Featured News

  • Tax reform on the horizon?

    Tax reform on the horizon?

    By David Suter Tax reform is back on the agenda. Well sort of. In recent months the Turnbull government has raised the spectre of changes to the tax system, while the ALP have put forward their own plans for changes to negative gearing and capital gains tax (CGT). Turnbull has […]

  • Picket outside the Lady Cilento hospital in defence of baby Asha.

    Putting an end to Australia’s cruel refugee policies

    By Kat Galea “The detention policy has failed as a deterrant and succeeded only as a punishment. How much longer will children and their families be punished for seeking safety from persecution?” This question was asked by the Secretary General of Amnesty International fourteen years ago and sadly the situation […]

  • Economic uncertainty source of major party woes

    Economic uncertainty source of major party woes

    Editorial comment from the March 2016 edition of ‘The Socialist’ The recent stock market dives across the world are an indicator of deep problems facing the global economy. Whereas in 2008 the global financial crisis stemmed from the US, the problems that persist today are centred in China. That poses […]

  • Ireland: Government routed in general election

    Ireland: Government routed in general election

    Establishment parties in crisis, as a new Left rises By Danny Byrne, CWI Ireland’s Fine Gael/Labour Party coalition government was routed in general elections on 26 February. A deep class anger at the government’s austerity, especially at the Labour Party’s betrayal of working people, saw voters inflict a humiliating defeat […]

  • Tax the rich, workers are already robbed!

    Tax the rich, workers are already robbed!

    The government has already put taxation on the political agenda for 2016. The issue of raising or broadening the base of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been discussed, though Prime Minister has distanced himself from this proposal from his Treasurer Scott Morrison. Despite this, many in the Liberal […]