New Internationalist


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Mostafa's story

One man’s inspiring but disturbing journey to become a rickshaw rider in Bangladesh. Photos by Ana Norman Bermudez.

Filed in: Bangladesh Disability Photography Work

Former Kamlari slave girls pave the way for change in Nepal

By speaking out about their experiences, survivors have helped change society, reports Kevin Childs.

Filed in: Children Human Rights Nepal Slavery Work

Breaking the system designed to keep tea workers poor

Sabita Banerji reports on the challenge of securing labour rights for plantation workers in India.

Filed in: India Work

‘We need social ownership and democratic control of energy’

Tabby Spence explores the role of trade unionists in the climate-justice movement.

Filed in: Climate Change Trade Unions Work

Myth 1: Austerity will lead to 'jobs and growth'

It’s wrong to sell austerity as a cure for economic woes, says Dinyar Godrej.

Filed in: Economics Work

A social uprising for energy democracy

Leading Filipino trade unionist Josua Mata tells Danny Chivers about their success in linking labour struggles with climate justice.

Filed in: Climate Change Environment France Philippines Trade Unions Work

The right to live and work in a ‘world-class’ city

Some residents and workers are more welcome than others, as Saranel Benjamin explains.

Filed in: Cities Human Rights Kenya Work

Act against Amazon!

We need to push back against unacceptable corporate behaviour, writes Mark Engler.

Filed in: Corporations Work

The case against the future

Hal Niedzviecki considers the case against the future.

Filed in: Society Technology Work

Jeremy Corbyn 2008: ‘the twilight existence of migrant life’

The new Labour Party leader made prescient observations about the crisis of migration that ring true today.

Filed in: Human Rights Migration Minorities Refugees Society United Kingdom Work

British tribunal victory for Indian worker

Mari Marcel Thekaekara welcomes the news – but wonders when India will follow suit.

Filed in: England India Work

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