The Institute For Social Ecology publishes Harbinger, A Journal of Social Ecology. We would like to thank the following contributors who made this issue of Harbinger possible:

Harbinger Committee:

  • Claudia Bagiackas
  • Michael Caplan
  • Daniel Chodorkoff
  • Michael J. Cuba


  • Amaan – The Oromo and the Ethiopian Empire State
  • Murray Bookchin – Interview with Murray Bookchin
  • Michael Caplan – The Oromo and the Ethiopian Empire State
  • Kai Malloy – Towards a Historical Perspective of Libertarian and Anarchist Education
  • Cindy Milstein – What’s in a Name?
  • Andrea del Moral – Seeds in the City
  • Erin Royster – Hungry for Profit
  • Brian Tokar – Radicalizing the Debate
  • Amoshaun Toft – Prefigurative Politics in the Pro-Democracy Movement
  • David Vanek – Interview with Murray Bookchin

Art Work:

  • Michael Caplan – Corn Harvest, Urban Decay Farmers, Commodified Peas, Food as Capital, antiantidisestablishmentarianism
  • Mike FlugennockLiberation!
  • Cliff Harper – Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Max Stirner, Educate, Agitate, Organise, Peter Kropotkin, Emma Goldman
  • Peter KuperProtest!
  • Monthly Review Press – Cover of Hungry for Profit
  • Oromia Support Group – Map of Oromia
  • Dustin C. RossDC Protest
  • Marco Tulli – Cover

Layout and Design:

  • Michael Caplan

Copy Editing:

  • Dan Chodorkoff
  • Cheri Killam


  • Janet Biehl
  • The social ecology community


Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Institute for Social Ecology.