build people-based measurement tools and methodologies, which more accurately show which ads are driving business value. With people-based measurement, marketers can be sure that their ads are reaching real people, while getting insights about how well their ads are working. This measurement approach helps advertisers understand which of their ads are working, empowering advertisers to create more effective ads, which in turn makes the ads on Facebook more relevant to and enjoyable for the people who see them.
In August 2014, we launched cross-device reporting, which enables advertisers to understand all the devices people use on their path to purchase and the device they used when they made the purchase, or converted in the sales funnel in some other way. And in January 2015, we launched Lift measurement, which uses test and control groups to show advertisers the additional business generated from their ads. Since its launch, we’ve helped over 1,000 businesses in more than 10 industries run Lift measurement studies to measure ad effectiveness across their objectives.1 Now, as part of our continued commitment to empower advertisers with insightful measurement solutions, we’re adding and testing new ways to give more advertisers actionable insights on their ads. Here’s more on how we’re scaling and broadening our ad measurement solutions.

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