Let’s lift elevator etiquette

Let’s lift elevator etiquette
WHAT is there to love about standing in a lift — a tiny space surrounded by people who have no appreciation of personal space or hygiene?

Saving babies is one legacy of Abbott nobody can jab at

Saving babies is one legacy of Abbott nobody can jab at
FORMER prime minister Tony Abbott has left at least one lasting legacy — he is the man who saved hundreds, possibly thousands, of young lives thanks to his No Jab, No Pay law.

Raving radicalism and thugs mug democracy

Raving radicalism and thugs mug democracy
THE nation was treated to a marathon display of democracy in action last week and an equally unedifying glimpse of the opposite — totalitarianism.

Tax not adding up for ScoMo

Tax not adding up for ScoMo
BILLIONAIRE Oprah Winfrey once wrote a self-help book called What I Know For Sure. Here’s what everyone in politics knows for sure about Scott Morrison.

Shades of revolution in wanton destruction

Shades of revolution in wanton destruction
WE saw the true colours of Safe School activists on Friday when they burst into Senator Cory Bernardi’s Adelaide electorate office.

Kids need a parent — not a friend

Teenagers are genetically programmed to reject their parents’ lifestyle and do the exact opposite of Mum and Dad. They must believe you are a super-dag, even if you are Madonna.

A parent’s cheat sheet to surviving primary school

Go to the evening talks with the experts and read the school newsletter, but here’s a few words of wisdom for surviving primary school — learned via trial, error and more error.

Kids need a parent — not a friend

Kids need a parent — not a friend
Teenagers are genetically programmed to reject their parents’ lifestyle and do the exact opposite of Mum and Dad. They must believe you are a super-dag, even if you are Madonna.

A parent’s cheat sheet to surviving primary school

A parent’s cheat sheet to surviving primary school
Go to the evening talks with the experts and read the school newsletter, but here’s a few words of wisdom for surviving primary school — learned via trial, error and more error.

Pork chops and pyjamas

Pork chops and pyjamas
WHEN Nick Xenophon dispatched a staffer from Parliament House on a pyjama-buying errand to an all-night Canberra Kmart at 1am yesterday, he showed his usual flare for publicity.

Killing off words will be the death of us

Killing off words will be the death of us
If we say a comedian “slayed them in the aisles” are we making light of the terrorist atrocity in Paris? If a spurned lover says of an ex “He’s dead to me!” is she encouraging domestic violence?

Not being friends with everyone isn’t bullying. It’s life

Not being friends with everyone isn’t bullying. It’s life
We’ve become so hyper-vigilant against bullies that every playground disagreement, or failure to be invited to a party, is now perceived as evidence of “bullying”.

From bicameral house to Animal House

From bicameral house to Animal House
WHAT cerebral malignancy today’s Senate session may bring is anyone’s guess, considering they have been up most of the night, says Simon Benson.

Privacy is not just a piece of Pearce

Privacy is not just a piece of Pearce
THE now infamous video in which Mitchell Pearce can be seen simulating sex with a dog might end up being the cause of new privacy laws in NSW.

Baird fiddles as ICAC burns some good people

Baird fiddles as ICAC burns some good people
ICAC, unions, hospitals, soft sentencing, child abuse, Donald Trump, David Klemmer. Just some of the people and issues that have Ray Hadley talking.

Being two hours late is plain rude. Even for Madonna

Being two hours late is plain rude. Even for Madonna
Fans of Madonna have waited over two decades to see her strut her stuff live in concert and as payment for their patience she’s yet to make it on stage less than two hours late.

Some protesters need to be punished

Some protesters need to be punished
THIS week, parliament is debating legislation that will ensure activists who turn up to mine sites to break the law will face tougher penalties.

Christians banned for simply being Christian

Christians banned for simply being Christian
WHY shouldn’t an evangelical Christian group expect its members and ­leaders to hold to the most basic tenets of historical Christianity?

Celebrities shouldn’t have to tell us how to raise kids

Celebrities shouldn’t have to tell us how to raise kids
Parents are reluctant to rule the roost for fear of being unpopular to the point we need a celebrity chef to give us permission to do something which should be common sense.

Same-sex plebiscite report must be called to account

Same-sex plebiscite report must be called to account
THE PwC report on the economic cost of the government’s promised same-sex marriage plebiscite is a transparently dishonest, says Miranda Devine.

Foley dumping deputy Daley was a dog act

Foley dumping deputy Daley was a dog act
LUKE Foley’s dumping of his deputy went against the longstanding political convention that a deputy gets to choose their own portfolio, says Andrew Clennell.

Watch out for the bully on the bedside table

Watch out for the bully on the bedside table
FOR children born into a web-­enabled world, the bully can’t be shut out at their front gate. The bully comes right into their houses, says Kellie Sloane.

Coward-punch victim’s sister slams lockouts

Coward-punch victim’s sister slams lockouts
COWARD-punch victim Michael McEwen’s sister says the state government needs “another solution” than lockouts to stem ­alcohol-related violence.

Bracket creep is killing middle Australia

Bracket creep is killing middle Australia
WHILE the tax debate has fixated on particular taxes, we’ve lost sight of what it means for individual Australians, their families and the next generation.

Lighten up lefties and get a sense of humour

Lighten up lefties and get a sense of humour
THE offenderati are always bagging me and trying to censor my work but, Mahatma Gandhi-style, I want to reach out and help my enemies, says Mark Latham.

Unholy alliance: Church and GetUp! a bizarre mix

Unholy alliance: Church and GetUp! a bizarre mix
THE irony of this new partnership on refugees is most Christian churches would ordinarily find themselves in the firing line of GetUp!, says Caroline Marcus.

Donald Trump supercharged by super idiots

Donald Trump supercharged by super idiots
A DONALD Trump US presidency now looms as increasingly likely. Should he succeed, he will have his enemies to thank, says Tim Blair.

There are fashion crimes, and then there are crimes against decency

There are fashion crimes, and then there are crimes against decency
IT was a sight for sore eyes — or a sight to give you sore eyes.

D-Day for PM to save face

D-Day for PM to save face
MALCOLM Turnbull has left himself no choice. If he does not now call a double dissolution election for July 2, he might as well have the letters W-I-M-P stamped across his forehead.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s history lesson

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s history lesson
AS if anyone needed reminding of the shambolic Gillard-Rudd epoch, the Turnbull government is doing a good job at that of late, says Simon Benson.

Turnbull still all bravado and little action

Turnbull still all bravado and little action
AN early election, immigration, Peta Credlin, Nick Kaldas, the Parramatta Eels, Sharpova. Just some of the people and issues that have Ray Hadley talking.

The Jon English I knew was a true superstar

The Jon English I knew was a true superstar
AS an entertainment reporter, you meet many greats of stage and screen. Few celebs shone brighter than Jon English, says his friend Craig Bennett.