New Publications

Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability

Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability

The aim of the journal is publishing innovative articles in Renewable Energy, research articles, review articles, novel applications, theoretical analysis and technologies, editorials in efficiency improvement, energy conservation and sustainability, policy issues, education for sustainable environment and finance.



Nuclear Sciences & Technologies

Open Access Journal for the communication of original research, ideas and developments in all areas of the peaceful use of nuclear energy, as well as on applications of nuclear particles and radiation.



SICOT-J is an official journal of the Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie (SICOT). It has been developed, as a peer reviewed open access journal, to further widen the educational impact of SICOT on the orthopaedic community. It will focus on original clinical, basic and translational research in the field of orthopaedics surgery and traumatology.

Web of Conferences spotlights

Proceedings from CEA conferences

Web of Conferences has great pleasure to welcome to its platform the Proceedings from CEA conferences. This new website gathers the proceedings of conferences organized by CEA researchers and published by EDP Sciences via Web of Conferences. CEA, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, is a prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.

Conférences SF2M / SF2M proceedings series

Conférences SF2M / SF2M proceedings series

Web of Conferences has great pleasure to welcome the SF2M proceedings series. SF2M, the French Society for Metallurgy and Materials, gathers around 1000 members (from university and industry) and 6 societies (industrial groups or federations). It is a meeting point, for exchanging and working together for all members of a scientific and professional, French and international community in the field of "metallurgy and materials".

International Congress of Metrology

Web of Conferences is very pleased to welcome to its platform the International Congress of Metrology, a unique event in Europe that takes place every 2 years. It covers all types and applications of measurement. The Congress brings together the entire Metrology community, from organisations and industrial companies, to laboratories, manufacturers and universities.

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