James Fetzer, PhD show
The Real Deal talk show
Rick Shaddock
Donald Trump for
Transcendental Meditation and
9/11 Truth
www.JamesFetzer.com - Dr. James Fetzer, The Real Deal talk show
www.RadioFetzer.blogspot.com - Dr. Fetzer's 800 interviews
www.JFKTruth.org -
John F. Kennedy ambush truth
www.AE911Truth.org - Architecs &
Engineers for 9/11 Truth
www.LeeHarveyOswald.org - he was innocent about
www.SandyHookJustice.org -
False flag operation for gun control
www.911CA.org -
Collected Articles of research on 9/11
www.911Marines.org -
U.S. Marine veterans for 9/11 Truth
www.911Mensa.org -
High IQ people for 9/11 Truth
www.911Skeptics.org - people who question the
Bush Story of 9/11
www.911Experiments.org - scientific research on 9/11
www.911Debate.org - debates between experts on 9/11
www.DavidGriscom - winner of 2014 and
2015 9/11 Debate
www.NielsHarrit.org - PhD discovered explosives in the
WTC dust
www.TruthJihad.org - Dr.
Kevin Barrett's radio show
www.AE911TruthPetition.org -
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
911.com - 9/11 truth by
Dylan Avery et al.
www.28Pages.org - Bush covered up
Saudi funding of 9/11
www.HR14.org -
House Resolution 14 for the
28 pages
www.TruthMakesPeace.com -
YouTube channel
www.ShaddockProperties.com - real estate
www.ShaddockResearch.com - academics
MUM.edu -
Maharishi University of Management
www.CICorporation.com - computer consulting and instruction
www.FITAS.US -
Fairfield Iowa Truth
Awareness Society
www.CanNotFool.Us - talks about various truth topics
www.Unic.ac.cy -
University of Nicosia,
Cyprus, digital currency
www.A-DC.org -
Association for
Digital Currency
www.TrumpFairfield.com - Fairfield Iowa voters for
www.TrumpFairfield.com/caucus - Meditators voting for Trump
www.DonaldTrump.com - Donald Trump campaign
www.DavidLynchFoundation.org -
David Lynch teaching TM
www.GoldenDome.org -
Golden Dome of
Pure Knowledge
www.Hagelin.org -
Dr. John Hagelin (PhD,
Harvard, Physics)
www.GoldenDome.org/dialectic -
Plato's Dialectic and TM
www.TMensa.org - TM helps improve IQ
www.TM.org - Trascendental
www.TM.org/research - over 400 published scientific studies
www.TMHome.com - news about TM
www.MUM.edu - Maharishi University of Management
www.NaturalLaw.US -
Natural Law Party
www.EnlightenedSentencing.com - teaching TM to prisoners
www.MaharishiSchoolIowa.org - teaching children
TM along with subjects
Oprah.com -
Oprah Winfrey show
Oprah - Oprah Winfrey visits
Fairfield and MUM
Carrey -
Jim Carrey speaks at MUM graduation
Lucas -
George Lucas director of
Star Wars
www.MaharishiYoda.com - Maharishi as inspiration for
www.GoldenDome.org/ClintEastwood - inspired millions to learn TM
Merv -
Merv Griffin and TM
www.GoldenDome.org/Trump - the
Trump family and TM
NIH.gov -
National Institutes of Health
www.StrongMilitary.org -
Center for Advanced
Military Science (
www.ISTPP.org/military_science - Dr. John Hagelin
www.DavidLeffler.com - Dr.
David Leffler,
Director of CAMS
www.OperationWarriorWellness.org - teaching TM to Veterans
www.InvincibleAmerica.org - group practice of TM for national defense
www.Colgate.edu -
Colgate University
www.ANETA.org - Association for
Nine Eleven Truth Awareness
www.ANETA.org/Ace - Ace
Elevator Company, never investigated
www.ANETA.org/polls - most people question the official 9/11 story
www.ANETA.org/PoliticalAction - talking to politicians about 9/11
www.ANETA.org/Trump - talking to Donald Trump and family
www.Fairfield-IA.villagesoup.com - Fairfield Ledger newspaper
www.TrumpCommission.org - for
Donald to investigate 9/11
www.911TruthOutreach.org -
Wayne Coste
www.DC911Truth.org -
Washington DC 9/11 Truth
www.911Police.org - police who question the official story
www.MaharishiEffect.org - group TM spreading brain wave coherence
www.MoonTruth.org - top 10 reasons to question the
Moon landing
Cruz -
Senator Ted Cruz
www.MoonTruth.org/Trump - make an
American Moon base by 2025
NASA - astronauts and scientist who question
www.MoonTruth.org/VanAllen - belts of radiation around the
www.SelfBall.Us - we are the cosmic
Self shaped like a sphere
www.WEligion.org - we are all One, the scientific basis of all religions
www.MoonRockBooks.com -
Media Broadcasting Company
www.ANETA.org/Trump/tips - 10 tips for Truthers talking to Trump
- published: 15 Jul 2016
- views: 54