Federal Politics

Cory Bernardi forces parliamentary inquiry into halal and kosher certifications

Halal foods will be put under the microscope after Liberal senator Cory Bernardi won a parliamentary inquiry into what he calls the "racket" of certification. 

The six-month inquiry by the Senate Economics References Committee will also cover certification schemes for kosher foods, organic products and genetically modified foods.

Halal food certification will be examined in the inquiry.
Halal food certification will be examined in the inquiry. Photo: Justin McManus

Senator Bernardi, who has in the past expressed concern about where money for halal "ends up", said he wants to "establish the facts" about all certification schemes.

The South Australian Liberal knows all too well that it can be impossible to avoid halal food in certain situations.

Senator Cory Bernardi.
Senator Cory Bernardi. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

He was upgraded from business class to first class on an Emirates flight from Dubai to Adelaide on October 17 last year, according to the register of senators' interests.

The airline's dietary requirements section on its website states: "All meals served on Emirates flights are Halal".


Senator Bernardi told Fairfax Media that he "probably" ate halal onboard but was not sure whether that included the champagne.

"It was my choice to fly Emirates. Would I prefer bacon and eggs in the morning? Probably, but it was my choice and the service was great. I'd point out that Qantas is halal too," he said.

Vegemite has been Halal-certified.
Vegemite has been Halal-certified. 

The inquiry is about giving people an informed choice and allowing them to make ethical decisions based on the facts, he said.

Emirates cancelled a $50,000 deal last November with Fleurieu Milk and Yoghurt Company after the South Australian dairy producer caved in to social media pressure and ditched its halal accreditation.

Campaigners have called for boycotts of products including Vegemite that pay for halal certification. Anti-halal campaigners claim the money "funds terrorism".

The Australian Crime Commission last year said it had found no links between the halal certification industry and financing of terrorist groups.

Nationals MP George Christensen last year criticised halal certification, writing that it was "outrageous that some of my grocery spending could go to propagating a religion".

It is estimated that the global market for halal certification will top $1.5 trillion by 2050.

Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce has warned there would be huge financial ramifications if Australia's meat industry dropped halal certification.

He said the local price of beef could triple if Australian abattoirs could not sell to Islamic markets like Indonesia and Saudi Arabia that expect such certification.

Senator Bernardi said: "There seems to be a number of concerns about some certification schemes that are operating and in the interests of transparency and establishing the facts and being able to act in the national interest I think it's wise for the Parliament to consider all certification schemes and how they operate," he said.

"I keep getting told any number of things about certification schemes and I don't know what's tue and what's not true, so I want to establish the facts."

The inquiry's terms of reference include "whether current schemes provide enough information for Australian consumers to make informed purchasing decisions".

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