Write a blog entry every day. I am of the understanding that there are approx. 360-370 days in 2007, but I feel I am up to this lofty task.
Draw a picture/create an artwork every day. Maybe by the end of the year I will have something like mediocore artistic talent. When I get a scanner I will even post them on the internet. I hear there are these things called web-blogs now that you can do this on.
Produce 4 (four) zines. I don't know what about yet, but I think that's a good even number.
New Year's Eve was pretty fun... Vegie C. Vegie and I drunk Beer in the middle of Swanston and Flinders and looked at the pretty fireworks and sung Auld Lang Syne before catching a train up to Johnny Leatherjacket's house and partying down.
Boy howdy gee whiz! Flinders St Station was packed to the max for NO APPARENT REASON. We managed to squeeze through the throng to our platform whereupon we discovered there was no real reason why people could not have just been proceeding through in an orderly manner.
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