- published: 08 Jul 2015
- views: 2110
Saint Benno of Meissen (1010 – 16 June 1106) was a Bishop of Meissen in Germany. Little is known of Benno's early life. It is unlikely that he was the scion of a Saxon noble family, the Woldenburgs.[citation needed]It is also unlikely that in his youth he entered and was educated at the monastery of St. Michael in Hildesheim despite the claims of later hagiographers.
More likely, Benno was a canon of Goslar. In 1066 was nominated by the Emperor Henry IV to the see of Meissen, and appears as a supporter of the Saxon insurrection of 1073, though Lambert of Hersfeld and other contemporary authorities attribute little weight to his share in it.
Henry IV imprisoned Benno, however, but released him in 1078 on his taking an oath of fidelity, which he did not keep. He appeared again in the ranks of the king's enemies, and was accordingly deprived of his bishopric by the Synod of Mainz in 1085. Benno betook himself to Guibert, the antipope supported by Henry as Antipope Clement III, and by a penitent acknowledgment of his offenses obtained from him both absolution and a letter of commendation to Henry, on the basis of which he was restored to his see.
Benjamin "Benno" Fürmann (born 17 January 1972) is a German film and television actor.
Fürmann was born in Berlin-Kreuzberg. By the age of 15 he had lost both his parents. At 17, he had a serious accident while train surfing, and had to spend six weeks in the hospital as a result. Fürmann left school after his Mittlere Reife and after that worked as a waiter and a bouncer. In 1991 he went to New York and studied acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute.
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Benno Fürmann
Kino | "Der blinde Fleck" - Interview mit Schauspieler Benno Fürmann | SWR Kunscht!
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