New Internationalist


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Why is the UN investigating Britain’s treatment of disabled people?

Whatever the outcome of the inquiry, disabled people will continue to fight injustice, writes Andy Greene.

Filed in: Disability Housing Human Rights United Kingdom

Flooded out, then priced out: Katrina’s legacy 10 years on

The rebuilding of New Orleans has made the city unaffordable for locals, writes Sarah Shearman.

Filed in: Cities Housing

A year after Haiyan – still waiting, still hoping

The government has failed to provide adequately for those who lost everything, says Iris Gonzales.

Filed in: Disasters Housing Philippines Politics

London mums evicted – but not beaten

The fight for housing justice in the capital will continue, says Liam Barrington-Bush.

Filed in: Activism England Housing

Doorways - stories from the street

Excluded in life as in death, this is the reality of homelessness. Bekki Perriman documents it from the inside.

Filed in: Housing Poverty United Kingdom

Spain's unlikely squatters

Evicted home owners are reclaiming empty properties from the banks, reports Koren Helbig.

Filed in: Activism Housing Spain

Could Venezuela-style housing reforms work for Britain’s Generation Rent?

Samir Jeraj writes on the South American country’s policy of basing rents on construction costs rather than market value.

Filed in: Housing United Kingdom Venezuela

PHOTO ESSAY: Transitional in Britain

The rise of the ‘hidden homeless’ is being ignored by the country’s government. Cinzia D’Ambrosi has captured lives in limbo.

Filed in: Housing Poverty United Kingdom

Has renting in London become as risky as squatting?

Jacob Wills laments landlords and local councils’ willingness to evict the capital’s tenants. Could it be because a third of MPs are landlords?

Filed in: Housing United Kingdom

Stop the foreclosures: Main Street takes on Wall Street

Samir Jeraj talks to a Californian mayor who is helping her constituents stay in their homes.

Filed in: Cities Economics Housing United States

Britain's bedroom tax shame

Patrick Thompson says that the coalition government is denying vulnerable groups a basic human right.

Filed in: Disability Housing Human Rights Politics Poverty

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