Morris Animal Foundation News
Bowie hemangiosarcoma

Bowie, the dancing dog, faces cancer with loving support from his owner

This past November, Laurie Sullivan and her golden retriever Bowie performed in a freestyle dance event at the World Canine Freestyle Organization North American Nationals. It wasn’t their first time competing there, and it probably wasn’t their most polished performance. However, for Laurie, it was one of the happiest moments of her life.

March 15, 2016

San Diego K9 Cancer Walk 2016

Thank you, San Diego K9 Cancer Walkers!

When Albert Hammond penned his famous song “It Never Rains in Southern California” back in 1972, he probably couldn’t imagine the torrential rains that fell on San Diego this past Sunday, March 6, at the 2016 San Diego K9 Cancer Walk. But the wet weather didn’t stop nearly 500 intrepid walkers from participating in another successful event.

March 10, 2016


Stopping interspecies spread of tuberculosis

In the United Kingdom, an ongoing and growing outbreak of tuberculosis in cows has public health officials worried. Cows can spread the disease to humans through dairy products, and in some cases, direct contact. Badgers are known carriers of Mycobacterium bovis (the bacteria that causes tuberculosis in cattle) and are suspected to be major players in spreading disease in the current outbreak.

March 8, 2016