Nikos Beloyannis - KKE Resistance Fighter
Markets make decisions about whether new coal mines are built and not politicians, Anthony Albanese has said on a visit to Queensland - where it all went wrong for Labor at the election.

With governments in Latin America - and around the world - increasingly targeted by aggressive U.S. interventionist policies and coup attempts, Bolivians are not waiting to see if they could be next.
Redfish went to the world's only anti-imperialist military school to find out how Bolivia is preparing to face U.S. imperialism.

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With governments in Latin America - and around the world - increasingly targeted by aggressive U.S. interventionist policies and coup attempts, Bolivians are no...t waiting to see if they could be next.

redfish went to the world's only anti-imperialist military school to find out how Bolivia is preparing to face U.S. imperialism.

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