- published: 17 Feb 2011
- views: 261
The Drosophilidae are a diverse, cosmopolitan family of flies, which includes fruit flies. Another family of flies called the Tephritidae also includes fruit flies. The best known species of the Drosophilidae is Drosophila melanogaster, within the genus Drosophila, and this species is used extensively for studies concerning genetics, development, physiology, ecology and behaviour. This fruit fly is mostly composed of post-mitotic cells, has a very short lifespan, and shows gradual aging. As in other species, temperature influences the life history of the animal. Several genes have been identified that can be manipulated to extend the lifespan of these insects.
Generally, drosophilids are considered to be nuisance flies rather than pests, since most species breed in rotting material. Zaprionus indianus Gupta is unusual among Drosophilidae species in being a serious, primary pest of at least one commercial fruit, figs in Brazil. Another species, Drosophila suzukii, infests thin-skinned fruit such as raspberries and cherries and can be a serious agricultural pest.Drosophila repleta larvae inhabit drains and spread bacteria. Fruit flies in general are considered as a common vector in propagating acetic acid bacteria in nature. This often ruins the alcohol fermentation process and can ruin beer or wine by turning it into vinegar.
Crossing Drosophilidae
Medical vocabulary: What does Drosophilidae mean
Medical vocabulary: What does Drosophilidae mean
How to Pronounce Drosophilidae
Taufliege (Drosophilidae) männlich - Mikroskop HD Video Deutsch
Naturbeobachtung Taufliegen(Drosophilidae) im September 2016
Common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
5 Ways to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
Fruit Flies – Pest Control For Your Home
What does Drosophilidae mean in English?
What does Drosophilidae mean in English?
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Die Taufliegen (Drosophilidae), auch Obst-, Frucht-, Gär-, Most- oder Essigfliegen genannt, sind eine Familie der Fliegen (Brachycera) innerhalb der Ordnung der Zweiflügler (Diptera). In Österreich werden sie auch gemeinsam mit anderen kleinen Zweiflüglern als „Mücken“ bezeichnet. Es handelt sich bei ihnen um kleine, nur etwa ein bis sechs, meist zwei Millimeter lange Fliegen, die fast überall vorkommen: in feuchten Laubwäldern und an Waldrändern, aber auch in der Nähe menschlicher Behausungen. Sie werden von faulenden Früchten sowie Getränkeresten in offenen Flaschen angezogen, von deren gärenden Substanzen sie sich ernähren. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hergestellt mit: Bresser LCD-Mikroskop 50x-500x (2000x digital), 5 Megapixel, 8.9cm (3.5") LCD Disp...
Noch lässt sich "Natur" beobachten - wie lange wohl noch? Taufliegen wie z. B. Drosophila melanogaster(mit rötlichen Augen) finden sich im Sommer oder Herbst oft z. B. auf Früchten oder Gemüse ein, besonders, wenn dieses am Gären ist. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drosophila_melanogaster
Common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) * Family: Drosophilidae, * Genus: Drosophila, * Subgenus: Sophophora, * Phylum: Arthropoda, * Class: Insecta, * Order: Diptera, * Type: Bugs, * Diet: Omnivore, * Avarege Lifespan in the wilds: 80-153 days, * Size: females are about 2.5 millimeters (0.098 in) long; * Weight: no data. ** Drosophila melanogaster,species is commonly known as the common fruit fly or vinegar fly. More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drosophila_melanogaster
More info here - http://www.onlinepestcontrol.com/5-ways-to-get-rid-of-fruitflies 5 Ways to Get Rid of Fruit Flies What is a Fruit Fly? Given the scientific name Drosophila melanogaster, the fruit fly belongs to a specie of flies called the Drosophilidae family. The fruit fly is a small fly that feeds on fruits, especially decaying ones, during its larval and adult stages. It’s commonly known as the vinegar fly. Fruit Flies as Household Pests Fruit flies are considered pests as a consequence of their tendency to infest habitations and establishments where fruits are found. In Summary here are the five methods that can help get rid of fruit flies: 1. Red Wine 2. Vinegar 3. Essential Oils 4. Aunt Fannie's FlyPunch! 5. Milk, sugar, and pepper ========================================...
Most people have had the pleasure of a fruit fly infestation at least one time in their life. These tiny flies seem to appear from out of nowhere and infest your home. The adult drosophilidae flies are between 3 and 4 mm long and have a tan thorax and red eyes. From source post : http://www.pestrol.co.nz/blog/fruit-flies-pest-control-for-your-home/