- published: 10 Aug 2016
- views: 21705
Chris Staples is a singer and songwriter from Pensacola, Florida, currently the frontman and main musician for Discover America. Previously, he was the vocalist and guitarist of the indie rock band Twothirtyeight. One of the founding members in 1995, Staples stayed with the band until its split-up in April 2003, due to members' individual ambitions. He subsequently pursued a solo career, recording the acoustic albums Panama and Burned and Blistered. In 2004 Staples released Blackest Hair, Bluest Eyes on Makebreak Records, including recordings from his earlier releases and two additional songs. In 2005, Staples moved to Seattle, Washington and formed a separate project he called "Discover America". Psychology, the project's first album, was released on Tooth & Nail Records and was engineered, produced, and recorded in Staples' home studio. Discover America then independently released an untitled EP in 2007, followed by Songs for Sale, another EP released only on iTunes, in 2008. The project's second full-length album, Future Paths, was released in 2010 by Lujo Records.
The term Golden Age (Greek: χρύσεον γένοςchryseon genos) comes from Greek mythology and legend and refers to the first in a sequence of four or five (or more) Ages of Man, in which the Golden Age is first, followed in sequence, by the Silver, Bronze, Heroic, and then the present (Iron), which is a period of decline, sometimes followed by the Leaden Age. By definition, one is never in the Golden Age.
By extension "Golden Age" denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. During this age peace and harmony prevailed, people did not have to work to feed themselves, for the earth provided food in abundance. They lived to a very old age with a youthful appearance, eventually dying peacefully, with spirits living on as "guardians". Plato in Cratylus (397 e) recounts the golden race of humans who came first. He clarifies that Hesiod did not mean literally made of gold, but good and noble.
There are analogous concepts in the religious and philosophical traditions of the South Asian subcontinent. For example, the Vedic or ancient Hindu culture saw history as cyclical, composed of yugas with alternating Dark and Golden Ages. The Kali yuga (Iron Age), Dwapara yuga (Bronze Age), Treta yuga (Silver Age) and Satya yuga (Golden Age) correspond to the four Greek ages. Similar beliefs occur in the ancient Middle East and throughout the ancient world, as well.
Chris is a short form of various names including Christopher, Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christos. Unlike these names, however, it does not indicate the person's gender although it is much more common for males to have this name than it is for females.
It is the preferred form of the full name of such notable individuals as Chris Tucker and Chris Penn. To find an article about one of these people, see List of all pages beginning with "Chris".
The word is also part of phrases, including Tropical Storm Chris, Ruth's Chris Steak House, and many more which refer to notable people, places, and things. For a list of these, see All pages with titles containing chris.
Staples are small strips of folded metal used to fasten sheets of paper together.
Staples may also refer to:
Barsuk Records (/bɑːrˈsuːk/ bar-SOOK) is an independent record label based in Seattle, Washington, started and still managed by the members of the band This Busy Monster, Christopher Possanza and Josh Rosenfeld, who created the label in 1994 to release their band's material. Its logo is a drawing of a dog holding a record in its mouth.
The name of the label comes from the Russian word барсук [barˈsuk] "badger". However, the label is not named after a badger, as is noted in the Barsuk Records FAQ , but after Christopher Possanza and Jason Avinger's dog, a black Labrador. The dog can be heard barking in This Busy Monster's track "Song 69".
Chris Staples "Golden Age" (Official Video)
Chris Staples “Dark Side of the Moon” (Official Video)
Chris Staples - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
Airdogg & Chris Staples SICK Dunk Session!
Chris Staples "Hold Onto Something" (Official Video)
Chris Staples - "Dark Side of the Moon" (Official Audio)
Chris Staples & New Williams Dunk Session (Raw Dunks)
Chris Staples "Park Bench" (Official Music Video)
Chris Staples "Golden Age" (Official Audio)
Chris Stapleton - Tennessee Whiskey (Audio)
Directed by Spencer Gentz http://www.oxbowfilm.com/ Pre-Order 'Golden Age' on CD and Vinyl here: http://www.barsuk.com/w3.cgi?vwy=shop/bark164 Special Thanks to Oregon Renaissance Faire. http://www.oregonfaire.com From Chris Staples' album "Golden Age" available on Barsuk Records. http://www.chrisstaplesmusic.com http://www.facebook.com/chrisstaplesmusic http://www.barsuk.com
http://KEXP.ORG presents Chris Staples performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded August 19, 2014. Songs: Black Tornado Hold Onto Something Where We Used To Be Dark Side Of The Moon Host: John Richards Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Justin Wilmore Editor: Justin Wilmore http://chrisstaplesmusic.com http://kexp.org
Download The Gametime App: https://gametime.co/Dunkademics and use our promo code: DUNK Airdogg and Chris Staples throwing down some CRAZY dunks including the "Christ Air"
The official video for Chris Staples "Hold Onto Something" from his Barsuk Records debut "American Soft". Available now. Directed by Spencer Gentz. http://www.spencergentz.com http://www.chrisstaplesmusic.com http://www.barsuk.com
From the Chris Staples album AMERICAN SOFT, out 8.12.14 via Barsuk Records. iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ChrisStaplesAS Amazon.com: http://smarturl.it/ChrisStaplesAMZ
Chris Staples & New Williams dunk session! I uploaded the mix on the main Dunkademics channel, and thought I would put up all of the raw clips on here!
From Chris Staples' album "Golden Age" available on Barsuk Records. http://www.chrisstaplesmusic.com http://www.facebook.com/chrisstaplesmusic http://www.barsuk.com
From Chris Staples' album "Golden Age" available on Barsuk Records. http://www.chrisstaplesmusic.com http://www.facebook.com/chrisstaplesmusic http://www.barsuk.com
Traveller available now: http://umgn.us/TravellerCS CMA New Artist of the Year, Male Vocalist, and Album of the Year http://www.facebook.com/ChrisStapleton http://www.Twitter.com/ChrisStapleton http://Instagram.com/castapleton http://www.ChrisStapleton.com Music video by Chris Stapleton performing Tennessee Whiskey. (C) 2015 Mercury Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
New Song Rudyard's British Pub Houston, Texas 09.22.16
Chris Staples performed with Tim Very of Manchester Orchestra on Audiotree Live, October 10, 2012. Watch or download the complete session with interview at http://audiotree.tv/session/chris-staples/ Watch more live shows at http://audiotree.tv/sessions/
http://KEXP.ORG presents Chris Staples performing "Dark Side Of The Moon" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded August 19, 2014. Host: John Richards Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Justin Wilmore Editor: Justin Wilmore http://chrisstaplesmusic.com http://kexp.org
On October 23rd, Chris Staples stopped by KJHK on his way to Kansas City and played an acoustic set of three songs. Set List: 1. Walking With a Stranger 2. Pretty Bird 3. Center of the Universe (Built to Spill cover)
Chris Staples performs "Walking With a Stranger" on Audiotree Live, October 10, 2012. Watch or download the complete session with interview at http://audiotree.tv/session/chris-staples/ Watch more live shows at http://audiotree.tv/sessions/
http://KEXP.ORG presents Chris Staples performing "Hold Onto Something" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded August 19, 2014. Host: John Richards Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Justin Wilmore Editor: Justin Wilmore Photo thumbnail by Rachel White http://chrisstaplesmusic.com http://kexp.org
"Dark Side of the Moon" Chris Staples Live Acoustic Cover. Shot by the Longnow Foundation at Ft. Mason, San Francisco. More at SixteenLetters.com Part of my New Year's Resolution Thursdays to release a new video each week of 2015. #11 of 53.
Listen to the best new Indie Folk songs here on Indie Feed's YouTube channel. Subscribe to Indie Feed: https://goo.gl/sURbV9 The tracklist + artist info can be found in this description, just scroll down! More about Indie Feed: https://facebook.com/indiefeedmusic https://soundcloud.com/indiefeedmusic Feel free to contact me here, on SoundCloud or per mail; ✉ rufus@indiefeedmusic.com And for those who want to send me a tip / buy me a coffee: https://www.paypal.me/indiefeedmusic © Photo; Emmanuel Rosario --- This playlist is also on - SoundCloud: https://goo.gl/eBxb4Y - 8tracks: http://goo.gl/ObhtAE --- TRACKLIST ~ 17 tracks 00:00 The Unknown Neighbour - You and Me Buy here: http://goo.gl/nUdz5D Website: http://theunknownneighbour.com SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/theunknownn...
Farron "WDC" Dozier, Illya "Calisportsman" Dailey and Robert LaMar welcome Harlem Globetrotter high flyer, star of the new movie "Slamma Jamma" and dunk champion Chris Staples. Plus Robert welcomes champions of the youth football league - Recorded 07/02/16 - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/la-talk-live
Beautiful music, powerful slideshow, and inspirational readings make this Remembrance Day Ceremony one of a kind!
A let's play Kirby Epic Yarn... Played on a Wii U Console , Recorded in 1080P 60FPS! 611e386e-1b95-4c15-8247-80c4795e4325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christopher.alvarenga.90 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christian.alvarenga_/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrisalvarenga0
Today I got to interview Chris Staples and get his experiences as a Harlem Globetrotter as well as being a professional dunker. Chris brings a very unique background to dunking because many people can not be successful at both endeavors concurrently. Chris' Facebook: www.facebook.com/chrisstaples Chris' Instagram: @everybody_hatechriss Chris' Twitter: @mr_hoopstar9
Interview exclusive de Chris Staples, l'un des meilleurs dunkeurs du monde. Exclusive interview with Chris Staples, one of the best dunker in the world. Vidéo réalisée par 85 Production Facebook Art'Dunk : https://www.facebook.com/artdunk.rennes Instagram Art'Dunk : @artdunkofficiel Facebook 85 Production: https://www.facebook.com/EightyFiveProduction Siteweb 85 Production : http://85production.com/
Tom Ritchie interviews Chris Staples, co-founder and Creative Director at Rethink Vancouver/Toronto.
Watch this exclusive video of Vancouver creative Chris Staples from Rethink, talking about his experience with Cannes. Make sure you get your tickets to the NABS Vancouver Cannes Lions Screening on Thursday, January 28/2016 at the Scotiabank Theatre (900 Burrard). Don’t miss this chance to mingle with creative types and celebrate the best TV commercials from 2015! Get your tickets here: https://nabsvancouvercannes2016.eventbrite.ca/
Chris Staples performs "Domino Effect" on Audiotree Live, October 10, 2012. Watch or download the complete session with interview at http://audiotree.tv/session/chris-staples/ Watch more live shows at http://audiotree.tv/sessions/
Chris Staples performs "Grand Coulee Band" on Audiotree Live, October 10, 2012. Watch or download the complete session with interview at http://audiotree.tv/session/chris-staples/ Watch more live shows at http://audiotree.tv/sessions/
Chris Staples performs "Cincinatti" on Audiotree Live, October 10, 2012. Watch or download the complete session with interview at http://audiotree.tv/session/chris-staples/ Watch more live shows at http://audiotree.tv/sessions/
Chris Staples performs "Let Us Be Naked (Eef Barzelay)" on Audiotree Live, October 10, 2012. Watch or download the complete session with interview at http://audiotree.tv/session/chris-staples/ Watch more live shows at http://audiotree.tv/sessions/
chris staples' mayflower
Chris Staples posing for the camera before completing the "Christ Air" dunk! It was inspired by the skateboarding move with the same name.
Chris Staples is probably the best dunker in the world and one of my good friends!!
you have been warned
Chris Staples Relatively Permanent mp3 Chris Staples Relatively Permanent download Chris Staples Relatively Permanent testo Chris Staples Relatively Permanent karaoke Chris Staples Relatively Permanent lyrics Chris Staples Relatively Permanent liedtext Chris Staples Relatively Permanent letras Chris Staples Relatively Permanent paroles
LIpek and Chris Staples taking turns reaching into their bag of tricks, and pulling off some sick dunks!
Will and Nicholas discuss new music by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Chris Staples, and Teenage Fanclub.
Listen to the best new Indie Folk songs here on Indie Feed's YouTube channel. Subscribe to Indie Feed: https://goo.gl/sURbV9 The tracklist + artist info can be found in this description, just scroll down! More about Indie Feed: https://facebook.com/indiefeedmusic https://soundcloud.com/indiefeedmusic Feel free to contact me here, on SoundCloud or per mail; ✉ rufus@indiefeedmusic.com And for those who want to send me a tip / buy me a coffee: https://www.paypal.me/indiefeedmusic © Photo; Emmanuel Rosario --- This playlist is also on - SoundCloud: https://goo.gl/eBxb4Y - 8tracks: http://goo.gl/ObhtAE --- TRACKLIST ~ 17 tracks 00:00 The Unknown Neighbour - You and Me Buy here: http://goo.gl/nUdz5D Website: http://theunknownneighbour.com SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/theunknownn...
Farron "WDC" Dozier, Illya "Calisportsman" Dailey and Robert LaMar welcome Harlem Globetrotter high flyer, star of the new movie "Slamma Jamma" and dunk champion Chris Staples. Plus Robert welcomes champions of the youth football league - Recorded 07/02/16 - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/la-talk-live
Starring: Cherry Pie Picache, Diana Zubiri, Francine Prieto, Nina Ricci Alagao, Rafael Rosell, Alfred Vargas, Ricky Davao and others. Directed by Jeffrey Jeturian. Far from being a senseless parade of beautiful bodies, "Bikini Open," is a satire on the current state of broadcast journalism in the country. That does not mean there won't be hot bodies in sexy swimwear. Written by Palanca winner Chris Martinez, it's set against the backdrop of a summer staple -bikini contest - mounted in several bars in Metro Manila. Cherry Pie, best actress winner for "Bridal Shower," plays a female broadcast journalist who hosts a low-rating public affairs program. Her bosses in the network gives her an ultimatum. She has to come up with an exciting feature of else her show will be cancelled. She decides ...
For 37 stone single parent Ian McConnell its just the start of his weight loss journey hes about to have his stomach stapled to the size of an egg in an effort to curb his years of over eating. Bariatric surgeon Chris Pring gives a talk a one of the patient support groups in Shoreham run by Dan Reaney. Dan knows only too well that weight loss surgery is no quick fix. For collaborations and business inquiries, please contact via Channel Pages: http://ChannelPages.com/fatdoctoresdigital
For screening information, please contact me directly at michael.sizer@gmail.com. (thanks!) Additional interview footage of Ian Willms: http://youtu.be/rvTGqASbEQc As a full time animal rights activist and documentary film maker, I know first hand about the war on photographers. In this film I explore the challenges citizen journalists face and our rights with cameras in public. Digital cameras & social media sharing are possibly the most powerful tools available to activists. Know your rights about using them, and don't be intimidated into putting them away just because someone tells you to. Laws surrounding downloading and sharing photos online are also examined (Canadian Law, though some of it is applicable elsewhere.) Featuring Anita Krajnc, Ian Willms, Will Potter, Brett Gundlock & ...
2009-09-26 Виталий Кличко--Крис Арреола Vitali Klitschko--Chris Arreola Staples Center, Los Angeles, California, USA WRTD time: 3:00 | referee: Jon Schorle | judge: Ken Morita 99-91 | judge: Anek Hongtongkam 99-91 | judge: Guido Cavalleri 100-89 WBC heavyweight title https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6cslqvvDgAIplLPtUDr0w?view_as=public
Добавлено группой WBC World Heavyweight Title. 2009-09-26 Виталий Кличко--Крис Арреола Vitali Klitschko--Chris Arreola Staples Center, Los Angeles, California, USA WRTD time: 3:00 | referee: Jon . 9/26/09. 'Dr Ironfist' Vitali Klitschko vs Chris 'The Nightmare' Arreola for Klitschko's WBC heavyweight title.
Добавлено группой WBC World Heavyweight Title. 2009-09-26 Виталий Кличко--Крис Арреола Vitali Klitschko--Chris Arreola Staples Center, Los Angeles, California, USA WRTD time: 3:00 | referee: Jon . 9/26/09. 'Dr Ironfist' Vitali Klitschko vs Chris 'The Nightmare' Arreola for Klitschko's WBC heavyweight title.