New Internationalist


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With no UN to watch, Saharawis fear Moroccan regime

Local activists are expecting a brutal crackdown from the police, writes John Richards.

Filed in: Human Rights Morocco Politics UN Western Sahara

How to defend the United Nations?

After weathering decades of diplomatic storms, many wonder if the international organization can still be reformed, writes Maggie Black.

Filed in: Human Rights UN

Saudi appointment to UN human rights panel is a farce

Felicity Arbuthnot considers a spectacular new low for the United Nations.

Filed in: Human Rights Saudi Arabia UN

The UN sustainable development goals miss the point

It’s all about power, argues Nick Dearden.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Poverty UN

The United Nations caught between dream and reality

Is the UN designed to be ineffective and maintain the status quo? Amit Singh asks.

Filed in: Political Theory Politics UN

Stop colluding with corporate climate culprits!

Reporting from the climate summit, Jagoda Munic slams world leaders for failing to act after typhoon Haiyan.

Filed in: Climate Change Corporations Politics UN

Indigenous Colombians resist toxic anti-drug spraying

Why is the Colombian Air Force poisoning food crops? Johanna Rogers reports.

Filed in: Human Rights Indigenous Peoples Land UN

Refugees challenge Tunisia on human rights

Residents from the closed Choucha refugee camp are fighting for resettlement, not ‘local integration’.

Filed in: Human Rights Libya Politics Refugees Tunisia UN

What will happen when the MDGs expire?

Dan Smith gets to grips with the UN High Level Panel’s report on international development post-2015, and argues that it needs to go deeper.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Peace Poverty UN

The politics of humanity and the reality of aid

Former humanitarian chief defends the UN’s record during the civil war in Sri Lanka, but critics are unlikely to be convinced says Chris Harmer.

Filed in: Sri Lanka UN

Celebrating International Migrants Day

Recognizing migrants’ contribution on 18 December is an opportunity to speak up against discriminatory and divisive policies says Jan Brulc.

Filed in: Migration Politics Society UN United Kingdom

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