Events Archive

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    2016 ISE Summer Gathering: August 19-21 – Marshfield, Vermont

2016 ISE Summer Gathering: August 19-21 – Marshfield, Vermont

Join the ISE for our annual summer gathering in Vermont. This year's theme: Social Ecology, Socialism, and the State. How can we move from protest to social transformation?
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    New Online Course Starting in April – Ecology, Democracy, Utopia

New Online Course Starting in April – Ecology, Democracy, Utopia

Our first online course on the foundations of social ecology, in collaboration with Goddard College!

Save the Date! 2016 Summer Intensive Program

Join us in the Hudson Valley in August for a week-long program on Democracy, Ecology & Social Movements, also featuring an advanced track on the politics and philosophy of social ecology.

2015 ISE Summer Intensive

“Beyond Strategy: Building Visions for a Free Society” August 15th-20th The Watershed Center Millerton, NY

Coming in August: ISE’s 40th Birthday!

August 15-17th in Plainfield and Marshfield, VT. Tentative schedule and registration information now available.

2014 Social Ecology Intensive Seminar

January 3-10, 2014 in Denton, Texas
This year Texas has become an inspirational focal point in struggles for reproductive rights, anti-racism, climate justice, and democracy. This January, the Institute for Social Ecology (ISE) will be coming for the first time to Texas (just 40 min. north of Dallas) to offer a 7-day Intensive Seminar. During this program, teachers and activists will share a unique outlook on social and environmental issues that will enrich our work toward making our communities [...]

2013 Colloquium: “Social Ecology in an Era of Crisis: Renewal and Reassessment”

August 23-25, 2013
Marshfield, Vermont
In the coming year the Institute for Social Ecology will celebrate 40 years as a unique educational haven for critical thought and political action directed towards creating a free and ecological society. We invite friends, colleagues, alumni, and fellow travelers to gather this August to critically reflect on the continued relevance of Social Ecology today, while also renewing old friendships [...]

European social ecologists meet in Greece

Brian Tokar represented the ISE at the first gathering of a new network of European social ecologists in the village of Myrtos on the island of Crete from March 21st – 24th. The network is known as the Transnational Institute for Social Ecology, and has established a European board and an international Advisory Council. The conference theme was Urbanization and the Future of Cities, and presentations addressed municipal struggles and ongoing organizing efforts in Athens, Stuttgart, Gothenburg, [...]

2013: 8 Day Winter Intensive in Northampton, MA

Thank you for your interest in the Institute for Social Ecology’s (ISE) 2013 Winter Intensive. The Institute strives to be an agent of social transformation; demonstrating the skills, ideas and relationships that can nurture vibrant, self-governed, and healthy communities.
The 2013 ISE Winter Intensive will take place from January 7 through January 14.
What is Social Ecology?
Social Ecology is an interdisciplinary philosophical perspective that weaves aspects of ecology, anthropology, and political [...]

August 2012 Social Ecology Colloquium

Invitation and Call for Papers:
Social Ecology in the Occupy Movement
6th Annual Summer Colloquium
Institute for Social Ecology
Marshfield, Vermont, August 17-19, 2012
Application/Registration Deadline: June 1, 2012  (details below)

The Institute for Social Ecology invites you to attend our 6th annual summer colloquium.

ISE colloquia offer the opportunity to gather with an international community of social ecologists and students of social ecology to present written work, discuss activist projects, and examine ideas related to the theory and praxis of [...]