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March 22nd, 2016 -- by Bacchus

#Pornocalypse Capital

This article in Motherboard about sex robots could be (but isn’t) headlined “Patent Trolls Are Why We Cannot Have Nice Things.” It’s a worthy article that dives deep into that subject, although I believe the tech summary at the top (intended to establish the unwelcome truth that making a sex robot is an insanely-complex technical challenge) is too pessimistic, or to put it another way, in my opinion it sets the bar too high on the robotic features we’d need to see in a commercially successful and sexually satisfying sexbot.

But that’s not why I’m blogging about this article. Instead, I want to commend it for its summary of the financial challenges faced by innovators in sex tech. It’s as neat a summary of the #pornocalypse phenomenon as I’ve seen, and it confirms my long-argued theory that it’s the involvement of the investor class that drives the exclusion of sexuality from any modern business or product:

It’s an unfortunate reality that many sextech companies find it difficult to get small business loans due to morality clauses and banks’ concerns over “reputational risk.” And investors too are wary of sextech. Quitmeyer has lost count of the number of times he was invited to show investors a deck, only to be told afterward that while Comingle’s work is great, investors simply don’t fund things that fall under the category of “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.”

“The amount of publicity that we’ve been able to gain at Comingle — if we were any other Silicon Valley startup, we’d already be in our A-round of funding upwards of millions of dollars,” Quitmeyer said.

“We’ve been kicked out of two accelerators!” he added. “We passed all their hoops and training and customer discovery and at the end, when they’re supposed to give you space and funding and support, they came back and said, ‘we checked with the higher-ups and turns out we’re not comfortable dealing with sex stuff. Goodbye.’ Months lost.”

Sextech companies also face restriction from other companies: Google and Apple, for example, grudgingly allow sex-related health apps, but their acceptance of sextech that exists solely for pleasure and titillation has so far been spotty. Would Play or the App Store let you gear up your sexbot as you begin your commute home from work in the same way they let you do with your Nest? Their track record doesn’t bode well for sexbots.

This turns off investors, too. Sean Percival, a venture partner with the seed investor firm 500 Startups in Mountain View, told me that being barred by such key distribution channels is a serious handicap for a company.

“Getting rejected [by a main distribution channel like Play or the App Store] would make it difficult for you to scale,” Percival said.

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March 21st, 2016 -- by Bacchus

Randy Wang’s “Small Packet”

I would like to believe that, in this increasingly-globalized world, “Randy Wang” at the penis-locker factory was having a bit of fun mocking the Western tradition of making dirty jokes about Chinese names when he selected his English pseudonym to use for international mailing:

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March 20th, 2016 -- by Bacchus

Do It Yourself Porn: On Tumblr?

The notion of making the porn you want to see in the world has been an interest of mine for some time, although I personally don’t have the right sort of creative skills to do very much of it. My friend and erstwhile co-blogger Dr. Faustus wrote an epic sequence of posts on making your own porn back in 2011, and he’s been practicing what he preaches (most notably but by no means exclusively with his Gnosis College series of comics) for longer than that. So it’s natural enough that when I see a headline like “DIY Tumblr Porn: The Porn Movement We’ve All Been Waiting For?” I would parse it as potentially relevant to my interests.

You can imagine, then, my disappointment upon reading this sentence in the fourth paragraph:

Log in to Tumblr, however, and it’s unlikely you’ll find anything resembling hardcore pornography. Instead, you’ll find erotic and even romantically-charged content that couldn’t be further from the fake orgasms and artificiality of mainstream porn.

Am I the only one who feels this sentence disqualifies the author from any claim of knowing anything about mainstream porn or Tumblr?

If you’re interested in the phenomenon of people who make porn to share on Tumblr, you’ll find some things of interest in the article. But the notion that Tumblr isn’t first and foremost full of the same commercial porn the author disdains with words like “artificiality” suggests a dangerous lack of familiarity with Tumblr for someone writing about it for an audience. Worse, the notion that “mainstream porn” (whatever that means) can be somehow typified by the most boring and least authentic material in the genre suggests (and this is me being charitable) a lack of familiarity with the truism that is Sturgeon’s Law: “90% of everything is crap.”

I’m not going to list any more of the ill-informed negative generalizations about commercial porn from the article. The obligatory quote from a sex-negative “therapist” with a book to sell on the “problems caused by pornography” didn’t help much either. Yes, there are people making porn for primary publication on Tumblr. But if you want to learn very much about that phenomenon and how it fits in the broader picture of commercial porn generally or the most recent pornographic innovations of whatever kind, this article will prove shallow and disappointing. Once again, I look at these things so you don’t have to.

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March 19th, 2016 -- by Bacchus

Chilly Nudists

March 18th, 2016 -- by Bacchus

Backlash Against Sexbots

Automation is dehumanizing, they said. Sexbots threaten to destroy the livelihoods of sex workers, the last bastion of high-touch human-centered employment in a world of robotics, they said. We need to blend robotic technology in an appropriate ratio with human physicality and emotional labor, they said.

They spoke. Sexually Broken listened, and this hybrid human-robot blowjob machine was the result:

violet monroe strapped into a blowjob machine

Moral: Be careful what you wish for.

Image is from the March 16 shoot (starring Violet Monroe) at Sexually Broken.

For further research:

Automatic Blowjob Machine
The Perpetual Blowjob Machine
Revenge For The Blowjob Machine

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March 17th, 2016 -- by Bacchus

Stockings And Shoe Fetish

Although Irving Klaw was best known for his bondage work, he was an equal-opportunity fetish photographer. If the punters would buy it, he would photograph it:

stockings and shoe fetish photo by Irving Klaw

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March 16th, 2016 -- by Bacchus

Booty Show

I could watch this booty reveal for quite some considerable length of time:

corseted woman shows off her luscious booty

.Gif is by IWASAWINRAR, true image source not known.

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