- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 309546
Mitko Dimitrov (Bulgarian: Митко Димитров; born 1953 in Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria) is a prominent Bulgarian businessman. As the owner and CEO of the Payner music company promoting pop-folk music, Dimitrov belongs to the group of the most successful entrepreneurs from South-East Europe region. He discovered and brought to fame many modern stars of the Bulgarian pop-folk music scene.
Dimitrov is a graduate of the Engineering Faculty at the Technical University of Varna. During the Zhivkov era he worked as a mechanical engineer and later as a chief engineer. In 1990 he started his company Payner. In 2007 Dimitrov announced that he would run from the lists of the GERB party for the municipal councillor in his family town of Dimitrograd. However after the objections of the party leader Boyko Borisov, Dimitrov had withdrawn his candidature.
Payner (Bulgarian: Пaйнер) is the most popular pop-folk recording company in Bulgaria. It hosts the most famous singers of the Bulgarian pop-folk scene these days. Originally Payner started with the production of audio and videotapes for the Bulgarian market and for export abroad. In 1993 the "Payner" created company's first recording studio and in 1995 its videos production. In 2002 Dimitrov created a music television channel "Planet", which is considered the best folk TV media of the Balkans and in 2007 second satellite channel "Planeta Folk". Production facilities and the head office of Payner LTD are situated in Dimitrovgrad.
ZVEZDITE na PAYNER-LALE LI SI, ZYUMBYUL LI SI/ Звездите на Пайнер-Лале ли си, зюмбюл ли си, 2015
ZVEZDITE na PAYNER - LALE LI SI ZYUMBYUL LI SI / Звездите на Пайнер - Лале ли си, зюмбюл ли си, 2015
25 GODINI PAYNER - 1 / 25 години Пайнер - Празничен фолклорен концерт, част 1, 2015
25 GODINI PAYNER - 2 / 25 години Пайнер - Празничен фолклорен концерт, част 2, 2015
TEDI ALEKSANDROVA - CHALGA PEPERUDKI / Теди Александрова - Чалга пеперудки, 2015
MARIA, FIKI & AZIS - MRASNI DUMI GOVORI / Мария, Фики и Азис - Мръсни думи говори, 2016
PRESLAVA - NA TEBE NE OTKAZVAM / Преслава - На тебе не отказвам, 2015
POP-FOLK HIT MIX 2015 / Поп-фолк хит микс 2015
DZHORDAN - NA KOLENE / Джордан - На колене, 2016
ANELIA FT GALIN - AZ SAM DYAVOLAT / Анелия ft. Галин - Аз съм Дяволът, 2015
GALENA FT SERGIO - Pantera / Галена ft. Sergio - Пантера, 2015
KALI - DOKATO SPRA DA DISHAM / Кали - Докато спра да дишам, 2016
POP-FOLK (CHALGA) HIT MIX 2016 / Поп-фолк (Чалга) ХИТ микс: Най-новите
Dj Niki feat. - (Official Funk ) Payner Folk Collection (2015)