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Optimizing your Photo for your Dog's Record

Add a photo to your dog's recordThere are several steps you can take to optimize the photo of your dog you submit to the website. Photos submitted to the OFA site must be:

If photos are submitted at incorrect dimensions or are too large in memory, they will be rejected.

This page will also provide tips to showcase your dog well on the OFA site.

Size and format

Your photo needs to be 250 pixels or less in dimension. For landscape photos that would be 250 pixels wide. For portrait photos that would be 250 pixels tall.

Photo sample showing size

Resizing of photos can be done in many programs. Some digital cameras come with resizing software. Microsoft products all come with a program called Paint which can resize photos. Photoshop LE, Photoshop, etc. can also be used.

If photos are sized to these dimensions they will usually fall below 200k in memory size.

Jpgs can be saved at medium resolution and still look crisp and clear on the computer screen.

In general, *.jpg or *.png are the best formats for photos. *.gif files will have a grainy appearance.

Choosing a good photo layout

Obviously as an owner you want your dog to look its best on the OFA website. Choose a clear, focused, crisp photograph with lots of contrast. If possible, use your photo manipulation software or scanner to crop directly to the dog.

Example of good cropping on a photo

If you do not crop to the dog, he may be lost in the background. If you crop tight to the dog, he will be highlighted!

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