Upcoming Events

Notts SOS meeting

November 01, 2010 19:30

The International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FN

Notts SOS meeting

November 08, 2010 19:30

The International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FN

Notts SOS meeting

November 15, 2010 19:30


The International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FN

Notts SOS anti-cuts demonstration

November 20, 2010 11:30


Assemble at the Forest Recreation Ground for a march to Market Square.

Notts SOS meeting

November 22, 2010 19:30


The International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FN

Notts SOS planning meeting

January 10, 2011 19:30

The International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FN

Combating the Cuts: Planning for Action

January 15, 2011 10:30


Dunkirk and Old Lenton Community Centre, Montpelier Road, Dunkirk, Nottingham, NG7 2JW

Defend Library Services meeting

January 20, 2011 19:30

Chilwell College House Junior School, College House Junior School, Cator Lane, Chilwell, Nottingham , NG9 4BB

Lobby Notts County Council

February 24, 2011 11:00


County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP

Assemble at the Embankment war memorial at 10am for an 11am start of a march to County Hall across Trent Bridge to lobby until 1pm, on the day the full council meets to set its Council Tax budget.

Building the Anti Academies Alliance in Notts

March 08, 2011 19:00

Tuesday 8 March 7pm

Friends Meeting House, 25 Clarendon Street, Nottingham, NG1 5JD

Protest Notts County Council Budget

February 23, 2012 12:30


County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, NG2 7QP


April 20, 2012 14:00


This event has been put together really fast as people wanted to celebrate this day here in the midlands . This Event is being held at the band stand and surrounding areas  ON THE ARBORETUTM PARK NOTTINGHAM . wAVELY STREET NOTTINGHAM . 

May Day March & Rally (slight changes)

May 05, 2012 10:00


Just to announce a minor change to Notts TUCs May Day festival this year.  The rally will now take place at the Congregational Hall, Castle Gate, Nottingham from about 11.15 am.

Other details remain unchanged - the march will still assemble at the Forest Recreation Ground (Goose Fair site) from 10.00 am.  There is still a great and varied selection of speakers including (hopefully) a repres…

Rethinking Luddism in Nottinghamshire

September 22, 2012 14:00


The Sparrows' Nest (St Ann's - Nottingham)

For directions please email peopleshistreh [at] riseup.net


In ‘nottinghamshire’

Frack Free Nottingham

Last night there was a public meeting at the Maze to discuss the prospect of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, coming to Nottinghamshire. There was a very informative presentation given by a member of Friends of the Earth Nottingham and then there was a passionate debate about what could be done to stop fracking here in Notts. See below the fold for a rundown on the current situation.

Budget protest at County Hall


On Wednesday 13th November, Notts County Unison held a protest at County Hall against the cuts being proposed at Nottinghamshire County Council.

The council reverted to Labour control in May, but this has made little difference to the austerity programme in the county which continues apace.

The ‘Robin Hood’ spirit inspires Nottingham’s prot

Hundreds of local residents expected in Market Square at 2pm for the global 'March Against Monsanto' movement

Notts IWW website launched


Notts IWW has a new website. We will be covering events we are involved in and things we support, plus other relevant news and comment. You may have seen our banner out and about.

Nottinghamshire twinned with Cyprus?


A comparison that encourages anti-austerity solidarity.

Court Solidarity: No Dash for Gas Sentencing


The 21 activists from No Dash for Gas who shut down EDF's West Burton gas fired power station for a week and then fought off EDF's £5 million lawsuit are being sentenced at Nottingham Magistrates Court at 10am on Wednesday 20th March.

Some defendnts face possible prison sentences.

Supporters are invited to come down and show solidarity outside the courtroom from 9.30am.

Update: Sentencing now …

LAON's November Review ofUK Opencast Mine Sites

LAON's 7th Review has information that a decision about the George Farm site is to be made on Monday 3/12. In addition public consultation has started at two new sites, a 10m tonne site Cauldhall in Scotland and a 1.18m tonne site at Deanfield in Yorkshire. In addition the revew has information about an existing site, Blair House in Scotland which has just been left 'mothballed' as Scottish Coal f…

Evidence to Parliamentary Committee Accepted

A submission to a House of Commons Select Committee arguing for a toughening up of rules governing the siting of future opencast mines has been accepted as written evidence. The submission was made by the Loose Anti Opencast  Network  to the Communities and Local Government's Housing, Planning and Growth InquiryA press release below summarises some of the main points as well as providing a link to…

Is so much opencast coal now needed?

Coal operators have 4.75m tonnes of surface mineable coal in their sights in Engl;and, often lying within 500m of where people live. Planning rules for them to get this coal have been relaxed. At the same time, many Power Generating companies are or plan to convert power stations to run on biomass. If this does not make sense to you then read our press release to find out more information

BBC Investigates New Threat to the Counrtyside

The 8th LAON Press release explains why the BBC's Counrtyfile Programme is investigation a Planning Decision which has national implications if it is not altered. The press release gives details of the campains that have been launched to both overturn the decision by means of a judicial review and how to sign a petition to prevent similar applications from succeeding. This decision, if upheld, mea…

New Planning Risk to the English Countryside

The 7th Press Release from the Loose Anti Opencast Network explains why a Planning Inspectors decision on an Opencast Site Planning Application in a remote part of England has implications for all mineral planning applications across the country and not just those 5 pending for opencast coal.

New Health Risks Associated with Opencast Mining

The June Review of Developments affecting Opencast Mining from the Loose Anti Opencast Network provides new evidence that Surface Mine workers in the USA contract 'Black Lung' disease. Secondly it reviews recent developments in Carbon Capture and Storage in the UK and lastly updates what the situation is on prospective and actual opencast sites in England.

English Community Opposition to Opencast Mining

This, the 1st press release from the Loose Anti Opencast Network list 12 sites in England where there has been expressions of interest about opencast for coal on the site. The press release also indicates why this will be a continuing 'itch' in the English planning system as up to 97% of the surface mineable coal in England is located within 500m of where people live. England unlike Scotland or Wa…

Fuel strike

Petrol stations in Nottinghamshire, are running dry following the announcement of a vote for strike action by tanker drivers in the Unite Union.

Protest against Notts County Council budget


On Thursday 23rd February, Nottinghamshire County Council met to debate and vote on its budget for 2012-13. Following from previous years, this will see millions slashed from the budget and further job cuts.

The council meeting began at 10am, while the protest kicked-off at 12.30pm.

Nottingham Indymedia: review of 2011


The past year has been a particularly tumultuous one which has seen the wave of Middle Eastern revolutions, the Libyan war, the August Riots, the indignados and occupy movements, the Eurozone crisis, Hackgate, the continuing militancy of the anti-cuts movement and much more. Nottingham has felt the reverberations of many of these global events, with an Occupy Nottingham camp in the Market Squ…

N30: County Hall pickets report

County Hall is the HQ of Tory-run Nottinghamshire County Council, led by the appropriately named Kay Cutts. As public sector unions took action in defence of their pensions on November 30th, it was just one of the hundreds of picketed building across the country.

N30: What's happening?


Tomorrow (Wednesday November 30th) will see the largest industrial action in the UK for many years, perhaps the biggest since the General Strike of 1926. Inevitably there will be the usual war of words as to the effectiveness of the action, but it is already clear that this will be a significant and disruptive strike locally and nationally.

Nottinghamshire Libdem AGM freeBus,sunday 18thSept


 18th september,8.30am mansfield, 9am nottingham FREE BUS to march in Birmingham against the Liberal democrat party annual general conference, to end the "Condem" Coalition

Nottinghamshire Pride 2011


On Saturday July 30th, Nottingham’s LGBT community and others gathered for Nottinghamshire (no longer merely Nottingham) Pride. This year, the march preceding the main festivities went from Market Square to the Forest Rec.

On the newswire: Nottinghamshire Pride 2011 | Notts Uncut Newsletter – The Pride Edition!

Previous Coverage: Pride 2010 | Pride 2009 | ‘My Big Gay’ LGBT Nottingham phot…

Campaigners celebrate 63rd Birthday of the NHS

Campaigners in Nottinghamshire will celebrate the 63rd birthday of the founding of the National Health Service (NHS) on Tuesday 5th July 2011, by holding protests warning of the threat it faces from the coalition government.

Notts County Council workers strike against cuts


On Thursday 24th February, Unison members at Nottinghamshire County Council were out on strike against £150 million budget cuts. The strike was timed to coincide with the council meeting where the budget was to be set. The union also organised a march across Trent Bridge and a rally in front of County Hall.

Nottinghamshire is the first council in the UK to experience strike action in respon…

Notts County Council strike: rally


On February 24th Nottinghamshire County Council met to set its budget. Unison members at the council were on strike, to coincide with this the union organised a march across Trent Bridge and a rally in front of County Hall.

Notts County Council workers on strike


On Thursday 24 February, Unison members at Nottinghamshire County Council were out on strike against £150 million budget cuts. The strike was timed to coincide with the council meeting where the budget was to be set.

Notts County Council workers to strike

Workers at Nottinghamshire County Council are to strike on Thursday 24th February, following the announcement of a yes vote in the ballot for industrial action.

Wales and Scotland have it - We in England Do Not

MOPG's latest  Press Release emphasises a different aspect of the argument as to why Communities in England should benefit from a 500m Buffer Zone Law. It shows how many areas of England could be prone to opencast mining because local communities, unlike those in Scotland and Wales do not benefit from having a 500m Buffer Zone policy in operation.

Notts Cuts Watch #12

New year, new cuts. After an unplanned two week break, Notts Cuts Watch is back with a rundown of the cuts and resistance in Nottinghamshire since Christmas. As ever this is probably an incomplete list and draws heavily on reporting in the local media.

Pay particular attention to the upcoming events, of which there are many, not the least of which is the Combating the Cuts event next Saturday.

There are 43 potential New English Opencast Sites

A group in Leicestershire has produced evidence about the current and possible future locations for opencast coal mining.in England. In all it identifies 23 Current sites and 43 potential sites.The evidence is in the form of a two part review and it has been produced to support the arguments for the 500 Metre Buffer Zone Bill which gets its 2nd Reading in the House of Commons on 11/2/11.

Notts Cuts Watch #11

Even as Christmas approached, the cutting of public services in Nottinghamshire continued. The festivities have taken the sails out of the resistance to these attacks, but I'm sure it will be back with a vengeance in the new year. (On which note, make sure you put the Combating the Cuts event on January 15th in your diary.) Until then, why not spend some of the post-Christmas lull reading up on ex…

Cuts Watch #10

Even with Christmas only just over the horizon, the cuts have continued over the last week, with the announcement of the funding settlement for local councils hitting Nottingham particularly hard. Even Cuts Watch has been cutback, this week's edition arriving late and in a slimmed down version. "Normal" service may or may not resume after the holiday period.