The film follows Kamala, a young woman from Chitkul village and her girl child Manya, who embarks on a journey leaving their native land in search for her missing husband. Along this journey she encounters Nawazudin, a free spirited army deserter who helps them to get to their destination with his own selfish motive.
Liar's dice or Liar dice is a class of dice games for two or more players. They are easy to learn, require little equipment, and can be played as gambling or drinking games. Playing them well requires the ability to deceive and detect an opponent's deception.
It has roots in South America and was popularized in early Spanish History, was brought to Spain by the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro during the 16th century. It became extremely popular in Hong Kong and later mainland China. It is a popular game in China, where most bars and clubs will have dice and cups stationed at tables.
Versions of the game are known as Deception Dice, Diception, Dudo, or Cachito. The equivalent drinking game is sometimes called Mexicali or Mexican in the United States; the latter term may be a corruption of Mäxchen ("Little Max"), the name by which a similar game, Mia, is known in Germany, while Liar's dice is known in Germany as Bluff.
There are at least three different versions of liar's dice; it's uncertain which version is the original. In each of them, dice are rolled in a concealed fashion and bids made about the result of the roll. Players must either raise the bid or challenge the previous bid in turn.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui (Hindi: नवाज़ुद्दीन सिद्दीक़ी, Urdu: نواز اُلدین صِدٌیقی, also known as Nowaz) is an Indian actor who has appeared in some of Bollywood's major films including, Black Friday, New York, Peepli Live, and Kahani. He will be appearing in Aamir Khan's 2012 release, Talaash (2012 film). Siddiqui is a graduate of The National School of Drama (NSD), New Delhi, India. He worked in theatre for many years before moving to films.