New Internationalist


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Trading fjords for profit

Tina Andersen decries Norway’s decision to open up its fjords to mining projects.

Filed in: Corporations Environment Mining Norway

Prison as a place of healing

Death Row inmate Brandon Astor Jones asks the world to wake up to an enlightened approach to incarceration in Norway.

Filed in: Human Rights Norway Prisons United States

Norway’s ring of peace

In Norway, Jews and Muslims stand in solidarity against hate speech, writes Ryan Rodrick Beiler.

Filed in: Norway

Risking fjords for profit? Norway’s dirty mining story

The Nordic country is about to turn some of its unspoilt landscape into dirty waste disposal units, reports Tina Andersen.

Filed in: Fishing Indigenous Peoples Mining Norway

Best of the web: 2012’s most read

Just in case you missed them…legalizing drugs, vaginal whitening, Kony and Julian Assange: 2012’s Top 10 popular New Internationalist articles.

Filed in: Culture Drugs Health Human Rights India Norway Prisons Society United Kingdom United States Women

Death, justice and the big questions

With capital punishment debates resurfacing since the Breivik trial, Tony Mckenna argues the death penalty brutalizes not just the individual but the whole society.

Filed in: Crime Human Rights Norway United Kingdom United States

Reflections on the Breivik trial

The obsession with Norway’s extremist killer has failed to dent the political fortunes of Europe’s far right, says K Biswas.

Filed in: Nationalism Norway Politics

Norway-India children plot thickens

Mari Marcel Thekaekara reacts to recent developments in the story of the Indian children taken away from their parents by social services in Norway.

Filed in: India Norway

Norway snatches Indian children from their parents

Two young Indian children have been taken into care in Norway because their mother fed them with her fingers. Mari Marcel Thekaekara is appalled.

Filed in: Children Ethics Human Rights India Norway

Fight Back! Norse Crossroads

Filed in: Activism Norway

  • April 5, 2003
  • 0


Filed in: India Norway Women

  • July 5, 1985
  • 0

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