Why this is Paradise for kids

ONE of Australia’s best loved family holiday destinations still passes the kid test, in thrilling new ways.

Take a break Wish you were there? Now you can be

Wish you were there? Now you can be

IN desperate need of a mini-break? You can dive into Australia’s most stunning coastal and aquatic locations right now - and it won’t cost you a cent.

Chinese visitors Fears for China’s $8bn tourist boom

Fears for China’s $8bn tourist boom

TOURISM operators are warned the flood of Chinese visitors spending up to $8 billion annually will only last as long as China’s government wants.

Survey World’s best airports revealed

World’s best airports revealed

FIND out which international destinations you should book a flight to — and which city is home to Australia’s best airport.

Visitor boom Queensland smashes the great barrier

Queensland smashes the great barrier

QUEENSLAND has just smashed its way through a long-term barrier for the first time ever.

’I never expected this in a hotel’

Luxury stays ’I never expected this in a hotel’

Hotels try out hot new things all the time but avid traveller Melissa Hoyer never thought a bowling alley would star in London’s coolest hotel.

10 drinks travellers must try

Cheers 10 drinks travellers must try

NOTHING says holiday like kicking back with a cocktail or quenching your thirst at a street stall. Here are 10 drinks worth travelling for.