Hey, dude, where’s our nukes?

Hey, dude, where’s our nukes?

THEY have the launch keys to the most destructive weapons known to man. So, it's probably a good idea if they’re not stoned.

Drilling into dinosaur ‘ground zero’

Drilling into dinosaur ‘ground zero’

IT’S the single most dramatic event in history: When an asteroid slammed into Mexico 66 million years ago, triggering a mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs. Now scientists want to find it.

Regret demoting Pluto now?

Regret demoting Pluto now?

PLUTO was demoted to a dwarf planet years ago, but new NASA shots show a complexity not seen on any other planet but Earth.

How to milk Telstra’s free data day

How to milk Telstra’s free data day

FOR the second time in a few weeks Telstra is giving away data for a day. Here are tips on what you need to do to make the most of the free frenzy.

Should Donald Trump be worried?

Should Donald Trump be worried?

WHEN Anonymous declared war on Trump, they meant it. Members of the hacking collective claim to have leaked some concerning information.

What to expect from the new iPhone

What to expect from the new iPhone

APPLE is holding a live event Monday and rumours are swirling about updates to its flagship phone model, Apple Watch and other revamped offerings.

Mercedes’ unprecedented ‘ballsy’ move

Mercedes’ unprecedented ‘ballsy’ move

IN THE lead up to the Australian Grand Prix, Mercedes implemented a new strategy it believes will give them the competitive edge.

NBN File Photos

Could this technology save the NBN?

THE National Broadband Network has been under attack from all sides lately, but a new technology set to be trialled next month has execs excited.