- published: 13 Jan 2011
- views: 51736
Marine Harvest ASA, Pan Fish prior to February 6, 2007, is a Norwegian seafood company with operations in a number of countries around the world. The company's primary interest is the production, processing and sale of farmed salmon, the operations of which are focused on Norway, Scotland, Canada, the Faroe Islands, Ireland and Chile. The group has a share of between 25 and 30% of the global salmon and trout market, making it the world's largest company in the sector. Marine Harvest also owns a 'value added processing' unit, which prepares and distributes a range of seafood products, and a number of smaller divisions.
The company assumed its current form as a result of massive expansion in 2006, when Pan Fish ASA conducted an effective three-way merger with Marine Harvest N.V. and Fjord Seafood. The group is headquartered in Bergen and is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange where it is a constituent of the benchmark OBX Index.
Marine is an umbrella term. As an adjective it is usually applicable to things relating to the sea or ocean, such as marine biology, marine ecology and marine geology. In scientific contexts, the term almost always refers exclusively to saltwater environments, although in other contexts (e.g., engineering) it may refer to any (usually navigable) body of water.
Marine or marines may also refer to:
Harvesting is the act or process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields. Reaping is the cutting of grain or pulse for harvest, typically using a scythe, sickle, or reaper. On smaller farms with minimal mechanization, harvesting is the most labor-intensive activity of the growing season. On large mechanized farms, harvesting utilizes the most expensive and sophisticated farm machinery, such as the combine harvester. The term "harvesting" in general usage may include immediate postharvest handling, including cleaning, sorting, packing, and cooling.
The completion of harvesting marks the end of the growing season, or the growing cycle for a particular crop, and the social importance of this event makes it the focus of seasonal celebrations such as harvest festivals, found in many religions.
"Harvest", a noun, came from the Old English word hærfest, meaning "autumn" (the season), "harvest-time", or "August". (It continues to mean "autumn" in British dialect, and "season of gathering crops" generally.) "The harvest" came to also mean the activity of reaping, gathering, and storing grain and other grown products during the autumn, and also the grain and other grown products themselves. "Harvest" was also verbified: "To harvest" means to reap, gather, and store the harvest (or the crop). People who harvest and equipment that harvests are harvesters; while they do it, they are harvesting.
Marine Harvest Norway: Our People and Our Salmon
Aquafeed processing at Marine Harvest, Norway
Marine Harvest Scotland
What it's like to work at Marine Harvest, Rosyth
Aktienanalyse: Marine Harvest // Mission Money
LACHSFIEBER: Wie der WWF das Sterben der Meere unterstützt (Marine Harvest)
DOTF Marine Harvest
Marine Harvest Norway AS
Marine Harvest Case Study October 2016
Marine Harvest - meine Analyse
Marine Harvest VideoClip
Marine Harvest Pieters
A Growing Career : Marine Harvest Canada
OXE Diesel 200HP Outboard, Cheetah Catamaran & Marine Harvest Polarcirkel 785
Marine Harvest utvikler tette oppdrettsanlegg
Marine Harvest Final
Denne videoen ble Stoppet av Marine Harvest: Lars og Lars VOSSOLAKSEN
Marine Harvest Canada Dalrymple Hatchery Industry Spotlight - Pentair AES
Dear Marine Harvest Part 1 of 2
Marine Harvest
MArine Harvest
Marine Harvest Norway AS
Marine Harvest Canada BP120
Marine Harvest Passion
A short movie about Marine Harvest Norway, our salmon farmers and our salmon. We show you the life cycle of farmed salmon and you get to meet one of our farmes. The movie is in Norwegian, with English subtitles.
The world’s largest producer of Atlantic salmon, Marine Harvest takes you on a trip to the fjords of Trondheim, and shows you against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape how they successfully run a fish feed factory – with aquafeed processing solutions from Bühler.
Meet some of our employees who have joined and progressed within the organisations into new roles. Interviews with 5 employees about how they find working at Marine Harvest, including employees from Engineering, Logistics, Production, Technical and Hygiene, as well as an overview from a variety of employees of their favourite things about working here.
Die Norweger sind der weltgrößte Produzent von Zuchtlachs und verdienen damit immer mehr Geld. Aber ist Marine Harvest desswegen auch die beste Fisch-Aktie? Zahlen sie eine Dividende? Wo steht der Aktienkurs, wie sieht die Bewertung aus, welches Kurspotential gibt es und lohnt sich der Einstieg für Anleger? Das erfahrt ihr alles im Video... Aktueller Aktienkurs: https://www.finanzen100.de/aktien/marine-harvest-asa-wkn-924848_H1692055962_202408/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Unser FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/missionmoney/ ►Unser INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/missionmoney/ ►Marios INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/mister.mario/ ►Timos INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tymo_b/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mehr Geld verdienen und reich werden! Wer träumt davon nicht. Du ...
WDR-Autoren Wilfried Huismann und Arno Schumann über Lachsfarmen im Meer. Nun sollte man ja meinen, dass Zuchtlachs weitaus ökologischer ist, als gefangener Wildlachs - doch weit gefehlt. Wenn man sich die Kernaussagen des Films ansieht, wird das eigene Weltbild zurecht gerückt: Für 1 kg Zuchtlachs müssen 5 kg Frischfisch aus dem Meer gefangen werden. Diese werden dann zu Fischfutter (!!) verarbeitet und an die Lachse, die in Käfigen in bis zu 40 Meter Tiefe im Meer gehalten werden, verfüttert. Da außerdem bei einer solchen Massentierhaltung (es geht um mehrere 100 Millionen Lachse, die derart gehalten werden, vorwiegend in Ländern wie Chile, wo es keine allzu strengen Umweltauflagen gibt) die Tiere permanent von Krankenheiten bedroht sind, werden weiters Tonnen an Antibiotika ins Meer ge...
RPID Rural Matters visit to Marine Harvest, Glenfinnan to find out about their great work and how in the Year of Food and Drink Scotland the work they do contributes to the local and Scottish economy.
Marine Harvest is the largest aqua-farming concern in the world. Turning out more than 100 million farmed salmon per year, it supplies consumers in Europe, the USA and Japan. But at what price? This global empire is run by John Fredriksen, a self-made man and one of the richest on Earth. In his Norwegian home, he is called the "Big Wolf"; he calls himself "green", "enduring" and "transparent". But reality contradicts the corporate philosophy, particularly in Chile where Marine Harvest is by far the largest producer with some 70 fish farms. Chile, with its barely-there environmental legislation, is a paradise for investors. Everything that is forbidden to salmon producers in Europe is allowed in Chile, with the result that after 18 months of rearing, the salmon are a chemically loaded pro...
Marine Harvest Case Study October 2016
Marine Harvest ist ein norwegisches Nahrungsmittelunternehmen mit Sitz in Oslo und der größte Zuchtlachskonzern der Welt. In Norwegen beschäftigt das Unternehmen 260 Mitarbeiter (2006) und hält rund 60 Genehmigungen für Fischfarmen in Møre og Romsdal und Sogn og Fjordane. Marine Harvest besitzt in Norwegen auch das Unternehmen Fjord Seafood und 44 Prozent am Unternehmen Aalesundfisk. Video Marine Harvest: https://youtu.be/kD6uTn_mIeg Bakkafrost: http://www.bakkafrost.com/en/ Unternehmen bewerten: www.investorenausbildung.de ++kostenloses Webinar++ http://webinar.investorenausbildung.de/wefly/vivl/ ++Die Homepage++ www.investorenausbildung.de ++Facebook++ https://goo.gl/vrh0P2 ++Twitter++ https://goo.gl/oc3Owa ++Instagram++ https://goo.gl/bdy7UK
Video de la integracion entre Marineharvest y Fjordseafood
Marine Harvest Pieters is een dynamisch visbedrijf gespecialiseerd in het produceren en vermarkten van een breed gamma verse, gerookte, voorverpakte, diepgevroren en gepaneerde visproducten.
http://www.marineharvest.ca Informational video that highlights the aquaculture career opportunities at Marine Harvest Canada. Also discusses the farming process of fresh water fish hatcheries, salt water fish farms, fresh salmon processing and other marine support and administration positions. (7:14) For more information on careers and current job postings at Marine Harvest Canada visit http://www.marineharvest.ca
Marine Harvest i samarbeid med teknologiselskapet Hauge Aqua er i ferd med å utvikle et tett oppdrettsanlegg for bruk i sjø. Selskapet vil bruke 600 millioner kroner for 10 testanlegg på 33x44 m. Anlegget vil bedre fiskehelse ved at man slipper å bruke avlusingsmidler i for og på fisken, anleggene vil også hindre spredning av sykdommer, og villfisk vil ikke lenger ha mulighet til å beite på overskuddsfor fra merdene. Marine Harvest ønsker også å behandle avføring fra oppdrettsfisken for forbrenning og på sikt kompostering. Dette er fullt mulig når fiskeforet blir renset. Det er også bra at det blir lagt opp til en vannstrøm, slik at fisken svømmer mer aktivt. Vi er veldig stolte av at Marine Harvest og et teknologiselskap på Vestlandet utvikler dette, lukkede anlegg er noe vi har vært på...
- Vi lar oss ikke true av noen og mener alle fortjener å se den versjonen av «Lars og Lars» som programskaperne mente var riktig, sier leder for Greenpeace i Norge Truls Gulowsen. Fiskeprogrammene til Lars Lenth og Lars Nilssen har lenge vært populære programmer på tv, og senest på VGTV. Men episoden av «Fjordmenn» som tok for seg Vosso-vassdraget og den totale utryddelsen av villaksen i elva ble for sterk kost for oppdrettsselskapet Marine Harvest. Problemet var bruken av Marine Harvests reklamefilm for asiatiske lakse-kunder. I reklamefilmen blir Vosso-elva fremstilt som en naturskjønn perle full av laks som Marine Harvest har hentet arvematerialet til laksestammen sin fra. I virkeligheten har Vosso vært tom for laks siden 90-tallet da lakselus fra oppdrettsnæringen bidro til å utrader...
Pentair AES spotlights Marine Harvest Canada – Dalrymple Hatchery. Located in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, this Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) facility produces 600,000 Kilos of Atlantic Salmon Smolt annually (approximately 5.5 million fish). Lance Page, Manager of Dalrymple Hatchery, gives a brief history of Marine Harvest’s involvement in the aquaculture industry. Lance along with Jordan Smith, an Aquaculture Technician at the farm, provides an overview of the equipment and systems in use as well as the positive effects they’ve had on this facility. Marine Harvest is currently building seven new RAS systems, with construction expected to be completed in 2018. Pentair Industry Spotlight takes you behind the scenes of Aquaculture. With the industry growing, take a peek in...
This film is an appeal to Marine Harvest, the largest salmon farming company in the world- showing their questionable operations and the impacts they are having in on coastal British Columbia Produced by Twyla Roscovich for more films visit www.callingfromthecoast.com
A short movie about Marine Harvest Norway, our salmon farmers and our salmon. We show you the life cycle of farmed salmon and you get to meet one of our farmes. The movie is in Norwegian, with English subtitles.
The world’s largest producer of Atlantic salmon, Marine Harvest takes you on a trip to the fjords of Trondheim, and shows you against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape how they successfully run a fish feed factory – with aquafeed processing solutions from Bühler.
Meet some of our employees who have joined and progressed within the organisations into new roles. Interviews with 5 employees about how they find working at Marine Harvest, including employees from Engineering, Logistics, Production, Technical and Hygiene, as well as an overview from a variety of employees of their favourite things about working here.
Die Norweger sind der weltgrößte Produzent von Zuchtlachs und verdienen damit immer mehr Geld. Aber ist Marine Harvest desswegen auch die beste Fisch-Aktie? Zahlen sie eine Dividende? Wo steht der Aktienkurs, wie sieht die Bewertung aus, welches Kurspotential gibt es und lohnt sich der Einstieg für Anleger? Das erfahrt ihr alles im Video... Aktueller Aktienkurs: https://www.finanzen100.de/aktien/marine-harvest-asa-wkn-924848_H1692055962_202408/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Unser FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/missionmoney/ ►Unser INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/missionmoney/ ►Marios INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/mister.mario/ ►Timos INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tymo_b/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mehr Geld verdienen und reich werden! Wer träumt davon nicht. Du ...
WDR-Autoren Wilfried Huismann und Arno Schumann über Lachsfarmen im Meer. Nun sollte man ja meinen, dass Zuchtlachs weitaus ökologischer ist, als gefangener Wildlachs - doch weit gefehlt. Wenn man sich die Kernaussagen des Films ansieht, wird das eigene Weltbild zurecht gerückt: Für 1 kg Zuchtlachs müssen 5 kg Frischfisch aus dem Meer gefangen werden. Diese werden dann zu Fischfutter (!!) verarbeitet und an die Lachse, die in Käfigen in bis zu 40 Meter Tiefe im Meer gehalten werden, verfüttert. Da außerdem bei einer solchen Massentierhaltung (es geht um mehrere 100 Millionen Lachse, die derart gehalten werden, vorwiegend in Ländern wie Chile, wo es keine allzu strengen Umweltauflagen gibt) die Tiere permanent von Krankenheiten bedroht sind, werden weiters Tonnen an Antibiotika ins Meer ge...
RPID Rural Matters visit to Marine Harvest, Glenfinnan to find out about their great work and how in the Year of Food and Drink Scotland the work they do contributes to the local and Scottish economy.
Marine Harvest is the largest aqua-farming concern in the world. Turning out more than 100 million farmed salmon per year, it supplies consumers in Europe, the USA and Japan. But at what price? This global empire is run by John Fredriksen, a self-made man and one of the richest on Earth. In his Norwegian home, he is called the "Big Wolf"; he calls himself "green", "enduring" and "transparent". But reality contradicts the corporate philosophy, particularly in Chile where Marine Harvest is by far the largest producer with some 70 fish farms. Chile, with its barely-there environmental legislation, is a paradise for investors. Everything that is forbidden to salmon producers in Europe is allowed in Chile, with the result that after 18 months of rearing, the salmon are a chemically loaded pro...
Marine Harvest Case Study October 2016
Marine Harvest ist ein norwegisches Nahrungsmittelunternehmen mit Sitz in Oslo und der größte Zuchtlachskonzern der Welt. In Norwegen beschäftigt das Unternehmen 260 Mitarbeiter (2006) und hält rund 60 Genehmigungen für Fischfarmen in Møre og Romsdal und Sogn og Fjordane. Marine Harvest besitzt in Norwegen auch das Unternehmen Fjord Seafood und 44 Prozent am Unternehmen Aalesundfisk. Video Marine Harvest: https://youtu.be/kD6uTn_mIeg Bakkafrost: http://www.bakkafrost.com/en/ Unternehmen bewerten: www.investorenausbildung.de ++kostenloses Webinar++ http://webinar.investorenausbildung.de/wefly/vivl/ ++Die Homepage++ www.investorenausbildung.de ++Facebook++ https://goo.gl/vrh0P2 ++Twitter++ https://goo.gl/oc3Owa ++Instagram++ https://goo.gl/bdy7UK
Video de la integracion entre Marineharvest y Fjordseafood
Marine Harvest Pieters is een dynamisch visbedrijf gespecialiseerd in het produceren en vermarkten van een breed gamma verse, gerookte, voorverpakte, diepgevroren en gepaneerde visproducten.
http://www.marineharvest.ca Informational video that highlights the aquaculture career opportunities at Marine Harvest Canada. Also discusses the farming process of fresh water fish hatcheries, salt water fish farms, fresh salmon processing and other marine support and administration positions. (7:14) For more information on careers and current job postings at Marine Harvest Canada visit http://www.marineharvest.ca
Marine Harvest i samarbeid med teknologiselskapet Hauge Aqua er i ferd med å utvikle et tett oppdrettsanlegg for bruk i sjø. Selskapet vil bruke 600 millioner kroner for 10 testanlegg på 33x44 m. Anlegget vil bedre fiskehelse ved at man slipper å bruke avlusingsmidler i for og på fisken, anleggene vil også hindre spredning av sykdommer, og villfisk vil ikke lenger ha mulighet til å beite på overskuddsfor fra merdene. Marine Harvest ønsker også å behandle avføring fra oppdrettsfisken for forbrenning og på sikt kompostering. Dette er fullt mulig når fiskeforet blir renset. Det er også bra at det blir lagt opp til en vannstrøm, slik at fisken svømmer mer aktivt. Vi er veldig stolte av at Marine Harvest og et teknologiselskap på Vestlandet utvikler dette, lukkede anlegg er noe vi har vært på...
- Vi lar oss ikke true av noen og mener alle fortjener å se den versjonen av «Lars og Lars» som programskaperne mente var riktig, sier leder for Greenpeace i Norge Truls Gulowsen. Fiskeprogrammene til Lars Lenth og Lars Nilssen har lenge vært populære programmer på tv, og senest på VGTV. Men episoden av «Fjordmenn» som tok for seg Vosso-vassdraget og den totale utryddelsen av villaksen i elva ble for sterk kost for oppdrettsselskapet Marine Harvest. Problemet var bruken av Marine Harvests reklamefilm for asiatiske lakse-kunder. I reklamefilmen blir Vosso-elva fremstilt som en naturskjønn perle full av laks som Marine Harvest har hentet arvematerialet til laksestammen sin fra. I virkeligheten har Vosso vært tom for laks siden 90-tallet da lakselus fra oppdrettsnæringen bidro til å utrader...
Pentair AES spotlights Marine Harvest Canada – Dalrymple Hatchery. Located in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, this Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) facility produces 600,000 Kilos of Atlantic Salmon Smolt annually (approximately 5.5 million fish). Lance Page, Manager of Dalrymple Hatchery, gives a brief history of Marine Harvest’s involvement in the aquaculture industry. Lance along with Jordan Smith, an Aquaculture Technician at the farm, provides an overview of the equipment and systems in use as well as the positive effects they’ve had on this facility. Marine Harvest is currently building seven new RAS systems, with construction expected to be completed in 2018. Pentair Industry Spotlight takes you behind the scenes of Aquaculture. With the industry growing, take a peek in...
This film is an appeal to Marine Harvest, the largest salmon farming company in the world- showing their questionable operations and the impacts they are having in on coastal British Columbia Produced by Twyla Roscovich for more films visit www.callingfromthecoast.com
WDR-Autoren Wilfried Huismann und Arno Schumann über Lachsfarmen im Meer. Nun sollte man ja meinen, dass Zuchtlachs weitaus ökologischer ist, als gefangener Wildlachs - doch weit gefehlt. Wenn man sich die Kernaussagen des Films ansieht, wird das eigene Weltbild zurecht gerückt: Für 1 kg Zuchtlachs müssen 5 kg Frischfisch aus dem Meer gefangen werden. Diese werden dann zu Fischfutter (!!) verarbeitet und an die Lachse, die in Käfigen in bis zu 40 Meter Tiefe im Meer gehalten werden, verfüttert. Da außerdem bei einer solchen Massentierhaltung (es geht um mehrere 100 Millionen Lachse, die derart gehalten werden, vorwiegend in Ländern wie Chile, wo es keine allzu strengen Umweltauflagen gibt) die Tiere permanent von Krankenheiten bedroht sind, werden weiters Tonnen an Antibiotika ins Meer ge...
Marine Harvest is the largest aqua-farming concern in the world. Turning out more than 100 million farmed salmon per year, it supplies consumers in Europe, the USA and Japan. But at what price? This global empire is run by John Fredriksen, a self-made man and one of the richest on Earth. In his Norwegian home, he is called the "Big Wolf"; he calls himself "green", "enduring" and "transparent". But reality contradicts the corporate philosophy, particularly in Chile where Marine Harvest is by far the largest producer with some 70 fish farms. Chile, with its barely-there environmental legislation, is a paradise for investors. Everything that is forbidden to salmon producers in Europe is allowed in Chile, with the result that after 18 months of rearing, the salmon are a chemically loaded pro...
Golden Marine Harvest (A Shrimp Hatchery of Black tiger prawn[paeneous monodon]), located at 20km away from Pondicherry towards chennai beside East coast road towards shore.
Marine Harvest Under 14 League Kingussie v Lovat 05-05-17
Kingussie v Kinlochshiel - Marine Harvest Premiership 24-06-17
Marine Harvest Premiership, 22-04-17. Glenurquhart v Kyles Athletic at Drumnadrochit
Getting last ferry from the island to Sandnessjon
Marine Harvest Premiership Kingussie v Kilmallie 130317
Marine Harvest Premiership Sat 4th March 2017. Newtonmore v Lovat at the Eilan
The Women's Marine Harvest Challenge Cup Final Badenoch & Strathspey v Lorn Ladies The Eilan, Newtonmore Saturday 10th September 2011
Øyvind Torpp, Leder av Boston Consulting Group Norge. I samtale med Alf-Helge Aarskog, Administrerende direktør i Marine Harvest og Svein Tore Holsether, Konsernsjef i Yara
Spanische Fassung von "Lachsfieber". John Fredriksen ist mit seiner Firma MARINE HARVEST der größte Player im Geschäft mit Biilig-Lachs. Der Film deckt die Doppelmoral eines Weltkonzerns auf, der mit dem WWF kooperiert. Die Folgen tragen die Taucher und Mitarbeiter der chilenischen Lachsindustrie.
This is a presentation held by Catarina Martins (Marine Harvest ASA, Norway) during the aquaculture breakout session at the World Nutrition Forum 2014 in Munich. Visit the official WNF website: http://www.worldnutritionforum.info Find out more about BIOMIN: http://www.biomin.net
Teknisk Aksje Analyse Oslo Bors OBX aksjer aksjer jeg ser på i denne videoen Aker BP Aker Solutions BW LPG Bakkafrost DNB DNO Frontline Gjensidige Grieg Seafood Lerøy Seafood Marine Harvest Norsk Hydro Norwegian Orkla PGS REC Salmar Schibsted Seadrill Statoil Storebrand Subsea 7 TGS Telenor YARA
2013 Marine Harvest Under 17 London Shield Final Fort William v Newtonmore Saturday 26th October 2013 The Dell, Kingussie
Marine Harvest Premiership Newtonmore v Kingussie 20-05-17
coverage of the Marine Harvest Shinty-Hurling International at the Bught Park in Inverness as Scotland's top shinty players take on their Irish hurling counterparts
Documental alemán de 52 minutos, producido en el año 2010, describe la depredación salmonera en el sur de Chile de la corporación criminal Marine Harvest, la compañía salmonera más grande del mundo, del multimillonario "chipriota-noruego" John Fredriksen.
The Marine Harvest Shinty/Hurling International - Home Test Scotland V Ireland Saturday 29th October 2011 Bught Park, Inverness
Marine Harvest North Division Three Lochcarron v Lochaber Battery Park, Lochcarron Saturday 13th July 2013